For a Kinder, Gentler Society
Russian Intelligence Services
The Early Years (AD 882-1054)
  • Vladimir Plougin
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Russian Intelligence Services. The Early Years (AD 882-1054)
Sound Bite
Scholarly analysis and narrative flair combine to give both the facts and the flavor of the battle scenes as well as of the espionage milieu: the establishment of the secret services in Kievan Rus, and the heroes and systems of intelligence and counter-intelligence in the 10th - 12th centuries, including the times of Prince Vladimir.

About the Author

Vladimir Plougin is a best-selling author of popular history in Russia; this is his fourth book and first translation to appear in English. A professor of history at Moscow State University, he specialized in medieval Russia.


About the Book
Mysterious episodes from Russia's early history are unearthed and examined in this study which is drawn from ancient chronicles and preserved documents from Russia, Greece, Byzantium and the Vatican library. Russia's founding is the story...
Mysterious episodes from Russia's early history are unearthed and examined in this study which is drawn from ancient chronicles and preserved documents from Russia, Greece, Byzantium and the Vatican library. Russia's founding is the story of the arrival of the Varangian princes, the evolution of Kiev as a great city and the blossoming of the Riurik Dynasty. This history entailed alliances and betrayals with  neighbors ranging from the Polish to the Pechenegs. In a sequence of wars and intrigues, marriages and poisoned wells, how did besieged cities break the blockades, and in other cases how did besiegers break  the hold outs' resistance?
Colorful and interesting... | More »

Pages 280
Year: 2000
LC Classification: UB256.R8 P56
Dewey code: 327.1247—dc21
BISAC: HIS027550
BISAC: HIS032000
Soft Cover
ISBN: 978-1-892941-52-7
Price: USD 21.95
ISBN: 978-1-892941-25-1
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