Gottfried Feder

Spread the Word

by Mike Strobach of the National Conscience

Born in Würzburg in 1883, Gottfried Feder was a leading German provider of ideas, “the refractive Interest Enslavement” by the world finance capital. Feder was known far beyond the borders of Germany and his ideas and work continues today. As an engineer and economist Feder was first among economic policymakers in the DAP (precursor of the nsDAP) and was a short time later commissioned by Adolf Hitler to design the nsDAP party program (the 25 points of National Socialism)

In the nsDAP party program, Feder’s ideas from his “manifest refraction of interest servitude of money,” were reflected. This “program” is from 1919 (the year of the Versailles diktat and the adoption of the Weimar Constitution) at the focal point of contemporary history. Feder’s approach against the existing financial system and interest arose in its first edition in response to the runaway national debt and the resulting inflation in defeated Germany after the First World War.

With the end of the war in 1918, the Reichsmark had already officially lost more than half of its purchasing power in internal and external relations, which was much higher on the black market inflation index. The end of 1923 then broke the entire German economy and combined with the Weimar Hyperinflation produced by the victors and henchman: Hunger, poverty and a crying misery were the consequences. The Germans were akin to a “dying” people.

To enforce its policy objectives Feder founded in 1919 one of the many battle confederations, this time the (German League of Struggle for the breaking of interest servitude). However contents of his claims were not, as is often assumed, a complete ban on interest, but numerous changes in government economic and financial policy. A major criticism of Feder was the inclusion of high-yield loans by the state while simultaneously dispensing with the state sovereignty of the money making and money distribution.

In another pamphlet Feder in 1919 saw the way the bankruptcy was almost upon Germany. Only ten years after Feder’s first publication of his manifest refraction ideology, in 1929, it came to the complete breakdown of international exchanges. Suddenly the collapse of all currencies of stability and value worldwide occurred. In Germany they gave out in the early 1920s, emergency money. In wake of the global economic crisis, entire industries were transferred into foreign hands. So, for example, the German Opel plants fell to American hands, to name just one example.

In 1923 Feder took part in the Hitler Putsch (March on the Feldherrenhalle in Munich). Nevertheless, he remained a leading figure not only in the nsDAP, but also in the thinking financial circles in Germany. In 1924 he was elected to the National Socialist Freedom Party in the Reichstag; he remained a member until 1936. From 1933 Feder is engaged in freezing the interest rates (in fact it was the abolition of the compounding system). His concept of “the breaking of interest servitude” came under Adolf Hitler as Chancellor to develop, Germany awoke to new life and flourished again.

When Adolf Hitler was appointed on 30 January 1933 by President Paul von Hindenburg with the task of leading the nsDAP government and sworn in as Chancellor, the new Chancellor was clear that the powerful militarily enemies waiting around an encircled Germany for an opportunity with a new war to crush any attempt at liberation of the German people. This has been reflected by the fact that just a day after the Democratic confirmation of Adolf Hitler in the Reichstag, world jewry on March 24, 1933 declared war on Germany. [1]

The winner required by the tribute of Versailles and the privatization of the Reichsbank (paraphrased “independent”) with your(world jews yes you) man in Germany for this project was the Masonic Hjalmar Schacht, the remaining gold reserves of the Reichsbank, were removed “to be stored” by the private jewish Federal Reserve of the USA (FED).

In 1953 Hjalmar Schacht admitted in his autobiography, that he visited the FED in 1927 to inspect the German gold, he casually describes as follows: “A different experience resulted from the fact that the Reichsbank maintained a not inconsiderable gold deposit at the Federal Reserve Bank in New York. Strong was very proud to show us the safes in the deep basement of the building, and mentioned here: ‘Dr. Schacht, now you will also see where the gold of the Reichsbank is preserved ‘. We walked through the vaults, while the officers searched the storage space of the Reichsbank gold. We waited many minutes until finally came the information: ‘Mr. Strong, we can not find the gold from the Reichsbank ‘. Strong was very upset, but I comforted him: ‘Let’s be good, I believe you, that the gold is there. Even if it should not be there, you are good to me for the replacement. ‘”[2]

It is hardly surprising that it was completely indifferent to Schacht, whether the German gold was gone, as Benjamin Strong, former president of the Private jewish Federal Reserve, was his personal friend and lodge brother. And the gold, of course never, appeared. Just as today, when the FRG-Gold has also disappeared at the Fed in New York.

It was the same Horace Greeley Hjalmar Schacht, who, in 1914 in the Journal of the lodge “To friendship of the Grand Lodge of Prussia” in the first week of the war published an essay in which he emphasized that “the German Freemasonry have never given room to exaggerated nationalist sentiments”.

Schacht, who contributed significantly to the Reichsbank Act (RBG) in 1924, making sure the so-called Reichsbank Autonomy Law was further replaced on 26 May 1922 in the direction of Rothschild control. The creation of a “by the imperial government independent Reichsbank” was guaranteed by Paragraph 1 of the new RBG. Under the Reichsbank Law Germany had already dictated the Dawes Plan as a contract item. The Reparations Commission decided on 30 November 1923 namely the convening of an expert committee under the chairmanship of financial experts appointed by the FED Charles Gates Dawes, who should decide how one could demand from Germany reparations forever. The Reichsbank was now driven by a 14-member General Council (seven of them foreigners) under the leadership of the United States. The gold standard was monitored by a foreign Commissioner and was in accordance with paragraph 28 of the RBG 40 percent, which is why the German gold had to be deposited “as security” at the FED.

The German henchmen for the financial world, who had to lead the privatization of the German Reichsbank, was, as already mentioned, Hjalmar Schacht, the personal friend of Lord Montague Norman. Lord Norman was the governor of the then Bank of England, who received his instructions directly from the House of Rothschild. “The activities of the British oligarchy were whipped by a cabal of central bankers, led by Lord Montague Norman together with Benjamin Strong [3] of the New York Fed and Hjalmar Schacht of the German Reichsbank.” [4]

Schacht belonged to the then world-elite of the global financial crime. “Benjamin Strong, the first president of the FED, Hjalmar Schacht, President of the Reichsbank, Montague Norman, Governor of the Bank of England and Émile Moreau, governor of the Bank of France, were the most powerful and influential bankers of their time.” [5]

When Hjalmar Schacht was officially designated as one of the four most powerful central bankers of the world, although he represented the “national” bank of a totally robbed, bankrupt, occupied and completely defenseless state, then one can conclude only that the ascribed power within the jewish lodges was exercised against Germany.

The defeated Germany was bled by the Rothschilds winner policy after 1918, in the truest sense of the word. 45 percent of the reparations had in kind (industrial goods, goods, etc.) are provided, 55 percent in foreign currencies, including also – had to be exchanged property. The German people had thus no productive support for an acceptable livelihood anymore. Just for interest and principal, the German Reich had to raise 16 billion gold marks, with which the industry was burdened and overwhelmed. To secure these tribute payments, Reichsbank and German Reichsbahn were transformed into joint stock companies (privatization), and were under the control of FED and City… New York

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As at the end of the 1920s, the National Socialist Freedom Movement becoming stronger and a shift of power towards Adolf Hitler was likely to occur, suddenly Free Mason and friend of the exploiters, Hjalmar Schacht, begins to flirt with the Nationalists. “When he shows up with his wife Louise at a dinner party in 1930, she is wearing, studded with rubies and diamonds, on a chain, a Hakenkreuz. ‘Why not give the Nationalists a chance? You seem pretty sharp to me, ‘ said Schacht to a stunned reporter “. [6] In October 1931 Schacht was making a sensational speech at the meeting of the nsDAP, The DNVP and the Stahlhelm in Bad Harzburg before the “Harzburg Front” In which he launched a polemical attack of his own, and enforced on behalf of Benjamin Strong and Sir Montague Norman privatization of the Reichsbank. In 1932 Schacht began to support the nsDAP openly.

It is not as though Adolf Hitler would not have seen through the game. He knew that Schacht on behalf of the jewish world finance would seek to ensure in a new Germany the continuation of politics by private banks. Hitler knew also that he in a state of total helplessness, should he become Chancellor (Germany had as it were no more armed forces, only a barely armed 100-thousand-man army) he would have to hold out against the Reich’s enemies. So Hitler played the game and made Schacht on March 17, 1933 re-elected president of the Reichsbank.

Of course, the House of Rothschild members appointed by the General Council of the Reichsbank were ousted immediately. The Reichsbank had to realize that “the breaking of interest servitude of money” would commence immediately after Hitler’s appointment as chancellor. Schacht remained nothing more than watching idly the liberation of Germany. Germany’s enemies, however, believed to be able to compel Hitler with sanctions to restore the old Monetary Exploitation order again. Schacht should then be active again as before.

But Adolf Hitler ended the destructive influence of the monetary system of the FED and City of New York to Germany by a new barter agreement. The raw material imports in exchange trading increased between 1933 and 1937 of 1.4 billion marks to two billion Reichsmarks, while the finished goods imports by 500 million Reichsmark fell to just under 400 million marks. Trade in Scandinavia, South East Europe and Latin America had intensified and cash settled through clearing and exchange of commodities, which threatened the financial existence of the international power of the New York and London money-lenders.

In this time of military reluctance of the West, who still sat on the return of Hjalmar Schacht to the levers of financial power in the new Germany, Germany was at least as far as upgrading, that would have been a war against Germany involves risks. Under this shield of brilliant foreign policy of Adolf Hitler still in 1933 the dying German people flourished to life. The words of former British Prime Minister Lloyd George on his return from a trip to Germany before the waiting journalists in London in September 1936 will remain forever in your memory. After his daughter exclaimed in the mics, “Heil Hitler”, Lloyd George added as confident: “Yes, certainly, Heil Hitler I say this because he is truly a great man..” [7]

Hitler humbled the hate of the world finance by having Hjalmar Schacht, lead the negotiations for the emigration of the Jews in London in December 1938 in said “inter alia” what became known as the pit-Rublee plan, a contract resulted.

On January 19, 1939, Schacht was officially stripped of his mission that he should exercise for FED and City of New York in secret. He was dismissed as Reichsbank president. Six months later, on June 15, 1939, the Reichstag voted on the new Reichsbank law. In Reich Law Gazette 1939 I, p 1015, 1030 was now stipulated that the Reichsbank was to “ensure the utilization of the available funds of the German economy in nonprofit and economically expedient manner.” “In the form of profitless”, ie without interest.

This policy began in 1933 for the benefit of the German people, now enshrined in law, the final decision of the jewish world finance had fallen in London and New York, to launch a new world war for the destruction of Germany. The rest was from then on only provocation, encirclement, lies and violence, until the official British and French declaration of war on 3 September 1939 against Germany.

End of 1932 saw the German price-adjusted gross domestic product a negative growth of 7.5 percent. Adolf Hitler was born on 30 January 1933 to power and in February 1933 he designed the monetary policy of the Reichsbank, ousted the foreign members of the General Council. This meant that before the end of 1933 the real gross national product (GNP) grew by 6 percent increase.

As early as 1937 Hitler had economic and monetary policy ensure that, despite the imposed sanctions against the Reich, a growth of over 10 percent was achieved. But more importantly, at a 10 percent economic growth rate increase under Hitler’s monetary policy, inflation was at zero percent, and there were no unemployed. Even in wartime, there were no price increases, no budget deficit, but there was growth. [8] Adolf Hitler had therefore left his destroyed people with no debt after the end of the “World War staged by the Democrats”, which was even admitted by BRD Finance Minister Schäuble. Wolfgang Schäuble literally: “For the last time the country was debt free in 1948, after war and dictatorship.” [9] And he is not even ashamed at these words.

Thus could the German people only afford Adolf Hitler, because he made Germany sovereign, because the sovereignty over the labor power and the money was in the hands of the working people and was not subjected to the dictatorship of Wall Street Speculators.

And now we have even worse conditions than in the dark period of the Weimar Republic under the Murder of Versailles. The pain we will feel soon. The chief editor of the Economic week, Stefan Baron, already warned 22 years ago prior to this case: “The Treaty of Maastricht threatened that Germany impose heavier loads than those in the Treaty of Versailles prescribed after the First World War reparations Only. Versailles was a dictation, Maastricht, the government [Kohl] concluded voluntarily. “[10]

Today, when the ECB is run by former Goldman Sachs director Mario Draghi, who provides for the production and use of the Euro-currency, all the conditions are created for the Germans, having to suffer a collapse like 1923 and 1929 again.

The FRG does not have to determine their own destiny, has no say in monetary policy. And that is also celebrated enthusiastically by the henchmen of the international monetary system, forward Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU Minister of Finance).

Today, ECB chief Draghi calls on behalf of Goldman Sachs high inflation in Germany to lift the zero-growth in the euro zone to 1 percent growth. Draghi’s slogan: “Inflation must be found – at any cost only inflation means growth.”. [11] Under Hitler it was 10 per cent growth at 0 percent inflation. Does it not sound like newly launched Versailles-mockery, as the FRG Minister of Finance on 5 September 2012 at the ZDF Heute-Journal said unabashedly: “But I’m quite sure, the Governing Council is aware, the ECB’s mandate is focused on the priority of price stability”.

We know that the world finance has always pocketed most of the money for wars and inflation, so this extermination of monetary policy of the lobby with its instrument ECB is only logical. In this sense, promised BRD Finance, Rothschild’s rolling debt generator, on the edge of monetary conference in 2013 in Washington, wanting to run the command for permanent debt increase without objection in the future. Schäuble was asked the question, when then will Germany have repaid this debt. Subsequently Schäuble: “Hopefully never!” [12]

The formula for prosperity would be so easy for politicians and statesmen, if you only served the people and not the international bankers. The robbery of the people by the world finance using their deadly monetary and financial system must be stopped. The States must be sovereign over the production of their own money. Gottfried Feder explained this published in his “manifest refraction of interest servitude” so wonderful. “Every capital is accumulated labor, Big capital is unproductive in itself, precisely because money itself is a quite barren matter. Of spirit, work and existing or already developed raw materials or natural resources are created values​​, goods produced by labor and only by labor. ”

This principle for the flourishing of human existence was followed under Adolf Hitler, and so he could make from a wreck of world finance a people who again could be “a happy nation.”

Take the example of the House of Rothschild, which still had no money in 1800, but exceeded in the shortest possible time without productive, value-generating activities that a minimum living industry capital several times. These again Gottfried Feder declared to us in his book: “The fortune of the house of Rothschild, the oldest international plutocracy, is now [1919] estimated at about 40 billion. It is known that the old Amschel Mayer Rothschild in Frankfurt layed the basis for the tremendous wealth of his house around the year 1800 by re-awarding the millions which had been transferred to him from Landgrave William of Hesse for storage, without any of his own appreciable fortune.”

What we are witnessing today, the plundering of the people by the ECB, is just the continuation of what had begun more than 300 years ago in England. After Cromwell had again brought the jews, 400 years after their expulsion back to England, a new era of the monetary system began to be laid. ”

In the chapter on the owner of the shares of the Bank of England (1694-1797) in his book on the history of the Bank, Sir John Clapham, noted the high proportion of Spanish and Portuguese names of sephardic jews which appeared on the list of shareholders in the early years of the English central bank. He noted that these names from 1701 actually constituted 90 percent of the 107 founding members of the Bank of England. Among them were two da Costa, a Fonseca, a Henriquez, a Mendes, a Nuñes, one Rodrigues, a Salvador, a Teixeira de Mattos, a Solomon de Medina. Clapham pointed to a parallel with the Bank of Amsterdam, on incorporation were 25 jews among the owners. M. Hyamson writes in his book, The Sephardim of England, that a certain Jacob Henriquez immediately after the coronation of King George III, in the context of a petition referred to the merits of his father in founding the Bank of England.

With the creation of a private institution as a central bank of the British Empire the money conspirators stood in the truest sense of the word, open to all possibilities. All they had to do in order to deliver half of the globe as tribute was to provide a ridiculous sum to deposit as initial capital of the Bank of England. Only a few years after the founding of the private British central bank, paper money was introduced. The owners of the Federal Reserve could print on paper and lend it to the government, the institutions and the private sector at interest (tribute). Therefore, the taxes increased dramatically in all areas, for from henceforth all had indeed been delivered to any amount of printed paper rate tribute/debt. No one questioned why the state does not even print the paper and therefore spare the people the monstrous tribute load.

To summarize: With the sovereignty over their own money producing Hitler created prosperity and growth, without price increase and without inflation. Today, the world finance manages, with the sovereignty over our money, poverty and inflation but does not want us to see that we must unfortunately soon feel it.

And so the terrible world finance system, the Fed remains intact, we are held, with the help of the biggest lies in human history preventing us from studying Adolf Hitler’s economic policies. Professor Michael Hudson, who teaches at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Missouri-Kansas City, explained in no uncertain terms that Wall Street was responsible for the imposition of German historical lies. Hudson: “You can not in Germany teach history as it was, without being fired. … The whole theory of debt policy was then developed by Wall Street. Suddenly you gave the Germans a false story. Consider the German school books, and the propaganda of the banks, month after month, year after year. “[13]

And the highly respected Russian historian and former Soviet Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany, Valentin Falin, replied on 16 September 2014 in a panel discussion on Russian state television, on the question of whether he with the official history that is taught in schools and universities in Russia was dissatisfied, he replied as follows: “I am not satisfied in principal with the official version of history, both the 20th and 19th century. … The historian can only successfully tackle their task when they are concentrating on facts, only facts and all of the facts. So we must consider events as a whole, we must look closely when the second world war really began and weather it was a continuation of the first world war in reality.”

by Mike Strobach the National Conscience

By the way, from 30.1% in 1932, the unemployment rate in Germany went to 2.1% in 1938: 0% interest loans were given for residential housing; not only that, the principal debt was forgiven 25% per child born, so after 4 children born the entire loan was cancelled and no more payments were made. There was never a financial crisis in Germany in the 30s. In order to stimulate the economy, it was necessary to have the nerve to invest money that the government did not really have, rather than wait with folded arms and an empty head for the economy to revive by itself.

Before the end of 1933 even, Germany had succeeded in building 202,119 housing units. In 4 years the German people was provided with 1,458,128 new dwellings. All of this was made available by issuing loans to private sector housing at 0% interest. In 1933 alone 17,611 new farm houses were constructed each surrounded by a parcel of land 1,000 meters square. In 3 years, 91,000 such farm house were built as part of elevating and reinvigorating the working farming class. Again, all of this would be provided as part of 0% interest loans as an effective means of rebuilding the economy and providing jobs at the same time.

How Hitler launched a social revolution – Leon Degrelle


1) judea Declares War on Germany (Daily Express, London, 24. März 1933, S. 1)
2) “76 Jahre meines Lebens”, Kindler + Schiermeyer, 3. Aufl. 1953, S. 331
3) Benjamin Strong war maßgeblich an der Gründung der FED beteiligt. Er war Präsident von Banker’s Trust und wurde 1914 zum ersten Präsidenten der Federal Reserve Bank of New York (damals die FED) bestellt. Strong war getrieben von dem Verlangen, die Verbündeten der USA im Krieg gegen das Deutsche Reich zu unterstützen. Strongs Anliegen war es, die USA zur dominierenden Finanzmacht in der Welt zu machen, indem er mit der FED in die internationale Politik eingriff.
4) BRITISH FINANCIAL WARFARE: 1929; 1931- 33, HOW THE CITY OF LONDON CREATED THE GREAT DEPRESSION, von Webster G. Tarpley, December, 1996 (questionable zionist if you ask me)
5) James Turk, GoldMoney,, 30.06.2012
6), 10.11.2006
7) A.N. Wilson, HITLER, 2012. “A short biography”.
8) “Das Defizit im Staatshaushalt war minimal und lag selbst 1938 in der Zeit massiver Kriegsvorbereitungen, gemessen am Sozialprodukt, niedriger als heute. Zur Zeit der Kriegswirtschaft … lag die Produktion 1944 trotz Bombenkrieg und Rohstoffmangel höher als 1939. Diese Zahlen, die im Rest der Welt keine Entsprechung hatten, sind so aufregend, dass ihre Gründe aufgedeckt werden sollten … Können wir auf Erfolgsrezepte nur deshalb verzichten, weil Adolf Hitler sie angewandt hat?” (WirtschaftsWoche, Nr. 29/1991, S.110) Quellen für die Zahlen bezüglich Wachstum und Preisstabilität unter Hitler: WiSta 3/2009.
9) Süddeutsche Zeitung, 14.10.2013, S. 4
10) Wirtschafts Woche 42/9.10.1992, S. 3
11), 05.06.2014
12) Süddeutsche Zeitung, 14.10.2013, S. 4
13) RT (boom and bust), January 16, 2014

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