Russiangate: Melania? . . . Et tu?

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An acquaintance told me recently that Melania is ‘almost certainly a KGB asset‘. There you go, case closed…

Erebus says:

Your acquaintance is not wrong, but it was the GRU, who took over the operation when the KGB disbanded, in collusion with rogue, communist elements in SOVA (who recruited Melania in the mid ’80s and managed her early career) that added some of the clever touches we’re seeing today.

It is, of course plain to anyone who knows him that Trump had no plans to run for any Presidency, but that Melania’s constant insinuations skilfully massaged his ego to the point where he imagined himself in the Oval office, barking “You’re Fired” at anyone who came in. Once his candidacy was announced, the Kremlin’s political experts created and managed the strategies and tactics that Melania’s handlers fed to her and the later recruited Ivanka, who in turn fed them to Jared and the campaign staff. Everyone, you may recall, said they wouldn’t work, that they weren’t working, and that the polls were right, but Melania/Ivanka stuck to their guns. Of course, they themselves had no idea, but that’s why Trump thinks Ivanka walks on water.

Meanwhile, other GRU operatives were sowing weak, easily debunked evidence of “Russian collusion” amongst the American intelligence agencies, the DNC, Hillary campaign officials, and of course the media, selectively reinforced by verbal communications from deep, “reliable & trusted” sources from inside the Kremlin itself. This had the effect of causing the Crappers to believe they were on to something big, focused their attention on Trump (who remains oblivious) and his aides, but also manoeuvred them into exposing themselves publicly as the fools and serial liars they had ever been. Totally discredited, they’ll serve to cover Melania’s trail by making laughable anything they may say later should her’s and/or Ivanka’s operational covers be blown.

And that is how the Office of the President came to be run from the Kremlin via Trump Tower in NY, while the nominal POTUS goes to rallies, tweets, plays golf, and occasionally enjoys a little sword dancing. All in all, a daring operation, brilliantly executed. I swear that I’ve often seen the hand of the Serbian, and even elements of Czech intelligence services in this operation, but it’s all plausibly deniable. Wheels within wheels…

Anyway, one of the greatest intelligence coups in history, and the hand of Putin is evident throughout. We’ll see how good a POTUS Putin will turn out to be. Running the Presidencies of two opposing super-powers simultaneously, one of them by remote control, would normally present a challenge for any man, but the general consensus in E. European intelligence circles is that Putin’s actually enjoying himself. FWIW, those same circles say he’ll run off with Melania when this is all over, so take that with a grain of salt.

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