Leaked NYT Style Guide Reveals Biased Reporting on Palestine-Israel Conflict

by John Miles via sputnikglobe

A leaked memo reveals the depth of the controversial newspaper’s anti-Palestinian bias.

A shocking internal style guide from The New York Times was leakedthis week, revealing the depth of the controversial newspaper’s bias regarding the Palestine-Israel conflict.

“I’ve closely monitored the paper’s slanted coverage for more than a decade, and I admit to being stunned by this,” wrote Mondoweiss editor James North. “Arguably the worst example of bias is the Times’s directive that its reports should ‘avoid’ using the phrase ‘occupied territory’ when describing Palestinian land.”

“Israel’s military and police checkpoints and the fact that Israel’s military law is supreme – what is this if not an ‘occupation?’” wrote North of the situation in the occupied West Bank, clarifying that Israel’s years-long blockade of the Gaza Strip has been deemed by international legal experts to constitute an occupation as well.

“Occupied territories is the internationally accepted reference to the space,” noted host Wilmer Leon on Sputnik’s The Critical Hour program Thursday. “I think it’s important for people to also understand that the ability to define is the ability to control.”

“I think that’s very true,” agreed Palestinian activist and author Robert Fantina [author of “Desertion and the American Soldier, 2006, Algora Publishing]. “The New York Times has for years been trying to define the occupation as something else. Sometimes they call it ‘disputed territory’ or other kinds of language… The United Nations has said it’s still considered occupied. So there’s no question about it, the legal term is ‘occupation.’”

UN officials have long criticized Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians, which has led Tel Aviv to frequently criticize the organization, even though the country owes its creation to a 1948 act of the international body. Recently the Israeli government alleged that several members of UNRWA, the UN organization responsible for aid to Palestinian refugees, were involved in Hamas’ October 7 uprising last year.

US intelligence found no evidence for the claim, and it later emerged the Israeli military had tortured UNRWA employees to extract false confessions, waterboarding the aid workers and threatening them with rape and murder. Israeli torture of detainees is reportedly a routine practice as the country holds thousands of Palestinians without charge.

“Even the United States government accepts [Palestine is] occupied, and that’s saying something,” noted Fantina. “So the fact that The New York Times is trying to avoid using ‘occupation’ and deceive its readers is an attempt to control the narrative. It’s about control… and that’s what they want to do, control the narrative in Israel’s favor.”

“There are international laws governing occupation,” he added. “For the occupied, they have the right – the legal right – to resist the occupation in any way at their disposal, including armed struggle. That is specified.”

“Fortunately, people aren’t buying it anymore because of the prevalence of social media and people seeing what’s actually happening. And the prevalence of independent news sources. They’re seeing that, yes, Palestinian people are being massacred in huge numbers – men, women, and children.”

Discussion then turned towards the leak of several US State Department cables that revealed the Biden White House, despite publicly declaring its support for a so-called two-state solution, has undermined efforts towards that end at the United Nations. The leaks revealed Washington was privately lobbying foreign countries to vote against full recognition of Palestine at the international body in order to avoid the embarrassment of a lone veto against the measure.

“[Biden] believes, as a Zionist, in this myth of God-given land to the Jewish people or whatever,” noted Fantina. “Yet then he says he supports a two-state solution, which would deprive the Israelis of a good portion of land. So he can’t be seen as an honest broker between the two.”

“He can’t be seen as anyone with the rights of the Palestinians in his mind. He only cares about the Israelis, and the Palestinians can all be killed as he’s supporting now, as he’s financing. And it doesn’t matter to him as long as Israel gets whatever it wants.”

Despite its constant violation of international law, Israel frequently manages to intimidate its critics into silence through extensive lobbying and influence in Western politics. Jewish scholar Norman Finkelstein documented the settler colonial country’s efforts in a book entitled “The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering.”

“After the Holocaust, Jews can do whatever they want,” claimed former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, summing up the mindset of Israel’s defenders.

In fact, many Jewish people reject any association with the Zionist cause, decrying the country’s abuses. The Zionist lobby has persecuted Jewish and non-Jewish critics of Israel alike; in 2007 Finkelstein was denied tenure and forced out of his position at DePaul University after a campaign against him by pro-Israel lawyer Alan Dershowitz.

“You’ll Own Nothing and Be Happy”, NO – Be a Slob

Via InternationalMan.com,

International Man: According to a recent study by Investopedia, the classic middle-class American Dream now costs over $3.4 million.

That’s the estimated lifetime cost of marriage, two children, cars, homes, healthcare, education, and retirement. It’s now entirely out of reach for many Americans.

What do you make of this? How did this happen?

Doug Casey: The fact is, despite the fact that his standard of living has been slipping over the past 50 years, the average American today lives much better and longer than a king during pre-industrial times. There were never any guarantees that Americans would live in the lap of luxury for their entire lives.

We got to this high standard of living for two reasons. One, people tended to produce more than they consumed and saved the difference. And two, technology has been improving at almost the rate of Moore’s law for the last 200 years.

However, there’s no guarantee that either of these fonts of progress will continue, especially since savings are being wiped out by the destruction of the dollar. A lack of savings means there won’t be a capital pool to finance further advances in technology.

But there are other serious things at work, termites eating away at the foundations of civilization. It’s become customary for Americans to think that it’s okay for some people to live their entire lives without producing at all and to live at the expense of others. A lot of the country is on welfare. And many more are buried in consumer debt, which means they’re either living off the capital others have saved in the past, or they’re mortgaging their own futures.

On top of that, since about 1980, the main export of the US hasn’t been Boeings or soybeans; it’s been dollars. Foreigners have accepted those paper dollars in exchange for real wealth. They’re really just another form of debt. At some point—soon—they’ll repatriate them in exchange for titles to land and companies.

Capital is also being destroyed by the constant wars that the US fights against trivial countries on the other side of the world.

The fact is that our institutions, from corporations to academia to government, have become corrupt, ineffectual, and bloated. The Second Law of Thermodynamics tells us that, in the physical world, things inevitably degenerate over time. That’s also true in the world of human action. In general, as any institution gets old, it winds down. That’s true of the US, and it’s apparent to everyone—at least anyone outside of the Washington Beltway.

International Man: As the American middle class continues to shrink, it seems the “New American Dream” is to merely get by and make ends meet.

People will have to rent instead of own. They may not be able to afford kids, pets, ribeye steaks, or retirement. They’ll have to take on a lot more debt.

The “New American Dream” looks more like the WEF’s “you’ll own nothing and be happy.”

What’s your take?

Doug Casey: It’s rather shocking that in a traditionally middle-class society like the US, that the “one percenters”—typically those wired to the State and major corporations—now own about one-third of the total wealth.

What’s even more shocking is that the bottom half of society only owns 2% of the country’s wealth. That kind of an imbalance makes for instability. No wonder it’s said that the average guy can’t lay his hands on even $500 cash if there’s an emergency. No wonder a criminal like Klaus Schwab can promote his “You’ll own nothing and be happy” meme and not be hung from a lamp pole— a lot of people now feel they’d be better off in that kind of world.

Increasingly, the wealth of the country is owned by corporations and their top management. It used to be said that “What’s good for General Motors is good for America.” I used to believe that because General Motors actually created cars, and that was good. But we’ve devolved. GM and other major corporations have become defacto arms of the State. Taxes, staggering regulations, subsidies, and bailouts have destroyed free-market capitalism.

The capitalist system in the US is long gone. We’ve devolved into classical Mussolini-style fascism, which is to say, State corporatism, where corporations and the State work hand-in-glove.

It’s euphemistically called a public-private “partnership.” The people in government and the people in top corporate levels scratch each other’s backs and reinforce each other’s positions. They feed each other power and money. This makes for a highly politicized society, where connections, not production, are what count.

For instance, in the last election, $14 billion was spent on campaign spending to get the hoi polloi to vote for one party or another. But only a fifth of that money came from small donors—the rest from the wealthy and corporations. Of course, the rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer as our highly politicized society degenerates.

International Man: Many people look back on how they viewed the future and how it was portrayed in movies. Many thought we would have flying cars by now, among other futuristic luxuries.

Instead, we have a declining standard of living, and people look back on the good old days.

Where do you think this trend is headed?

Doug Casey: We’re heading in the wrong direction at an accelerating rate because there’s been a breakdown of moral fiber in society. People, in general, no longer understand what’s right and what’s wrong—or what’s good and what’s evil. They’re taking less responsibility for their individual lives and what happens around them.

We’ve gone from a high-trust society, where you didn’t need to lock your car or your front door, to a low-trust society, where everybody is constantly observed, and security is of critical importance.

At the same time, the country has generally gone from having low time preferences and being future-oriented to high time preferences; “I want it all, and I want it now.” They’re not as future-oriented as they once were.

Going back to the question of moral fiber breakdown, the economic observer Thorstein Veblen coined the phrase “conspicuous consumption.” People wanted to show off expensive cars and clothes to advertise to other people that they were more successful. But now, because of all the debt in society, anyone can have a nice car. And nobody even cares about nice clothes anymore; everybody wears the equivalent of T-shirts and jeans.

The trend setters have moved from owning and displaying frivolous goods to displaying frivolous ideas—like Wokeism. Everybody is adopting those ideas, to show that they’re hip, in-the-know, and part of the cognoscenti. In the past, adopting the conspicuous consumption lifestyles of their betters would only make them poor. Adopting these degenerate ideas makes them stupid and immoral—which is much worse.

International Man: What advice do you have for struggling middle-class people who are about to be kicked down to the lower class?

Doug Casey: First and most important, don’t go to college unless you need a STEM degree—Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math.

Going to college today does nothing but misallocate four critically important years of your life, permanently indebt you, and corrupt your mind with the idiotic ideas that Marxist professors and administrations cram down students’ throats. Educate yourself. Read constantly.

Next, work to become self-employed, not to “get a job.” You don’t want to rely on a job that somebody else gives you. And save your money—but don’t save in fiat dollars. Save in gold. When you have sufficient savings, learn to speculate and invest.

International Man: As you’ve noted, The Greater Depression is a period in which there will be a significant decline in the general standard of living.

Is there any way to make lemonade out of these lemons?

Doug Casey: We’re well into what I’ve long called The Greater Depression. But I’d point out that most of the real wealth in the world will still exist – it’s just going to be owned by different people.

The opportunity will exist for nimble entrepreneurs and speculators to do well, even as most people’s standard of living drops. But the big question is: For how long will the societal trend that we’re now on continue going down?

When Rome collapsed over a period of several hundred years, living well and peaceably got harder and harder as Europe entered the Dark Ages. Even if you had a lot of money, it really didn’t do you that much good. That’s why it’s important to preserve what’s left of the idea of America.

Less Than One Third Of US Men Enjoy Reading

It’s National Libraries Week in the United States and to mark it we’re looking at readership patterns around the world. [category cultural/ideological divide

As Anna Fleck shows, based on data from Statista’s Consumer Insights survey shows, women were more likely to say that reading is one of their personal hobbies than men in all of the selected countries.

You will find more infographics at Statista

The gender gap was widest in Germany, with a 20 percentage point difference, followed by Spain and Italy (with 19 p.p. difference each).

Spain (58 percent) had the highest share of female readers who considered it one of their personal hobbies of the surveyed countries included in this chart, while Mexico had the highest share of men who said the same (41 percent).

In the United States, 44 percent of women said reading was one of their main pastimes versus 30 percent of men. When looking at the U.S. adult surveyed population with both genders combined, the share of people selecting reading in response to this question increased with age (30 percent of 18-19 year olds, 32 percent 20-29 year olds, 36 percent 30-39 year olds, 38 percent for 40-49 year olds, 41 percent 50-59 year olds, 44 percent 60-64 year olds).

High Jewish IQ Debunked

Is the Jews’ alleged superior IQ a tested, proven fact?

No, rather it’s an urban legend constantly repeated without any verification.

Watch the video hereafter.

What’s interesting is that the author of this video is willing to accept any result, including that of an average IQ of 110 for Ashkenazim. He explains that this result was obtained through studies biased by the choice of samples that were not representative of the entire target population.
Final result:
– ashkenazim: about 94 – 96
– sephardim: 85 – 92

He says: “They are over-represented in the film industry, in the media, in politics, sociology and so on.” Add speculators, so-called philanthropists (in fact, investors) etc.
But is it necessary to have a high IQ to succeed in these fields?

The author provides some clues as to the reasons for this over-representation.
His conclusion is interesting and reasonable: “Is it normal and democratic for any 2% minority in the US to be so disproportionately overrepresented? Is there not a risk of favoritism towards their own kind?”
High Jewish IQ Debunked [if the presentation is too fast you can lower the speed of the payer – click on 1x and select 1.25x].

The Iranian Attack on Israel What You Need to Know

by Gilbert Doctorow via gilbertdoctorow.com

Iran’s weekend massive drone, cruise missile and ballistic missile attack on Israel has now been covered in the global media, with the headlines announcing that 99% of the barrage was shot down by Israeli, U.S. and other friendly air defense systems. The question these media pose is what will be the Israeli response, as if that were a matter strictly to be decided by Prime Minister Netanyahu’s cabinet.

In fairness, I note that The Financial Times has also published a front page article setting out what it considers to be the Iranian perspective on the attack, namely that it was successful insofar as it demonstrated their country is not shying away from direct military confrontation with Israel and is confidently prepared to prosecute a full scale war if it comes to that. See “We’re crazier than you realize”: Iran delivers its message with attack on Israel. Tehran believes calibrated missile and drone barrage is enough to restore deterrent and bolster image.”

However, the Iranian position is much more nuanced and contains far greater threat not only to Israel but also to the entire United States presence in the region than the FTsuggests. I say this on the basis of an analysis provided on last night’s edition of the Vladimir Solovyov talk show on Russian state television by a regular panelist, Semyon Arkadievich Bagdasarov, who is a leading Russian specialist on the region.

For those who wish to see and hear Bagdasarov’s 14 minutes on air in the original Russian, the link is

https://all-make.su/22174-vecher-s-solovyovym-14-04-2024/ minutes: 27 – 41.

In what follows I offer a brief biographical sketch of Bagdasarov so that the seriousness of his remarks can be better appreciated. Then I will summarize what he said on air.

Aged 69, Bagdasarov was born in Central Asia in the Ferghana Valley, which passes through Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Accordingly, he has the proper birthright to his position since 2014 as director of the think tank called the Center for the Study of the Countries of the Near East and Central Asia. However, Bagdasarov reached this academic plateau after passing through a succession of military and civilian government posts, including the 5 years starting in 2007 as a Duma member from the ‘For a Just Russia opposition party of Sergei Mironov, which might be described as slightly to the Left of the ruling United Russia party.

Bagdasarov’s professional education was in a military academy and he ultimately retired with the rank of colonel. He then moved into government service first at the regional level and then as an expert to the Duma, to which, as I said above, he was later elected.

In line with what the FT article has said, Bagdasarov calls the Iranian attack on Israel a limited strike intended as a warning, but also yielding both specific tactical and strategic results.

On the tactical side, the swarming of drones was intended to activate the Iron Dome and other levels of Israeli air defense and to reveal the location of their component parts as well as to deplete the Israeli stock of relevant missiles.

Per Bagdasarov, Israeli claims to have shot down 99% of the incoming barrage should be taken with a grain of salt. The Iranians’ key targets in the attack were the Israeli air force base in the south of the country from which the Israeli strike on Iran’s consulate in Damascus was launched two weeks ago and a military intelligence compound which had prepared that deadly strike. The actual extent of damage from Iranian missiles remains to be evaluated.

Bagdasarov explains that the Iranian attack was ‘limited’ because it consisted of rather slow moving drones and of missiles with small warheads. These were not Iran’s most advanced and lethal attack materiel, which has been held in reserve for any possible Round Two.

How many drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles does Iran have? Bagdasarov says no one knows exactly but it may well be 10,000 or more and includes several hundred highly advanced missiles which also have multiple warheads and so are very difficult to defend against. Over the past 20 years, Iran has bet its defense budget on missiles and drones, and it has a large-scale serial production of both. Meanwhile, Iran’s regional allies also have large stocks of these weapons, some of which are also fairly sophisticated. In particular, Hizbollah in Lebanon may have 1500 high quality missiles in its arsenal.

At the strategic level, Iran demonstrated its ability to coordinate a missile and drone attack on Israel with its regional proxies so as to maximize the threat coming from all directions.

Iran used the attack to achieve a political and military objective that has long eluded it. Teheran has now issued threats against Persian Gulf states to bomb any and all that allow the Americans to use their air space or otherwise facilitate Israel’s possible revenge attack on Iran from their territories. These states all fear a war and have now agreed to Iran’s demand. In effect, this negates decades of U.S. unchallenged domination in the Gulf.

Iran has specifically threatened the U.S. regional command in Qatar and the base of the 5th fleet in Bahrain.

The latter point is reflected in Biden’s latest urging restraint on Israel. Washington has understood that its forces in the region are now hostage to whatever Netanyahu may do against Iran as follow-up to this weekend’s barrage.

Furthermore, at the threat level, Iran has a still unused but clearly visible ace in the hole: its ability at will to blockade the Straits of Hormuz and thereby cut off nearly all export shipments of gas and oil from the region. The Straits are just 50 km wide and are easily controlled by Iran’s anti-ship missiles ashore. Such a closure would create havoc on global energy markets. We were reminded of Iran’s dominant position there several days ago when they captured a container ship owned by an Israeli millionaire which was traveling through and directed it to their own coast.

And what about Israel’s alleged plans to attack Iran’s nuclear installations? Bagdasarov insists that this is an impossible objective. Firstly, because the Iranian nuclear program is distributed among 200 centers spread across the vast country and many of these locations are in desert areas buried under 40 meters of sand. The Israelis might only destroy a couple of the best known nuclear centers. Secondly, because to reach their targets in Iran, the Israeli jets would require in-air refueling by American tankers, and it is scarcely credible that Biden will give his consent considering how the U.S. regional bases are under threat.

Iran fired this time only on military objects, but if they use not 300 but 10,000 missiles and drones then Israel will be obliterated. Hizbollah alone have 1,500 advanced missiles. Iran surely has real missiles and drones that are still more powerful. No one knows exactly how many. Over the past 20 years Iran placed its bets on drones and missiles. In the assortment, they have some very sophisticated multi warhead missiles that are unstoppable.

Later in the program (at 1 hour 36 minutes) a military commentator who is a frequent panelist on the Solovyov show, Lt General (retired), Yevgeny Buzhinsky, head of the Center of Applied Military Research of Moscow State University, seconded the estimation of Bagdasarov that this was just a warning, a PR exercise by Iran. As for the shoot-down, he noted that with its S400 and other systems Russia has probably the best air defense in the world, and yet they strain to reach the 99% interception that Israel has blithely claimed.

As host Vladimir Solovyov commented at the opening of the program, the principal fact is that the Iranians did it. They spat on the U.S. and its allies, and they just did what they believed was necessary. In consequence the world ‘built on rules’ counts for nothing.

500 Years of Western Hypocrisy Exposed

Cameron wins the hypocrisy contest, blaming Iran for retaliation strikes on Israel

The British foreign secretary David Cameron, who served as the UK’s prime minister from 2010 to 2016, continues to set records in hypocrisy. Pressed by the reporters to clarify his position on the conflict between Iran and Israel in the context of his hawkish stance on Ukraine, Cameron simply refused to face facts which did not fit his agenda.

Pressed on Monday on LBC radio to assess the deadly Israeli strike on April 1 against the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Cameron said: “It is a matter for Israel. We have not made a comment on it. Can I understand Israel’s frustration with Iran? Yes. Absolutely I can. I am not getting into what Israel has or has not done.”

Russia’s envoy to the UN Vassily Nebenzya on the same day blasted the UK and the US for hypocrisy, putting part of the blame for Iran’s attack on the failure of the UN Security Council to condemn by a consensus Israel’s strike.

“If a Western diplomatic representation had been hit, you [the US, the UK and France] would have immediately rained down reprisals,” Nebenzya said. “And you would have argued in this very chamber that you had the right to do it.”

A few days ago, Cameron refused to condemn Ukrainian drone and missile strikes on Russian territory, even though the US officially urged Zelensky’s regime not to hit the internationally-recognized Russian territory and spare oil facilities. But Cameron defended “Ukraine’s right to hit Russian energy targets.”

While British jet fighters actively participated in the defense of Israel’s territory and Cameron called for “peace” there, for Ukraine he only had military solutions — more war, but without any risk for NATO troops. He said Ukrainians needed not Western pilots, but “more anti-aircraft systems to be given by us.”

via Sputnik

He was in Gaza and spoke up!

Bishop Mari Emmanuel was stabbed live in Wakeley, Sydney while delivering his sermon.

Bishop Mari Emmanuel was preaching at Christ The Good Shepherd Church in Wakeley in Sydney’s west on Monday just after 7pm when a man dressed in black walked up to the altar and allegedly stabbed him multiple times.

How to Understand Iran’s Bombing of Israel

Let’s see if I have this right:

  1. On April 1 Israel bombed the Iranian embassy in Syria, killing two Iranian generals. (This would be the second embassy bombed by Israel. The first was the British embassy in Rome in 1946 by Irgun.)

  2. Iran vowed to retaliate, taking its time. It spent the next two weeks in a huddle with Russia and China figuring out an appropriate response which would not result in expanding the conflict in the Middle East, something Israel clearly wants.

Iran, Russia, and China have a “partnership”; they have carried out extensive military drills and operations in support of this partnership.

  1. On April 14, having already warned the US of what it intended to do, Iran launched a barrage of drones toward Israel, followed by two more waves of missiles.

  2. With the aid of the US, France, and UK, Israel was able to shoot down most of the drones, spending about a billion dollars worth of arms in the process of shooting down obsolete cheap Iranian armament.

  3. Iran was also able to do damage to the two military bases from where the attack on the Iranian embassy originated. Military personnel was evacuated, but damage to the bases was sustained. The extent of the damage is contested by the two sides.

  4. Iran declared that the incident was closed so far as they were concerned.

  5. Israel vowed to retaliate, but a phone call from Biden put a stop to that…for who knows how long.

The way I read this is that

  1. Israel failed to goad Iran into escalating the Gaza war into a larger regional conflict.

  2. Iran was able to deplete Israel’s expensive anti-missile ordonance.

  3. Iran was able to demonstrate the precision and effectiveness of the strikes it actually meant to complete.

  4. Iran was able to show that despite advanced warning, Israel would have been unable to shoot down all the drones without help form US, UK, and France, which shot down about half the drones.

  5. Iran was able to show that it could act intelligently, rationally, and that it too was backed by powerful friends.

  6. The operation was carried out in a way that allowed both sides to save face, which is a tricky tactical feat.

  7. Hamas has already shown that the IDF is a crap army good mostly at shooting down women and children.

  8. Now Iran has shown that without outside help, Israel is a paper tiger with nuclear weapons.

Have I missed anything?

Posted by: JAB

On the Origins and Mechanism of Jewish Power

by Eric Straiker via littoria

The academic world has been buzzing with arguments seeking to explain the origins and mechanism of Jewish power in the modern West. The question is rife with landmines and one side of the debate is heavily stifled.

One theory gaining traction, promoted by figures such as Richard Hanania and Cambridge lecturer Nathan Cofnas, is that the massive overrepresentation of the Ashkenazi Jewish population derives from their genetic superiority to whites in the area of intellect. This theory has been proliferated through Jewish-owned publications of great import, such as the New York Times, which published a piece titled “The Secrets of Jewish Genius” by Zionist author Bret Stephens. The paper later apologized for promoting what is effectively racial science to its angry liberal audience, but the article has yet to be fully retracted.

The Ashkenazi IQ hypothesis has been reduced to conjecture on one front by Dr. Kevin MacDonald, whose evolutionary theories of Jewish cohesion were challenged by Cofnas, leading to a debate between the two men in 2021 published in the academic journal Philosophia. In 2022, Philosophia retracted Dr. MacDonald’s defense of his theories while keeping Cofnas’ attacks — a blatant act of scale tipping irreconcilable with the spirit of free debate.

Ron Unz, who is Jewish himself, has also published serious work refuting claims that dramatic Jewish overrepresentation in Ivy League universities (which are a golden ticket into the American elite) is the product of merit or intelligence in “The Myth of American Meritocracy.” In this work, Unz demonstrates Jewish mediocrity in intellectual pursuits relative to their overall professional and economic positions.

More recently, Dr. Neema Parvini has written an in-depth study on the flimsy data supporting the Ashkenazi high IQ thesis, effectively refuting all of it on the grounds of lack of convincing replication, shoddy methodology, and in some cases, such as Dr. Richard Lynn’s 2004 “The Intelligence of American Jews,” effectively making it up.

On its face, the hypothesis promoted by Cofnas, Hanania, Stephens and others is weakly supported when looking at control groups. We will use Asians, rather than whites, in order to control for this author’s potential personal biases.

If inherited intelligence, high educational attainment and overall merit alone explain relative influence among the American elite, why are East Asians — who proponents of the Ashkenazi IQ theory all agree have the highest IQs of all the races in the world — broadly absent from American power junctions such as politics, finance and asset management, law and media?

The total East Asian population (Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Taiwanese, etc) is higher than that of Jews in the United States. According to US federal work force data, Asians are drastically overrepresented in professional jobs (12% of the total work force), yet are less likely to be promoted to corporate management positions than both blacks and mixed-race Spanish speakers. Some may explain this as a problem of the Affirmative Action regime, but then, why are Jewish capitalists so heavily represented despite being legally categorized as “white,” the most discriminated group of all?

In the realm of asset management — the world of real estate, private equity, hedge funds and other important sources of money and power in the Jewish community — the disparities between the smart Asians and Jews are even more stark. The entire population of Asians in America (5.6%) control a mere 2.4% of asset management firms, and within that, manage a nanoscopic 0.3% of all assets, despite studies showing that these companies are better managed than non-Asian owned competitors.

Compare this to just one major Jewish asset management firm, Larry Fink’s Blackrock, which enjoys a special plutocratic relationship with the Federal Reserve. Fink alone manages close to $10 trillion dollars, despite requiring bailouts from around the world due to episodes of mismanagement.

It is unsurprising then that among major billionaire donors to the Democratic or Republican parties, where Jews working in asset management industries (money that is “easy-come-easy-go”) are 50% or more of major patrons, the American political structure is highly responsive to the capricious whims of the state of Israel while simultaneously targeting China with trade wars and a geopolitical challenge in Taiwan.

We can see the same dynamic in other fields, such as the elite university system. This power was put on display recently in the humiliating sacking of Claudine Gay from Harvard University and Liz Magill from the University of Pennsylvania (the few non- Jewish presidents of Ivy League schools) in response to protestations by Jewish hedge fund and venture capitalist donors over their supposed toleration of anti-Israel student protests on their respective campuses.

In the sphere of non-governmental organizations, which exercise enormous power in the United States and throughout its satellite states around the world, Wall Street “philanthropy” rules the roost. George Soros is the most famous example, but he is barely the tip of the iceberg (the role of Jewish finance in NGOs is a topic for a separate article). A handful of billionaires, virtually all of them operating in the world of investment banking and tech, provide bottomless wells of cash for foundations, activist groups and think-tanks changing the West from within without democratic consent.

In the realm of mass media, private equity underwrites the majority of it in the US. Jewish control of the mass media is today common knowledge, so listing every single owner is not necessary.

It is safe to say that the power to amass capital quickly and then bankroll institutions — once again largely through finance, real estate, private equity, and so on —rather than objective individual merit is more influential in deciding who becomes the next president of Harvard, whose start up gets injected with venture capital, who shareholders elect to manage a company, who gets a platform at the New York Times, who gets appointed to run the State Department and Department of Justice, and so on. A mountain of studies have proven beyond reasonable doubt that the United States functions as an oligarchy.

Perhaps the Ashkenazi domination of these major institutions is backed by oligarchic appointment, but good management still requires high intelligence to keep them functional, one could argue. But few would seriously conclude that America’s media, politics, big businesses, NGOs, law firms, and top universities represent our brightest and best citizens. On the contrary, survey after survey finds that the average American has no confidence in any of these ruling institutions to solve national and social problems, or even tell the truth. The broadest view is that these structures are directly responsible for driving our country into the ground — no confidence.

Defenders of the Ashkenazi IQ theory, if they do concede the power of gold, stock market swindles, and compound interest as the primary foundation for Jewish elite overrepresentation, could fire back that nothing is preventing non-Jews from challenging Jews on the stock exchange floor in the so-called free market economy, but this has also been proven false.

When independent actors decide to play the money game according to the stealth rules of the winners — trickery, speculative conspiracies, pump-and-dumps — suddenly Jeremy Bentham’s “Nightwatchman state,” unable to restrict or fight the power of rapacious oligarchy, nevertheless remains strong enough to crush its opponents.

One recent anecdote where this was exhibited was the 2021 Gamestop stock ordeal.

The incident began when a Jewish financier, Gabe Plotkin of Melvin Capital, invested $6 billion dollars to collapse the stock of a struggling company, Gamestop, and consume its carcass.

An individual spotted Plotkin’s big move and took to social media to call on small time traders using the RobinHood app to take a counter-position.

Soon enough, the internet driven Gamestop pump began, wiping out 50% of Melvin Capital’s money and redistributing it to the workers, college students and unemployed taking part in the financial campaign.

Rather than accept the new players in the market casino, the Securities and Exchange Commission launched a direct intervention. Jewish SEC Chairman Gary Gensler, who worked at Goldman Sachs prior to joining the federal government, stepped in on behalf of the Jews of Melvin Capital to threaten the app for allowing minnows to come together to fight back against the whales and had the stocks hurting the investment bankers delisted. The SEC then passed new rules to prevent the new broader access to the market provided by apps and chatrooms from allowing this type of challenge to Jewish finance from ever materializing again.

Werner Sombart and The Power of Gold

The ongoing debate on the origins of Jewish power over the West thus requires an alternative hypothesis. For this purpose, we can consult Werner Sombart’s work, which provides a theoretical foundation to analyze the origins, structure and mechanisms of Jewish power.

Sombart, an economist of the German school, was an internationally acclaimed academic and colleague of Max Weber. In 1911, Sombart published The Jews and Modern Capitalism, his refutation of Weber’s well-known The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1905), the latter which posits that capitalism and finance emerged from the works of John Calvin and Protestantism.

The crux of Sombart’s counter-theory is that Protestant merchants, such as those who backed the violent overthrow of Charles I by Oliver Cromwell in the 17th century, held values on money and trade taken verbatim from Judaism. In most instances, figures such as Oliver Cromwell and William III of Orange were even directly financed by Jews in their power-grabs.

It is important to preface that The Jews and Modern Capitalism was not considered an anti-Jewish work at the time of its publishing nor was Sombart seen as an anti-Semite. Until his falling out with Jewish communist revolutionary Rosa Luxembourg, Sombart enjoyed deference from the international left as a pioneer of capitalist critique, authoring milestones in economics and even creating the popular “meme” of “Late Stage Capitalism” that circulates in anti-racist leftist circles today. It was only in the 1930s and after World War II that Sombart’s works became controversial, but this was due to the fact that he later embraced Nationalsocialism as an alternative to both Marxism and capitalism, not any debunking of his academic work or studies.

In The Jews and Modern Capitalism, Sombart disputes both hereditarian and Marxist arguments that at the time sought to explain the prominence of Jews in European nations. His theory is distinct in some regards from MacDonald, but overlaps with it.

In Sombart’s view, the major catalyst for the rise of the Jews that had taken Europe and later the Americas by storm since the 16th and 17th century derived from the discovery of the New World and the establishment of the world’s first stock exchange in 1602 in the city of Amsterdam.

According to Sombart, Jews laid the groundwork for mortgaging and modern investment banking, usurious loans (in contrast with the ancient Roman loan system, which dealt largely with personal borrowing), developed sophisticated strategies of commerce in the Talmud, and quite literally conjured up the concept of the modern stock market itself through the creation and command of previous financial instruments like the system of bills of exchange. As global markets opened up through the discovery of the new world and a native European bourgeoisie began to develop, Jews found political allies among merchants who relied on them for their international connections and access to foreign exchanges, as well as kings and princes who needed loans from wealthy Jewish moneylenders, weapons from Jewish arms contractors and provisions to wage wars, expand their imperial economies, or wrestle titles from competitors.

Jews since ancient times mastered the art of moneylending, allowing them to build power blocs that caused unrest among the populations of Europe and led institutions such as the Catholic Church and absolutist monarchies to ban them from participating in political life. The exploitative commerce practiced by Jews was seen as evil or socially destabilizing by host peoples. There are many cases where Jewish practices provoked domestic unrest, leading to riots and full expulsions.

This began to change once the Spanish and Portuguese discovered the Americas. Though Jews were officially expelled from both nations in the late 15th century, the Jews who had amassed great fortunes as merchant elites under the Moorish occupation were often able to keep their money and stay in the country by converting to Catholicism. These individuals, despite being baptized, by and large retained their Jewish identity and practices, leading them to be described, at times pejoratively, as Conversos or Marranos.

The Spanish royal treasurer, Luis de Santángel, was instrumental in financing Christopher Columbus’ historic 1492 voyage, which embarked in hopes of finding an alternative trade route to China and India. Instead, he was able to discover America. Following this lucky breakthrough, Marrano Jews with ties to Santángel grew even wealthier and more powerful through the funding of new world trips and setting up merchant colonies in the Americas, returning to Spain and Portugal with ships full of gold and silver.

Before New York and London, There Was Amsterdam

The growing power of the pseudo-Christian Jews through New World plunder caused widespread antipathy to grow against them again in Iberia, leading to a wave of emigration out of Spain and the Spanish-ruled Low Countries to Amsterdam, which at the time of this 16th century population exodus was ruled by the anti-Spanish, philo-Semitic Protestant leader William the Silent.

It is here that Jewish power as we know it began. Sombart quotes Dutch contemporaries describing the arrival of the Sephardic Jews of Portugal and Spain as bringing with them immense wealth, including troves of precious metals in quantities they had never seen before. Following the establishment of the Amsterdam stock exchange, which was established to privately fund the foreign ventures of the Dutch East India Company, Jews immediately snapped up a massive proportion of the shares, effectively monopolizing the stock exchange floor for themselves.

Exact figures for Jewish representation in the Amsterdam stock exchange are extremely difficult to come by. This has perplexed historians due to the fact that much smaller and irrelevant stock markets that emerged in other parts of Europe generally published public lists of shareholders.

In Larry Neal’s 1982 paper, “Efficient Markets in the Eighteenth Century? Stock Exchanges in Amsterdam and London,” he openly concludes that the secrecy of the Amsterdam stock market system was in hopes of not provoking local controversy over the vast overrepresentation of Jews, which even dwarfed the heavily Jewish 18th century participation in the City of London: “the absence of printed lists in Amsterdam may derive from the much greater importance of Jewish stockbrokers in the Amsterdam than in London.”

Neal continues that according to random samples of Amsterdam stockbroker lists that are available, “In 1739, 22 of the 32 stockbrokers listed in Amsterdam are Jewish. In 1764 another publication showed 36 or 37 of the 41 brokers listed to be Jewish.”

Following Portugal’s victory over the Dutch in the Jewish-populated African slave port (the first of its kind in the new world) of Recife, Brazil, the local Jews were forcibly expelled by Portuguese forces. These Jews set sail for the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam (at the time, south Manhattan, New York), which was governed by Dutch West India’s (formerly Dutch East India) employee Peter Stuyvesant.

Stuyvesant feared that an influx of Jews to his small colony would undermine it and petitioned his employers to expel the new migrants in 1654. Stuyvesant’s request was rejected and he was commanded to allow the Jews to settle and trade in New Amsterdam by the Dutch West India company in 1655 in a letter which stated that Jews could not be turned away due to the fact that they were major shareholders in the company.

In Amsterdam, it became clear that the Jews felt more at home in the stock market than even the Synagogue. The first and most influential book ever written on how to use and dominate the stock market was 1688’s Confusión de Confusiones, authored by Spanish-Jew Joseph de la Vega. The work is an in-depth guide on how the Amsterdam Stock Exchange operated: bull and bear plots, stock-index trades, futures contracts, and so on. For these Jews, the stock exchange was completely intuitive.

Though Jews faced some barriers to direct political representation in 17th and 18th century Amsterdam, Jewish merchants — through the conquest of finance and international trade — established numerous newspapers and publishing houses aimed at a Gentile audience such as the influential Amsterdam Gazette (the first ever Jewish owned paper, which was published in multiple languages) and the Amsterdam Current. They were able to ingratiate themselves easily among local bourgeoisie and titled gentry, and especially used their money to mainstream and manufacture prestige for intellectuals such as Menasseh Ben Israel (born Manoel Dias Soeiro, and whose benefactors were Jewish merchants Antonio de Montezinos and Abraham Pereyra), whose Judaizing works played a significant role in the development of English Puritan thought that would in his lifetime seize power in England. Later, on Ben Israel’s counsel, he managed to have King Edward I’s 1290 edict to expel the Jews reversed in 1656 under the military dictatorship of Puritan fanatic Oliver Cromwell, whose army was kept supplied by the Jew Antonio Fernandes de Carvajal.

Here we can see a very familiar historical pattern: the dominance of high finance, business, and globalized trade as precursor to political and social influence and eventually full capture of institutions, often through frontmen, bribery and violence.

Very few of the bankers, merchants, speculators, intellectuals and media Jews who took Amsterdam were Ashkenazi, the supposed branch of Jews with the high IQ. These were Sephardics to a man, and most of them were baptized as Christians.

The Conquest of England

From their power base in the Dutch empire, Jews were able to back the takeover of England by their asset, the anti-Catholic William III of Orange, in the Glorious Revolution of 1688, a date of great importance when examining the beginning of Jewish power in the English-speaking world.

William III’s war effort bankrupted Dutch coffers and ultimately hastened the decline of Holland itself, but he was able to keep his army armed and fed thanks to support from Jewish weapons contractors Solomon de Medina and Moses Machado. The whole campaign was bankrolled from start to finish by Jewish banker Francisco Suasso, and some writers, such as William Joyce, have suggested that the Dutch-Jews who had recently ingratiated themselves in English courts under Cromwell played an important role as spies aiding the Dutch invaders with sensitive information about defensive troop deployments and movements.

Upon consolidating power in England, William III began to pay back the Jewish bankers through the establishment of the usurious Bank of England in 1694, which Sephardic Jews became the main proprietors of, as well as the establishment of an Amsterdam style stock exchange in the city of London in 1698, which the group of Jewish money-men who accompanied King William, such as de Medina, quickly came to dominate.

Through the seizure of money power, Jews came to dominate the English and Dutch empires. The global trade in sugar and African slaves became concentrated in the hands of Jews in hubs such as Guayana, Suriname, Barbados, Jamaica, and so on. In South Africa, the Jew Benjamin Norden enjoyed first dibs and became the first and most prosperous “British” merchant in the land. In Australia, the first British commercial enterprise in the country was in the hands of banker Moises Montefiore, whose wealth was derived from the City of London. Once the British state embraced the ideology of free trade, concocted by Dutch-Jew economist David Ricardo, the wealth and power of the Jewish community compounded, often at the expense of domestic English interest such as agriculture.

Jews were easily able to circumvent parliamentary bans on direct Jewish participation — which were only superficially upheld to prevent English workers and peasants from rioting — through paid-off Gentile representatives and legalistic loopholes. While most Jews could not serve in parliament at this time, the local profit-hungry bourgeoisie enthusiastically brought them into their social circles and Masonic lodges.

By building their status as wealthy financiers, often through illegitimate power grabs, extortion and corruption rather than merit as Europeans understand it, bankers such as David Salomans and Lionel de Rothschild were able to force through the 19th century emancipation of Jews under British law, which the House of Lords had previously rejected due to public safety (commoner riots) concerns. England finally elected its first Jewish “Christian” Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli, whose government expanded the City of London’s power further.

The 1:1 analogue of the rise of the supposedly lower IQ Sephardic Jews from 15th to the 19th century with that of high IQ Ashkenazi Jews operating in Germany, Eastern Europe and the United States more recently suggests a strategy (perhaps evolutionarily intuitive, as MacDonald believes, or premeditated, as Sombart contends) — where the establishment of trade monopolies, palm-greasing, spying, predatory banking, Bolshevistic conspiracies, nepotism, and stock market swindles are central — similar to a high-stakes poker player who always wins because he has large amounts of funds collected through scams or trickery and information on the other player’s cards. We can see this type of behavior with the rise of one of England’s first and most prominent Jewish capitalists, Menasseh Lopes, who somehow had advanced knowledge that a rumor declaring that Queen Anne was dead, which collapsed the London stock exchange, was false. This information made him fabulously wealthy, since it allowed him to buy shares at fire sale prices. Is this a product of merit-worthy intelligence or naked criminality? Lopes’ incarceration for bribery provides a hint to his character.

Back to Sombart. While writing The Jews and Modern Capitalism, he anticipates the challenge of “Yankee Capitalism” — the view at the time that Jews were not only rare in American business life, but in fact were relatively humble, newly arrived immigrants to New York City in 1911.

He goes on to debunk this notion by saying that while narcissistic individual Gentile capitalists were occupying the pages of newspapers and drawing attention to themselves, Jews were working as a group to quietly embedded throughout American life from the country’s first settlements, listing several banks and industries controlled by Jews, and even declaring entire states such as California as being in the thrall of Jewish finance.

Finally, on the question of America, Sombart predicts that Jews will use their unassuming wealth to recreate the strategy of financial, media, intellectual, and finally political capture of Amsterdam and London. Here, he makes a bold prediction about the then impoverished Jewish immigrants and America’s future:

“Consider that there are more than a million Jews in New York today, and that the greater number of the immigrants have not yet embarked on a capitalistic career. If the conditions in America continue to develop along the same lines as in the last generation, if the immigration statistics and the proportion of births among all the nationalities remain the same, our imagination may picture the United States of fifty or a hundred years hence as a land inhabited only by Slavs, Negroes and Jews, wherein the Jews will naturally occupy the position of economic leadership.”

A 2017 translation of same passage in The Jews and Modern Capitalism does not have the Slav reference, but instead foresees the future of America as a “negro slum” overseen by Jewish financiers. The mention of “Slavs” appears to be a mistranslation of the German word for “slave.”

If a theory’s validity derives from its predictive power, then perhaps Sombart deserves a second look.

(Republished from Substack by permission of author or representative)

Israel’s Defense Against Iran Attack Overnight ‘Likely Cost Over $1 Billion’

via Middle East Eye

It cost Israel more than $1bn to activate its defense systems that intercepted Iran’s massive drone and missile attack overnight,  according to a former financial adviser to Israel’s military. 

“The defence tonight was on the order of 4-5bn shekels [$1-1.3bn] per night,” estimated Brigadier General Reem Aminoach in an interview with Ynet news.

Iranian Army via AP

Aminoach highlighted that the staggering price tag stands in contrast to the relatively low amount that Iran had spent to launch its assault, which some estimates have put at less than 10 percent of what it cost Israel to stop the attack. 

Iran launched more than 300 drones and missiles towards Israel on Saturday, in response to an Israeli attack on its consulate in Syria that killed two senior Revolutionary Guard commanders earlier this month.

Israel said its military forces and its allies had intercepted 99 percent of the missiles, but some ballistic missiles penetrated Israeli defences and hit the Nevatim Airbase in southern Israel. 

“If we’re talking about ballistic missiles that need to be brought down with an Arrow system, cruise missiles that need to be brought down with other missiles, and UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicles], which we actually bring down mainly with fighter jets,” he said. 

“Then add up the costs – $3.5m for an Arrow missile, $1m for a David’s Sling, such and such costs for jets. An order of magnitude of 4-5bn shekels.”

David’s Sling is a weapons system meant to intercept medium to long-range rockets and missiles. The Arrow system was designed to thwart long-range missiles, including the types of ballistic missiles Iran launched on Saturday and of long-range missiles launched by the Houthis in Yemen.