16-Nov-17 – Senator Mark Warner from Virginia is the congressional spearhead for the fictitious story of Russian interference in the 2016 election

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Senator MarkWarner is well aware of the rising social tensions in the United States which form the backdrop and impetus to the anti-Russia campaign. In May 2016, speaking before an audience of business and political elites at the Milken Institute’s 2016 Global Conference, Warner warned: “If you don’t think the frustration of Americans with our overall system—not just our political system, but our business system, our tax code—is at the boiling point, then Katy bar the door! The walls that are gonna have to be built, may not be at borders, they may be around neighborhoods the way they are in many Third World countries around the world.


9070cookie-check16-Nov-17 – Senator Mark Warner from Virginia is the congressional spearhead for the fictitious story of Russian interference in the 2016 electionShare this page to Telegram
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