As everybody knows, Christianity was organized by Jews. Yes, all the personages in the story, Jesus and his disciples were Jews; and they propagated the idea of brotherhood in God, which is the equivalent of today’s multiculturalism. Being very entrepreneurial and motivated, they managed to promote Christianity and the mythology of Jesus in the most effective way; just as they promoted the Communist idea of “the brotherhood of the working class.” (This is not unlike what Engels himself was puzzled to notice – what a coincidence of similarity between the Communist movement and the early Christianity, both promoted by Jews, at both stages of history!)
Through the same organized efficiency, and in competition with many dozens other cults, all emerging at the same time within the multicultural Roman Empire, they succeeded in beating the odds and emerging as the most attractive and persuasive form of religious superstition, by testing the appeal of various myths and finessing the mythology of the so-called founder, Jesus Christ.
At the same time, being politically astute, Christian Jews maneuvered to get the message out ahead of the others’ to the highest levels of the empire, by hook or by crook. What kind of means could they have used to persuade Constantine to select their superstition of Jesus Christ against all other cults as the state religion? And what role did his mother, Elena, who got the virus first, play?
From this point on, it was a straight line. By impoverishing the minds and the imagination of millions, these Christian Jews have convinced the rest to be subservient to a mass delusion of universal proportions; masses and masses of people now accept living with this psychosis, i.e., believing that the shadow of a dead man from 2,000 years ago is following them step by step and watching what they do and reading their thoughts through the air; a dead man who “proved” his powers through an even more surreal and impossible fact of life – resurrection from death.
Today, multiculturalism and the mixing of the races is promoted by the mass media in the same way that the idea of brotherhood between various tribes, different classes and individuals of different abilities was promoted by the belief in universal “salvation” through “liberation from life” – “salvation” in death and the afterlife – when we all will be equally happy; collective submission in this life and individual, personal dignity in the afterlife – for all but the Chosen Israelites.
Through clever hocus-pocus, the Jewish founders of Christianity turned this absurd superstition into the most powerful form of enslavement of the millions for the benefit of a minority outside of it. A form of concentration camp self-administered by the inmates, through their own priests, bishops and cardinals, a mental concentration camp.
The bigger the lie, the more it’s accepted.
Who wrote this? Is it an editorial board?