For a Kinder, Gentler Society
Re-Founding the World
A Western Testament
  • Jean-Claude Guillebaud
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Re-Founding the World . A Western Testament
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In all our calculated celebrations and performances, in our acceptance of relativism, in our adulation of the unaffiliated individual, a hard-to-define tone sets off an alarm in our heads. Is this really what the future will be like? Do we have to resign ourselves to the death of holistic thinking, to the volatile rule of 'democracy of opinion', to the pressures of the all-embracing market or of techno-science, to a final fading away of utopianism and hope for a better future? Here, in a book of contemporary philosophy, a prominent French thinker questions today's culture. Behind the facades, he senses new kinds of domination, an inequality that is creeping back, and a breakdown of an entire conception of humanity But, he observes, this time we are defenseless against such perils. We have no idea how to confront them. We find it difficult even to analyze them. The ground is crumbling beneath our feet. Seldom, it seems, have we had a more pressing need to find solid ground. A new foundation, in other words.

About the Author

Jean-Claude Guillebaud is an award-winning author, journalist and editor. A one-time Sixties liberal, this contemporary philosopher has been a leading voice for the European Left for 30 years, analyzing and writing about social and political issues from a multi-national perspective informed by his grounding in a traditionally Catholic culture.

About the Book
Is it time to dump Western capitalism's values? Or on the contrary, to re-found our market-based society by dumping its distortions and returning to the fundamental values of our Greek-Judeo-Christian heritage?
Is it time to dump Western capitalism's values? Or on the contrary, to re-found our market-based society by dumping its distortions and returning to the fundamental values of our Greek-Judeo-Christian heritage?
Critics have denounced the excesses of the modern world; Guillebaud confidently offers us a way of re-founding our world on the foundations of Western culture clearly derive from Judaism, Christianity and Greek thought. | More »
The debate over postmodernity and its discontents - the global market and a scientism that, in the name of reason, undermines rationality... | More »
To re-invent a future not dominated by the Market... | More »

Pages 356
Year: 2001
LC Classification: JA71 .G78
Dewey code: 320'.01'dc21
BISAC: PHI019000
BISAC: HIS039000
Soft Cover
ISBN: 978-1-892941-55-8
Price: USD 24.95
ISBN: 978-1-892941-33-6
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