For a Kinder, Gentler Society
National Integration and Contested Autonomy
The Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua
  • Luciano Baracco and Contributors
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National Integration and Contested Autonomy . The Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua
Sound Bite
The indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples along Nicaragua's Caribbean Coast, once colonized by the British, have long sought to establish their autonomy vis-� -vis the dominant Spanish-influenced regions of the Pacific coast. The book provides a wide overview of the autonomy process by looking at the historical background of autonomy, claims to land, language rights, and land demarcation and communal forestry projects. This book seeks to satisfy the globally emerging interest in the idea of autonomy and bi-zonality as an effective mechanism of conflict resolution and protection of minority rights.

About the Author


Luciano Baracco: Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Relations, Faculty of Political Science and International Relations, Middle East Technical University, Northern Cyprus Campus, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

David C. Brooks: Deputy Chief of Mission at the US Embassy, Luanda, Angola

Jane Freeland: Research Fellow, Centre for Transnational Studies, University of Southampton, UK

Mary Finley-Brook: Assistant Professor of Geography, Department of Geography and the  Environment, University of Richmond, US

Wolfgang Gabbert: Professor of Development Sociology and Cultural Anthropology, Institute for Sociology, Leibniz University Hanover, Germany.

Miguel González: Assistant Professor of International Development Studies, York University, Canada

Ken Henriksen: Associate Professor of Latin American Studies, Department of Language, Literature and Culture, University of Aarhus, Denmark

Laura Hobson Herlihy: Lecturer in Latin American Studies, Centre for Latin American Studies, University of Kansas, US.

Mark Jamieson: Lecturer in Anthropology, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of East London, UK

Christopher Kindbald: Associate Professor, School of Social and Health Sciences, University of Halmstad, Sweden

Baron Pineda: Associate Professor of Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, Oberlin College, US

Michael J. Schroeder: Assistant Professor of History, Department of History and Political Science, Lebanon Valley College, US

About the Book
The post-Cold War era has witnessed a resurgence of conflictive ethnic and secessionist politics that has placed the taken-for-granted primacy of unitary, sovereign nation-states into question. Along with cases such as Cyprus, Northern Ireland,...
The post-Cold War era has witnessed a resurgence of conflictive ethnic and secessionist politics that has placed the taken-for-granted primacy of unitary, sovereign nation-states into question. Along with cases such as Cyprus, Northern Ireland, and the Basque regions of Spain, Nicaragua has sought to resolve prolonged and protracted ethnic conflict, issues of minority rights to self-determination, and questions concerning the sovereignty of national states, through an autonomy process that extended beyond a narrow political settlement to include the exercise of cultural rights and control of local resources. Autonomy on Nicaragua's Caribbean Coast remains highly contested, being simultaneously characterized by progress, setbacks and violent confrontation within a number of fields and involving a multiplicity of actors; local, national and global. This experience offers critical lessons for efforts around the world that seek to resolve long-established and deep-seated ethnic conflict by attempting to reconcile the need for development, usually fostered by national governments, with the protection of minority rights advocated by marginalized minorities living within nation states.
Latin American Studies, Volume 44 - 2012, Cambridge University Press | More »

Pages 352
Year: 2011
LC Classification: F1529.M9N36 2011
Dewey code: 972.85--dc22
BISAC: HIS007000 HISTORY / Latin America / Central America
BISAC: POL045000 POLITICAL SCIENCE / Colonialism & Post-Colonialism
Soft Cover
ISBN: 978-0-87586-822-6
Price: USD 23.95
Hard Cover
ISBN: 978-0-87586-823-3
Price: USD 33.95
ISBN: 978-0-87586-824-0
Price: USD 23.95
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