Sound Bite
Essential for professions and students in the field, this highly readable study will interest anyone who wants to get inside the mind of a killer. Through statistics and personal stories, describes how these girls and women came to the point of killing, how they chose their victims, and what it felt like to kill. This unique body of first-hand data will help parents, educators and police looking for warning signs of future violent behavior.
About the Author
Dr. Schurman-Kauflin is an expert on serial killers. Founder of the Violent Crimes Institute, she holds a PhD in Criminal Justice and Forensic Science. The only profiler to have interviewed a large group of female serial killers, she has produced this first-ever book describing the profiles of such killers. Dr. Schurman-Kauflin is frequently asked to speak at police training academies throughout the United States and Canada.
About the Book
This is the first book ever based on face-to-face interviews with women serial killers. This book includes quotes from the interviews and profiles women who kill, and their crime scenes. highlights differences between male...
This is the first book ever based on face-to-face interviews with women serial killers. This book includes quotes from the interviews and profiles women who kill, and their crime scenes. highlights differences between male and female murders, contrasts mass murder and serial killing. describes childhood warning signs that may be predictive of later violent behavior. gives an authoritative step-by-step guide for professionals investigating equivocal death cases. offers suggestions on how to interview female offenders. "I never understood my capacity for compassion until I started killing,"-- a female convicted of 5 murders
Pages 252 Year: 2000 LC Classification: HV6529 .S34 Dewey code: 364.15'23'0820973--dc21 BISAC: TRU002000
Soft Cover ISBN: 978-1-892941-58-9
Price: USD 22.95
Hard Cover ISBN: 978-1-892941-58-9
Price: USD 29.95
Ebook ISBN: 978-1-892941-27-5
Price: USD 29.95