For a Kinder, Gentler Society
The Turkey and the Eagle
The Struggle for America's Global Role
  • Caleb Stewart Rossiter
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The Turkey and the Eagle.  The Struggle for America's Global Role
Sound Bite
In 1784 Benjamin Franklin advocated choosing the industrious, home-loving wild turkey rather than the thieving, wide-ranging bald eagle as the symbol of the United States. Franklin lost that debate, and since then advocates of cooperation as America's global role have been similarly losing their struggle with advocates of U.S. domination. The author recounts that struggle, with particular emphasis on the past 30 years, which he spent working in and around Congress with groups opposed to U.S. support for repressive yet "friendly" regimes. He then proposes electoral reforms and a revolution in Americans' attitudes that would place our values rather than corporate and strategic interests at the core of our global purpose.

About the Author

For 40 years Dr. Caleb Stewart Rossiter has been an advocate for a US policy of cooperation rather than domination toward formerly colonized countries.

An activist against the Vietnam War in his teens, he went on to earn a Ph.D. from Cornell University. He moved to Washington, DC, in 1980 to work for the Center for International Policy, the congressional Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus, and Demilitarization for Democracy on such causes as ending US-backed wars in Central America, the anti-apartheid act, the "no arms for dictators" arms trade code of conduct, and the campaign to ban anti-personnel land mines. 

In addition to dozens of articles in newspapers such as The Washington Post and journals such as the SAIS Review, Prof. Rossiter has authored or co-authored several major reports on foreign policy, arms control, and democracy.

Dr. Rossiter has also published books on the purposes and uses of American foreign aid in Africa, and on the citizens’ movement against the Vietnam War. His books and articles can be found at

About the Book
This book is about not just the effects but the making of U.S. foreign policy. It shows how advocates of basing U.S. relations on progress toward democracy struggle in Washington with advocates of support for repressive regimes in return for...
This book is about not just the effects but the making of U.S. foreign policy. It shows how advocates of basing U.S. relations on progress toward democracy struggle in Washington with advocates of support for repressive regimes in return for economic benefits such trade, investment, and mineral resources and military benefits such as access to their territory for U.S. armed and covert forces. By arguing that the outcome of this struggle is determined by the average citizen s position, the book makes readers participants rather than observers. By arguing that a cultural pump constantly promotes a vision of American domination as a positive force in the world, it encourages readers to analyze the day-to-day effect of this vision on their own perceptions. Intended for a general audience, the book features enough inside tales and colorful characters to intrigue the casual reader, but also provides the clear themes and historical context needed for a high school or college text on U.S. policy after World War II toward the colonized, and then post-colonial countries.
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This book tells the story of how US politics became mired in the assumption of domination, and it offers a way for advocates of a foreign policy of cooperation to change that assumption. That is the real issue.... Would America be an eagle or a turkey in its relations with others? Would it Sharp and Rob, or would it mind its own Farm Yard? Would America be, as many of its founders advocated, a new kind of nation not just in its popular form of government and its religious tolerance, but also...
This book tells the story of how US politics became mired in the assumption of domination, and it offers a way for advocates of a foreign policy of cooperation to change that assumption. That is the real issue.... Would America be an eagle or a turkey in its relations with others? Would it Sharp and Rob, or would it mind its own Farm Yard? Would America be, as many of its founders advocated, a new kind of nation not just in its popular form of government and its religious tolerance, but also in having a foreign policy in which right made might, and neighborly collaboration replaced the interference and intervention practiced by European monarchs? As one can tell by looking on the back of the dollar bill, Franklin lost the symbolic struggle over the eagle and the turkey. He also soon fell behind in the real struggle over foreign policy. Calls for acceptance of the rights of Native American nations and neighboring governments were brushed aside by the political and economic mainstream as unacceptable weakness. The belligerent expansion of the government s zone of control continued under such imperious claims as god-given exceptionalism, racial superiority, the Monroe Doctrine, and Manifest Destiny.... There were strong and coherent arguments for self-restraint made in case after case by highly-respected commentators, including Franklin s own denunciation of slavery, Chief Justice Marshall s unenforceable rejection of Cherokee removal, and Congressman Abraham Lincoln s oration against invading Mexico. None, however, seemed able to deflect the American flood that kept surging toward the western shining sea. Individual acts of local aggression by settlers escalated into land grabs by the states they formed, and finally into federal military enforcement of large-scale rail, mining, and ranching claims that drove Indian nations onto reservations. At each step, convenient moral arguments were adopted to justify the taking of labor and land: slavery was a benefit to child-like Africans, civilization was a benefit to savage Indians, and American rule was a benefit to misguided Mexicans. Such logical contortions are, of course, not unique in the history of expanding powers. The Roman sweep into barbaric Europe under Caesar, the Muslim sweep across North Africa under the banner of Muhammed, the simultaneous sweeps at the start of the 19th century of Napoleon Bonaparte and his conscripted armies across Europe, Uthman don Fodio and his Fulani Jihad across west Africa, and Arthur Wellesley (later the Duke of Wellington) and his Scottish regiments across central India each employed a well-reasoned message that was firmly believed by the fighting men and the folks on the home front, a message of altruism and reform. Indeed, it would be difficult to find an expansion in history that was not justified on moral grounds by those doing the expanding....
Congressman Bill Delahunt | More »
Kai Bird, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian | More »
Edie Wilkie, former Executive Director, congressional Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus | More »
Book News 2010 | More »
How high can a Turkey fly? - Foreign Policy In Focus | More »
Is Obama a Turkey or an Eagle? - Foreign Policy in Focus | More »

Pages 300
Year: 2010
BISAC: HIS036060 HISTORY / United States / 20th Century
Soft Cover
ISBN: 978-0-87586-798-4
Price: USD 23.95
Hard Cover
ISBN: 978-0-87586-799-1
Price: USD 33.95
ISBN: 978-0-87586-800-4
Price: USD 23.95
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