Secret Protocol of the Romanian “parallel state” published

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The publication of the secret Protocol agreement between SRI (Serviciu Român de Informatii) and the General Prosecutor’s office reveals in large part the ugliness of the “Parallel State”, says Codrin Stefanescu, deputy secretary general of the PSD (Partidul Social Democrat).

“The publication of the secret Protocol agreement between SRI and the General Prosecutor’s office reveals the hideousness of what we call today “the Parallel State”. And that’s because the document demonstrates clearly and unequivocally the way in which the unhindered occult power worked, that constantly arrogated to itself the powers of the Romanian Parliament – I mean the legislative power, representing the popular vote, at the same time trampling the rights and freedoms won in December 1989: we have proof of how abuses were committed and are still being committed today on an unimaginable scale, demolishing the right to privacy: monitoring the private life of Romanians – going after any man against whom a criminal case has been opened, after his family, friends and everyone he knows; installing microphones even in the bedroom – right up to the point of making it into a job obligation to offer denunciations; we show that SRI conferred attributions in the criminal investigation, which are not its responsibilities according to either the laws governing the SRI or the Criminal Code”, Ştefănescu said in a press release sent on Friday to AGERPRES.

He argues that “the document shows that SRI provided the prosecution with the transcript of any intercepts they considered “relevant” to the case, and it confirms the existence of combined teams comprising prosecutors and SRI officers – which is prohibited by law, and it demonstrates the failure of the new criminal investigation procedures which stipulate very clearly that criminal investigations are to be carried out strictly by the prosecutor and the marshal, without any other interference. The document confirms the existence of a so-called “tactical field”, recognized by the Secretary General of SRI Dumitru Dumbravă, which allowed the Parallel State to stomp into criminal investigations in jack boots, to blackmail and intimidate judges, to decide sentences and throw the enemies of the “Parallel State” in jail, without any chance of defense, according to the deputy secretary general of the PSD.

According to him, “SRI officers were allowed to select fragments of intercepts, and thus shield a felon or a character found on the “white list”, or destroy the life of an innocent man who found himself on the “black list””.

“In conclusion, this secret Protocol signed between the SRI and the General Prosecutor’s office flagrantly violates the Constitution, all laws in force, democracy, the separation of powers, human rights and freedoms. By the way, now that it’s been declassified, it reminds us of a false statement by the DNA’s boss, Laura Codruta Kovesi, on January 27, 2017, who, through a press release, claimed that “there were no mixed teams of SRI-and-prosecutors”. So, from this point onwards, the Protocol is unquestionable proof on the basis of which we can talk about the criminal side of everything that’s happened outside the law and about whether those involved are fit for office,” said Stefanescu. AGERPRES/(AS – author: Cătălina Matei, editor: Florin Marin, online editor: Ada Vîlceanu)

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