Sound Bite
The Ages in Alignment series seeks to resolve contradictions in accepted theories of history, and concludes that all the ancient civilizations arose simultaneously around 1100 BC. This, Volume 1, examines the archaeological evidence for the Flood and the rise of the first literate cultures in the wake of the catastrophe and traces the story of the great migration which led groups of early Mesopotamians westward toward Egypt. A few generations later Imhotep is shown to be the same person as Joseph, son of Jacob.
About the Author
Emmet Sweeney is a high school teacher with many years' experience in the classroom. He holds a Masters Degree in Early Modern History from the University of Ulster and has had numerous articles published in historical journals such as the "Society for Interdisciplinary Studies Review" and "Ancient Warfare."
His interest in ancient history was kindled by his father who told him, at an early age, of the daring exploits of Percy Fawcett and Hiram Bingham as they searched for the "Lost Cities" of South America. This interest was rekindled as a student in Belfast, where he discovered the works of Immanuel Velikovsky. Since then, Sweeney has travelled extensively in pursuit of his researches, including journeys to Egypt, Greece, and other locations in the Near East.
Sweeney is the author of a series of books entitled "Ages in Alignment," which seeks to rewrite pre-classical history in its entirety. He describes the salient features of each volume in his "Ages in Alignment" series and points out the important consequences of the skewed historical record as it is usually taught in his website at Emmet
In parallel, following the research of German historian Heribert Illig, Sweeney pursues the astonishing theory that Europe never experienced a Dark Age. He demonstrates through archaeological, literary, and architectural evidence that the record actually supports this hypothesis which is fueling lively debates across Europe.
For over 35 years he has researched the questions raised by Velikovsky’s attempted reconstruction of Egyptian history. If what Sweeney and those scholars who agree with him say proves to be correct, all the textbooks will need to be rewritten.
About the Book
The accepted chronology of ancient Egypt and Babylonia is wrong to a dramatic degree, with some major historical events mis-dated almost 2,000 years before they actually occurred. This controversial 4-part series argues for a complete...
The accepted chronology of ancient Egypt and Babylonia is wrong to a dramatic degree, with some major historical events mis-dated almost 2,000 years before they actually occurred. This controversial 4-part series argues for a complete reconstruction of ancient chronology, re-tracing the histories of the Near Eastern cultures from the rise of the first monarchies, around 1100 BC, until the conquest of Alexander. Starting with clues unearthed by history sleuth Immanuel Velikovsky and others, Emmet Sweeney takes the investigation further. While the Near Eastern civilizations are generally considered to have taken shape around 3300 BC — about 2,000 years before those of China and the New World — Ages in Alignment demonstrates that they had no 2,000-year head start. All the ancient civilizations arose simultaneously around 1100 BC, in the wake of a terrible natural catastrophe recalled in legend as the Flood or Deluge.
Sweeney points out that the presently accepted chronology of Egypt is not based on science but on venerated literary tradition. This chronology had already been established, in its present form, by the third century BC when Jewish historians (utilizing the “History of Egypt” by the Hellenistic author Manetho) sought to “tie in” Egypt’s history with that of the Bible. Apparent gaps and weird repetitions resulted. Improbable feats like the construction of major cut-stone engineering projects before the advent of steel tools or Pythagorean geometry point to the weaknesses of the traditional view.
Taking a more rigorous approach and pointing to solid evidence, Emmet Sweeney shows where names overlap, and where one and the same group is mistaken for different peoples in different times.
Volume 1, The Genesis of Israel and Egypt, looks at the archaeological evidence for the Flood, evidence now misinterpreted and ignored. This volume examines the rise of the first literate cultures in the wake of the catastrophe, and goes on to trace the story of the great migration which led groups of early Mesopotamians westward toward Egypt, where they helped to establish Egyptian civilization.
This migration, recalled in the biblical story of Abraham, provides the first link between Egyptian and Hebrew histories. The next link comes a few generations later with Imhotep, the great seer who solved the crisis of a seven-year famine by interpreting pharaoh Djoser’s dream. Imhotep is shown to be the same person as Joseph, son of Jacob.
Chapter 1. The Deluge 13Legend and Stratigraphy 13The Violence of Nature in a Bygone Age 18Ancient History in Chaos 23Pole Shifts and Climate Plunges 27A Catastrophist Perspective 33
Chapter 1. The Deluge 13Legend and Stratigraphy 13The Violence of Nature in a Bygone Age 18Ancient History in Chaos 23Pole Shifts and Climate Plunges 27A Catastrophist Perspective 33Stairways to Heaven 36Chapter 2. The Dawn of History 43The Foundation of EgyptÃ??'s History 43Mesopotamian Origins 46The Abraham Migration 51In the Time of the Patriarchs 55Menes, Abraham and the God Thoth 60The Celestial Tower 65The Divine Land of the Egyptians 70Dates and Chronologies 75Chapter 3. King Djoser and His Time 81Setting the Scene 81Who Was King Djoser? 83Djoser and the Seven YearsÃ??' Famine 88The Story of Joseph 90Joseph and the Seer Imhotep 93Imhotep the Man 96Chapter 4. Exodus 101The Plagues of Egypt 101The Drowning of Pharaoh and His Army 107The Intermediate Period 111Horeb, the Mountain of God 116The End of a World Age 120Chapter 5. Moses and His Works 125The Authorship of Genesis 125Egyptian Elements in the Creation and Flood Stories 129Moses the Lawgiver 134Epilogue 139Appendix 145Bibliography 163Index 167
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This series of books by Emmet Sweeney argues for a complete reconstruction of ancient chronology. The histories of the Near Eastern civilizations are now believed to have commenced around 3300 BC, about 2,000 years before those of China and the New World. Yet “Ages in Alignment” demonstrates that the Near Eastern cultures had no 2,000-year head start. All the ancient civilizations arose simultaneously around 1100 BC, in the wake of a terrible natural...
This series of books by Emmet Sweeney argues for a complete reconstruction of ancient chronology. The histories of the Near Eastern civilizations are now believed to have commenced around 3300 BC, about 2,000 years before those of China and the New World. Yet “Ages in Alignment” demonstrates that the Near Eastern cultures had no 2,000-year head start. All the ancient civilizations arose simultaneously around 1100 BC, in the wake of a terrible natural catastrophe recalled in legend as the Flood, or Deluge.
The four volumes of “Ages in Alignment” reconstruct the histories of the Near Eastern cultures, from the rise of the first monarchies, coincidentally around 1100 BC, until the conquest of Alexander. Volume 1, “The Genesis of Israel and Egypt,” looks at the archaeological evidence for the Flood, evidence now misinterpreted and ignored. This volume examines the rise of the first literate cultures in the wake of the catastrophe and goes on to trace the story of the great migration which led groups of early Mesopotamians westwards toward Egypt, where they helped to establish Egyptian civilization.
This migration, recalled in the biblical story of Abraham, provides the first link between Egyptian and Hebrew histories. The next link comes a few generations later with Imhotep, the great seer who solved the crisis of a seven-year famine by interpreting pharaoh Djoser's dream. Imhotep is shown to be the same person as Joseph, son of Jacob.
Volume 2, “The Pyramid Age,” brings us to the catastrophic end of the Early Dynastic Age. This occurred around 840 BC and corresponds with the Exodus of the Israelite slaves from Egypt. “The Pyramid Age” shows how the Egyptians, in the wake of this catastrophe, began construction of the mighty pyramids of the 4th Dynasty. These were built to celebrate the rebirth of the sun-god Atum after the days of darkness during the recent catastrophe.
Volume 3, “Empire of Thebes,” looks at the rise of the mighty 18th Dynasty which seized power after the expulsion of the Asiatic Hyksos invaders. The Hyksos are revealed to be identical to last pyramid-building dynasty, the 6th, whose kings Pepi I and II are the same as the Hyksos Apepi I and II.
The 18th Dynasty pharaohs interacted with the early kings of Israel, and Thutmose III is shown to be the same person as Shishak, the pharaoh who plundered the Jerusalem temple after the death of Solomon. The great allies of the 18th Dynasty, the Mitanni, are revealed to be the same people as the Medes, and the enemies of the 19th Dynasty, the Hittites, are shown to be the same as the Lydians.
Volume 4, “The Ramessides and Persians,” brings the reconstruction to a close. The 19th Dynasty is shown to have ended in 525 BC with the Persian Conquest, and the last important 19th Dynasty ruler, Seti II, is shown to have never ruled an independent Egypt. He was the same person as Inaros, the Egyptian rebel leader who battled against the Persians in the time of Xerxes and Artaxerxes I.
Ramses III, of the 20th Dynasty, is revealed to be identical to Nectanebo I of the 30th Dynasty, who defeated the Persian Artaxerxes II. “The Ramessides and Persians” also shows that the so-called Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian kings were actually Persians using Semitic names. So, for example, Sargon II was Darius I, Sennacherib was Xerxes, Esarhaddon was Artaxerxes I and Nebuchadrezzar was Artaxerxes III.
Book News
This volume by Sweeney (West U., Timisoara, Romania) is the first in a four-part series building on the revised chronology of ancient Near Eastern civilization devised by Immanuel Velikovsky in his "Ages in Chaos" series (which was generally rejected and/or ignored by the academic community). Like Velikovsky's work, the new series aims to align biblical and other histories. It claims that the Near Eastern civilizations arose at the same times as those of China and the New World in the wake of Noah's Flood at around 3300 BC and that famed Egyptian chancellor to the Pharaoh Djoser, Imhotep, was in fact one and the same as the biblical Joseph, son of Jacob, among other novel arguments.
(Annotation ©2009 Book News Inc. Portland, OR)
Pages 180 Year: 2008 LC Classification: DT83.S93 2008 Dewey code: 221.9'5'dc22 BISAC: HIS002030 HISTORY / Ancient / Egypt BISAC: HIS019000 HISTORY / Middle East / Israel
Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-87586-624-6
Price: USD 23.95
Hard Cover ISBN: 978-0-87586-625-3
Price: USD 34.95
eBook ISBN: 978-0-87586-626-0
Price: USD 23.95