Deagel Makes Mysterious Changes To 2025 Population Forecast For America As Bill Gates Launches ‘Grand Challenge’: The ‘Holy Grail Of Influenza Research’ And ‘Bridging The Valley Of Death’

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All News Pipeline – by Stefan Stanford

First published on May 2, 2018

While Microsoft founder and vaccine propagandist Bill Gates recently warned that the next deadly flu epidemic is just waiting around the corner and it could quickly lead to the deaths of more than 30 million people, we’re not the least bit surprised that he also claims a ‘universal flu shot’ is the answer to prevent such a deadly pandemic, this despite the fact that even medical experts claimed that this year’s flu shot was hardly a preventive and actually led to the spread of the flu.

With the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation teaming up with Google co-founder Larry Page to launch the ‘Grand Challenge’ of what they call the ‘holy grail of influenza research‘, an attempt to develop a ‘universal vaccine‘, Gates and Page are giving out individual grants of between $250,000 and $2 million over 2 years to those attempting to develop such a universal flu shot with human testing set to begin by 2021.

Calling upon computational biology, bioinformatics, artificial intelligence, machine learning and other new technologies to be used as aids in the ongoing research, Gates and Page hope to ‘bridge the funding‘ of such projects due to what they call the “valley of death” between novel concepts and clinical trial-ready products.


And while like many globalists, Gates and Page sound ‘sincere’ in their goals to prevent the spread of an epidemic that could cull tens of millions of lives, we must always remember that Gates and the Gates Foundation are also proponents of eugenics with Gates himself coming out directly and stated the world is far too overpopulated as heard directly from him in the 2nd video below while his father, William H Gates Sr., was a former board member of ‘Planned Parenthood’.

Bill Gates has doubled down on his goal to depopulate the planet, using deceitful Orwellian doublespeak in a new video to bamboozle his naive followers into believing that “by making people healthier, we can reduce the world’s population”.

Make no mistake, when Gates talks about “making people healthier” what he is really talking about is enforcing the mandatory roll out of his range of experimental vaccinations. The same vaccines that have already caused mass sterilization and death on multiple continents.

The second-richest man on the planet is a committed globalist and eugenicist working towards the New World Order goal of depopulation. Lest anyone forget these facts, Bill Gates regularly goes out of his way to remind us of them.

Bill Gates and his foundation have consistently come under fire for their goal of depopulation, and now the same man who admitted in a TED talk that his goal is to eliminate a billion humans from the face of the Earth has now taken to Facebook to lecture us about why being eradicated is in our own interests.

And while the website has recently made some very mysterious changes to their 2025 forecast for America as we report in much more detail below, as we hear in the final video below from the Leak Project and read in this March story from The Sun, one medical health expert is warning of a mutant virus that sounds straight from a science fiction movie, potentiall becoming the fastest-spreading viral killer known to the human race and as he tels us, such a killer virus outbreak could happen tomorrow.

Dr Jonathan Quick, chair of the Global Health Council, said the flu virus is “the most diabolical, hardest-to-control, and fastest-spreading potential viral killer known to humankind”.

Describing what sounds like scenes from a horror film, Dr Quick warned in The Daily Mail of starvation, medicine supplies running low, energy systems crippling under the pressure and the collapse of the global economy.

And what’s could cause such devastation, on a global scale?

“The most likely culprit will be a new and unprecedentedly deadly mutation of the influenza virus. The conditions are right, it could happen tomorrow.”


And while the website is STILL forecasting a massive depopulation for America by 2025, on our visit to their website this morning we found a huge difference in their 2025 forecast from just weeks ago.

As we had reported on ANP back on December 31st of 2017, Deagel was previously forecasting the US population to drop to 54 million people by 2025, down from what was then 324 million people in 2016. Well as we see now in the screenshot above taken from their website page for the United States this morning, Deagel is now forecasting that the 2025 population of the USA will be a nice, round 100 million people – nearly doubling their previous 2025 forecast for America of 54 million.

Yet as it’s easy to see, even a 2025 forecast of 100 million people living here in less than 8 years is STILL DOWN 227 million from the 2017 population of America. How will America LOSE 227 million people by 2025?

We’d love to know why Deagel is forecasting the population of the US to drop from 327 million in 2017 to only 100 million in 2025, with them also forecasting a 2025 US military budget of 32 billion dollars, down from our 2017 military budget of $637 billion, while forecasting our population density to drop from 34 inhabitants per square mile to only 10 inhabitants per square mile in 2025. While our emails to Deagel have gone unreturned, what does Deagel know that we don’t know?

Also forecasting that our gross domestic product will drop from $19 trillion in 2017 to only $2.4 trillion in 2025, Deagel’s numbers for America in 2025 still show an America in total collapse, a 3rd world nation with our GDP per capita more than cut in half while our purchase power parity is forecast to be lower than Thailand, Columbia, Bulgaria, Croatia and Montenegro.


And before you go and discount Deagel’s numbers, its very important to know that their sources ARE the ‘deep state’ with the CIA, US Department of Defense, US Department of State and World Bank contributing data for their forecasts. So…. what does Deagel know what we don’t know? Their souces make clear that whatever Deagel knows, the ‘deep state’ knows, too!

While Deagel leaves no explanation on their website about why they’ve made these changes to the 2025 forecast population of America, as we’ve previously reported on ANP, they did put out an explanation back in October of 2014 about why they were forecasting such a huge drop for America, ‘a confluence of crisis’ with a devastating result‘. A brief excerpt from that 2014 explanation:

The key element to understand the process that the USA will enter in the upcoming decade is migration. In the past, specially in the 20th century, the key factor that allowed the USA to rise to its colossus status was immigration with the benefits of a demographic expansion supporting the credit expansion and the brain drain from the rest of the world benefiting the States.

The collapse of the Western financial system will wipe out the standard of living of its population while ending ponzi schemes such as the stock exchange and the pension funds. The population will be hit so badly by a full array of bubbles and ponzi schemes that the migration engine will start to work in reverse accelerating itself due to ripple effects thus leading to the demise of the States. This unseen situation for the States will develop itself in a cascade pattern with unprecedented and devastating effects for the economy. Jobs offshoring will surely end with many American Corporations relocating overseas thus becoming foreign Corporations!!!!

We see a significant part of the American population migrating to Latin America and Asia while migration to Europe – suffering a similar illness – won’t be relevant. Nevertheless the death toll will be horrible. Take into account that the Soviet Union’s population was poorer than the Americans nowadays or even then. The ex-Soviets suffered during the following struggle in the 1990s with a significant death toll and the loss of national pride. Might we say “Twice the pride, double the fall”? Nope.

The American standard of living is one of the highest, far more than double of the Soviets while having a services economy that will be gone with the financial system. When pensioners see their retirement disappear in front of their eyes and there are no servicing jobs you can imagine what is going to happen next. At least younger people can migrate. Never in human history were so many elders among the population. In past centuries people were lucky to get to their 30s or 40s. The American downfall is set to be far worse than the Soviet Union’s one. A confluence of crisis with a devastating result.


And while their expected culling of 227 million Americans isn’t quite as many as they were forecasting just weeks ago, they are still forecasting a huge drop for America’s population within less than 8 years, a population drop-off which is still unadequately explained, even using their 2014 explanation seen in the previous section of this story above.

While the mainstream media and gatekeepers such as snopes will continue to call the globalists depopulation agenda a ‘conspiracy theory’ despite the fact that its written in granite upon the mysterious Georgia Guidestones, we hear from videographer Truth Happens in the first video below all about Gates plans for a universal vaccine with our videographer also talking with us about the globalists depopulation agenda.

And in the final video from videographer ‘Leak Project’ about the suspect ‘mutant virus’ on the loose that some warn could eventually lead to the deaths of 300 million or more, with medical experts warning the conditions for such a deadly outbreak are perfect despite the fact that they still don’t even know exactly what will cause this ‘outbreak’.

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4 years ago

The “Mutant Virus” is Covid 19 – Covid ranges between being a common cold to a flu. The vaccines are supposed to do the real damage. The real damage will come from the Left once they get into power after Trump leaves office. Theyll have the UN, China,Russia, Muslims from Canada and the Cartel destroy this nation and kill of as many Americans as possible. It’s all planned out.

Lynn Hicks
Lynn Hicks
3 years ago
Reply to  Rene

Good call, Rene. I’m from Port Alberni on Van Is, been living over 25 years in Lynden, WA. Can’t get home to see my 94 yr old mother with dementia. What a crock this is.

3 years ago
Reply to  Rene


“by any means necessary” in many states!

Focus on your IMMUNE system.

Oni Kirwin
Oni Kirwin
4 years ago


4 years ago
Reply to  Oni Kirwin

Real ! Not TV

sean ryan
sean ryan
4 years ago

“Calling upon computational biology, bioinformatics, artificial intelligence, machine learning and other new technologies to be used as aids in the ongoing research, Gates and Page hope to ‘bridge the funding‘ of such projects due to what they call the “valley of death” between novel concepts and clinical trial-ready products.”

Bill Gates is perhaps doing to Western “medicine” and “vaccines” what he did to software……profiteering from constant upgrades.
Remember the constant criticisms over lousy Win upgrades?

Just wait……….

Can you imagine having to get 12-18 mos scheduled “vaccine” upgrades to fight the most recent viral or biotic “threats”?

Those turning Nature into the enemy are the true enemies.
Germ Theory of disease is STILL just a theory.

Humans can hardly even begin to understand the human biome, let alone the virome.

We are truly living in the Dark Ages of the 21st Century.
Pseudo science is running amok as Disaster Capitalism.

The “cures” presented by the billionaire class are causing more damages than the original problems, but generating more billions for them.
They are creating the Culture of Total Dependence.

There is massive profit in total dependence.

This is the neo-feudal era.

4 years ago
Reply to  sean ryan

We only need to do one final update to Gates and send him to his maker !!

3 years ago
Reply to  LUCIA

I am in total agreement. Gates is an insane dangerous man who desires to be the grandest genocide killer ever. I can’t believe he is not in prison yet.

2 years ago
Reply to  Spinette

So far Fauci holds the record for causing 6.4M+; the most deaths in the 21st century, if the evidence that he funded gain of function in China is accurate. For the 20th century it is the Communists responsible for over 100 million deaths of their own people. WWII number of deaths were estimated at 75M. Bill Gates will have to work hard to eclipse the Commies. Let’s not forget that AI, if/when perfected, will eventually kill us all because we exhale CO2 and we will be considered a climate change threat. Shutting down the matrix will be a great challenge if we are to survive.

4 years ago
Reply to  sean ryan

You’re very smart this is sad and so wrong of them

stephen langley
stephen langley
3 years ago
Reply to  sean ryan

Well said !

4 years ago

Covid Vaccine Possibly T-Virus out of Resident Evil, Honestly????
the Covid Vaccine will be Virus T-Cell RNA to write your DNA genetically altering you!

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous


James Scott
James Scott
4 years ago

I hope their prediction is correct. Getting rid of non whites needs to happen in the USA. If they leave 100 million white people will be able to boom the USA again in no time. Non whites are what is wrong with the West. Every problem we face could be easily solved if hostile non whites did not live in nations built by and for white people. Political correctness is like ignoring cancer because you might hurt its feelings.

Robert Glen Jacksy
Robert Glen Jacksy
4 years ago
Reply to  James Scott

We are a mixed race family, peace and compassion are the values we live by. It is perverse that you think an all-white America would be better. The American Indians certainly would not agree with you.

Dee Weam Signet
Dee Weam Signet
4 years ago

This ? that wants an all white America is obviously a radical leftwing racist nut,I can promise you that’s not his real name,America would do itself proud to rid itself of approximately 100 million people(the parts of the American society that don’t believe in America and our way of life), the people that are killing America need to be erased from our society,the corrupt weak media,the lying ass power drunk politicians(disgusting) and the deepstate is killing and has killed America…and we will Cowar on the shadows just as they want us doing

3 years ago

Right on brother

Katherine Hine
Katherine Hine
3 years ago

The people who are dying now because they won´t take care of their immune systems by exercise, good food, and fresh air but instead worship whatever their doctors and government and t.v.´s tell them, will be the ones likeliest to die sooner rather than later.

4 years ago
Reply to  James Scott

You know that whites took the west from the natives by being hostile, you are no better than the non whites you are bashing. They have every right to live here as well. Learn your history because whites have started so many conflicts themselves.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Take away the ‘Myth of White Supremacy’, and you’re left with no accomplishments for the White race!
# # plundering, stealing, present Judgement…

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Get out of here with your utter nonsense. Yes, everything in the modern world, that is in last 800 years was/were accomplishments of the White race. No accomplishments by the Blacks, saved by the Whites from jungle of Africa.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

and the brainwashed speak….

Scott Tarkenton
Scott Tarkenton
3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Why are you feeding this troll?

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

While I agree with your sentiment, the Spaniards caused a lot of grief in the Americas too, and the Indian tribes would conquer and enslave one another. There’s enough blame to go around for all.

4 years ago
Reply to  James Scott

Ok, Hitler.

Thoth al Khem
Thoth al Khem
1 month ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Hitler was an angel compared to your innate stupidity.

Dred Scott
Dred Scott
4 years ago
Reply to  James Scott

ur simply racist especially when this land was a stolen land that u “white people” murdered hundreds of thousands native americans to even step foot on this soil. U didn’t even earn it let alone work for it, this country was built by slaves and minorities just to have u racist people take it away in ur “democracy” i hope u come to realized america was never great, and will always be corrupt.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dred Scott

This country was not built by slaves, thats a myth.

4 years ago
Reply to  K

Slave – are human so I think it’s Build of slave of the Industry… all are slave of something and we all are human no matter what

3 years ago
Reply to  Dred Scott

Just look at the pyramids look how many slaves that took just looking South Africa they wanted their land back they they murdered farmers and not one of them has got a clue how to work a farm so they’re putting the country in Dire Straits they haven’t got a clue and the Egyptians they have more slaves than anybody how many slaves do you think it took to build them pyramids America’s A Drop in the Ocean compared to what the other countries had

Thoth al Khem
Thoth al Khem
1 month ago
Reply to  Anonymous

You should not be allowed to comment on any public commentary because your IQ, which you probably don’t even know what IQ stands for, is single digits

Leslie Fry
Leslie Fry
4 years ago
Reply to  James Scott

The only problem is that the people who have financed the development of retroviruses that can infect humans are frankish / sabbatean /satanic pseudojews who have unlimited money from central bank counterfeiting. They have the babylonian Talmud as their playbook which is preoccupied with hatred for all others races than Ashkenazi jews who according to genetic studies are not semites at all . They want their own version of a thousand year Reich called tikkun olam in their religeous writings where every jew shall be a king and all other races shall be slaves – especially gentiles, Another citation from the Talmud: “The best of the gentiles- kill”. So you and your kind are who that are targeted with the COVID-19 mass murder toy

Concerning covid-19:

This latest Corona virus epidemic is related to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa in year 2014. They have been manufactured in the laboratory to replicate like the HIV virus does. It means they have both been converted to retroviruses. A retrovirus inserts its genetic material in to the human DNA from where it is reactivated at a later date. The enzyme responsible is called reverse transcriptase. It is blocked with a medication called Lamivudine (A reverse transcriptase inhibitor, RTI) . Lamivudine’s patent has expired so costs a fraction of the other RTI’s
Please see the Tamaida Shimera blog: google or bing “Tamaida Shimera”

4 years ago
Reply to  Leslie Fry

They also released this virus because of the rise of the antichrist who i believe was inaugurated on the december solstice because of the star of Bethlehem connection Satan is always using god’s plans but than twisted, he’s only into copying.. devil’s breed has no creativity . They needed a very large bloodoffer for their wicked “Coronation” crowning of the anti-christ so they had their fake bethlehem ritual and all the covid deaths as a satanic offer and the vaccinations will ruine us even further and i think they specifically target people with high morals and from certain bloodlines cause the want to prevent Jesus from being born from that bloodline got a bit of surprise for them he already walks the earth!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Leslie Fry

You’re a moron.

Forest Cobra
Forest Cobra
4 years ago
Reply to  James Scott

Everyone is non-white. EVERTBODY. Including you. Each person’s cells contain DNA in the mitochondria (powerhouses of the cell). It has determined that the DNA there is inherited from the maternal (mother) parent. In a study to find the origin of the original human mother a marvelous finding was noted. No matter your ethnicity or geography, EVERY human’s mitochondrial DNA showed the same finding. The mitochondrial DNA of every human shows that they are descendants from a BLACK (Negroid) woman. “How do you them apples,” you “self hater?” You too, have a Black mama. Research it for yourself.

My country (USA) was built on the free labor of enslaved black people, who gave their sweat, blood, tears and lives to make that country possible. I will not sit and accept your scorn for their unpaid FORCED sacrifices in silence. You are an excellent example of an ungrateful coward.

4 years ago
Reply to  Forest Cobra

One Mother i dont give a rat’s ass about her colour but that’s just another one of lefties “Scientific Fairytales”like a lot of other scientific Fairytales.

4 years ago
Reply to  James Scott

thats pretty racist lol

Luke Cage
Luke Cage
4 years ago
Reply to  James Scott

The stupidity, hypocrisy and bigotry in this post is off the charts. Don’t worry, you won’t be one of the survivors anyway. At least you’ll take comfort that the ones destroying America and murdering you and your family and destroying everything you know and love will be WHITE PEOPLE. That should give you cold comfort as you burn in Hell forever and ever for being an evil, Satan loving idiot. You’ll soon learn that it wasn’t worth it.

Truth Now
Truth Now
4 years ago
Reply to  James Scott

Get the facts straight. Believe it or not, white people are responsible for most of the trouble in the world. They pretend to be helping nations and either kill them via “medical aid’ or set up organisations like the World Bank, or IMF in order to keep nations with resources in debt so that the (whites) can continue to get the resources for free or next to nothing.
Strangely, the nations with natural resources are the poorest. Reason: They were fine until the non-coloured people came in, lied, killed and stole their resources and continue to do so to this day.
Do not get the facts twisted. The brown people are made in the image of The Most high Rev 4;2-3.
Wherever white people go, death and destruction follow swiftly.
The seed of the fallen angels were white (See the book of Enoch). They removed these books in order to hide certain information.
Coloured people are hated because the devil is trying to get rid of the image of The Most High from the earth.
He won’t succeed, though, because The Most High will not allow Him.
White people have been in ascendancy: The Bible said that the earth has been given into the hands of the wicked.
They had people deceived for centuries but No More. The Most High is exposing all their lies and deceptions and the truth about them is coming out.
Also, they kill rulers who take steps to genuinely help their people. They kill them and put in rulers who would allow them to continue their plunder. The Bible says that the thief (devil) comes to kill, steal and destroy. He has been using white people to do that.

3 years ago
Reply to  Truth Now

No ‘color’ is mentioned-at all. And if whites( the color)arent mentioned,no need to ‘redeem’, right? But I bet you believe ‘whites’ push false doctrines,using religions. No consistency.

4 years ago
Reply to  James Scott

The whites will go as the whites guve them.mist problems by clinging to the Bible, also only dilluded eco-migrants are gullible and desperate enough to do the dirty work, as well as completely brainwashed military and police, incidentally almost always and majority made up of poor people of all creeds and colours.

3 years ago
Reply to  James Scott

Race is not the main problem. Our fake money printing overlords are, that – thanks to their fake money power – have forced too many immigrants in that are not ready to assimilate. One reason for that is cheap labor, another is intentional, malevolent destruction of our culture. The white man and his civilization has given the fake money aristocrats the strongest opposition to their demented world government.

3 years ago
Reply to  James Scott

You should really get some help. God made everyone in his image. Not just those you like.

3 years ago
Reply to  James Scott

James Scott Ooh damn youre sick.

Mark Taha
Mark Taha
4 years ago

I am very sceptical about these forecasts although I am and always
have been concerned about overpopulation. Why would the likes of Bill.Gates want to destroy the West? What would be in it for them? I write as an environmentalist.

Luke Cage
Luke Cage
4 years ago
Reply to  Mark Taha

Your concerns of overpopulation are unfounded and always have been. Its just been propaganda to support Leftist ideals like murdering unborn babies out of convenience. We’ve been lied to for decades that oil wells dry up but the truth is they’re nearly an infinite source, at least in terms of our relatively short lifespans. Why? For corporate profit and most of all, CONTROL. Control of society. Scarcity of resources drives up prices and makes the owner/controller of those resources powerful.
Bill Gates is a Satanist and it couldn’t be more clear. I’m going to assume that you’re a leftist/atheist because it seems that it hasn’t occurred to you that some people are just plain evil. Who cares about why although I suspect that his parents were Satanists/Luciferians as well as his father worked for the Satanic Federal Reserve and his mother was heavily involved in Planned Parenthood, a child sacrifice corporation that sells aborted baby parts for corporate profit. So he was probably born into it and has just embraced it.
I’m not shocked by these predictions. The US has angered God by promoting filth, sodomy, pedophilia, Satan worship, child sacrifice and cannibalism and rejecting God. Judgment is coming. The US will be destroyed in a single day just as the Bible predicted over 2000 years ago. .

3 years ago
Reply to  Mark Taha

This World was dealing with life forms more than 1,000 Times higher IQ in the 1954 MJ-12 agreements our President Eisenhower, was literally forced to sign not fully understood terms, since there had been a last second change sure to not be to of advantage!! Populations on Earth would be kept lower and Never to go past Seven-Billion??? We just hit 7.9-BILLION and hopefully YOU can understand WE Failed…..about the same time period A former Intelligence Group invented the term “CONSPIRACY To Belittle the wording and TERM That FULLY DESCRIBED this New form of deception.

4 years ago

Their population prediction seems to be gone. I had the U.S. page bookmarked and went to it today and the predictions are gone. I also clicked on the U.S. page from the link in your article. It took me to the same page I had saved. Gone.

4 years ago

They’ve taken off their 2025 forecast. I had to go to the Wayback machine site to see it.

4 years ago

Does that mean that the Criminal mRMA Vaccine Party has lost its grip on the policy promoted by the likes of Bill Gates? Are we to see a turning of the tide, as more people are becoming aware of the fraud?

I very much hope so. There are signs that a certain section of the influential public is now gaining visibility? They are disconspiring the Covid fraud.

Dr David Hill
Dr David Hill
4 years ago

A lot of truth in these figures when you study what’s really going on and Covid-19 is just the start in reality – “The “Master Plan” for Humanity – thought up and designed for Humankind’s Future through the Mindset of the Real Global Overseers of the World Order, but where “YOU” will “NOT” like it, as it will lead to the Ultimate extinction of 90% of the People of the world – Part 2 of the Series concerning “Human Extinction and the Death or Survival of Humankind” –

Terry Lee
Terry Lee
3 years ago

Easy answer, the ones vaccinated will be the carriers, the vaccines make your body produce the virus that they put inyou, once they come in contact with any cold or flu they will start shedding that virus from vaccines..When many start dying, because the virus injected will be a killer, the vaccinated fools won’t know they are the spreaders and blame the non vaccinated for

3 years ago

Just look at the pyramids look how many slaves that took just looking South Africa they wanted their land back they they murdered farmers and not one of them has got a clue how to work a farm so they’re putting the country in Dire Straits they haven’t got a clue and the Egyptians they have more slaves than anybody how many slaves do you think it took to build them pyramids America’s A Drop in the Ocean compared to what the other countries had

Joyce norton
Joyce norton
3 years ago

I agree! We are a mixed race family, matter a fact we have multiple races within our family and to read that is appalling! Boils my blood!

Friday 7/30/2021 501 从Deagel预测报告挖下去 | 彩云飞
3 years ago

[…] 我打开了这个链接,也就是查询结果里的第二个链接。我让Google直接翻译了页面内容。 […]

3 years ago

Did you want me to point out the faults of this report? There are many. I don’t think i have enough room. Start basing your stories on fact not fiction. Starting to sound like conspiracy theory.

St Bart Prince(fr) boy
St Bart Prince(fr) boy
3 years ago

Well Scott, where did you get that crazy idea that they`re planning to kill only non-white people? This is ridiculous bro! Haven`t you seen the race of the majority of those dying after the c.vaccine? And you don`t have that many non-whites living in England, Italy, France or the USA in order to reduce the western population by hundreds of millions! You know what? An old Jewish wise man once said to me :” Even at the gates of hell, the true sinner won`t repent.” Think about it cause hatred, injustice, racism and evil are the main reasons that led us to this.

3 years ago

It’s got to be either the virus or the vaccine,bill gates and Fauci should be arrested for crimes against humanity

3 years ago

Comment on what? I only arrived her 10 seconds ago

Sue Dietz
Sue Dietz
3 years ago

The reason for all the deaths will be those who’ve been vaxxed w the mRNA ‘vaccines’. We should see a great number of ppl keeling over within 6mo to a year and beyond. They may also be the carriers of this ‘mutant virus’ but may only be able to spread it amongst themselves. Gates is a whackjob and needs to be stopped.

3 years ago

It would be great if you used punctuation to really delineate the 2014 explanation and then were you, the author of this article, starts writing again.

3 years ago

I also don’t see the videos you mention that are “down below” from article. Where are they? This is a serious topic. Don’t let a lack of clarity get in the way of us understanding. I am finding myself annoyed rather than alarmed as I should be.

3 years ago
Reply to  Soliel

The link is right there, in the same paragraph, starting with words “suspect ‘mutant virus’. You need to click on it.

3 years ago

They readjusted the body count because fewer people took the vaccine than expected.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
3 years ago

I think Deagle doubled the 2025 USA population prediction because things are not going as smoothly as they had hoped for the killshot.

3 years ago

Amazing that after people like gates,rockefellers ,Soros and others publicly state that it is their intention to reduce the population ( to 500 milion?) , The general public still does not believe them !! Why not ? It is now evident !

3 years ago

Interesting maybe sociopathic actors playing God, yet still flawed thinking…dumbass factor 8, horse’s rosette factor 12,for a score of 20…third on my list.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mater

The current pandemics is not an accident , it is part of the Plan Kalergi, and Agenda 2030, and New Age, and the Georgia Guidestones. The elite (illuminati, globalists,Khazarian maffia) planned to do this many years ago and now they are executing the final stage. If humankind remains sleeping, no one will stop the genocide. Read this:

3 years ago

If we keep giving in to their vaccination coercion, certainly our population can drop to that level. People are so sold into the effectivity of vaccines. One cannot be doing too much research to take this position. One can get one killed opposing it.. Here is a good video to watch especially for those that do not read. 80% of our high school graduates are functional illiterates, unfortunately (and it is by design). The New World Order will not succeed in a society that is not dumbed-down.

Last edited 3 years ago by Cecille
Website Forecasts Massive Reductions in World Population by 2025
3 years ago
J Gonzales
J Gonzales
3 years ago

Deagel forgot to update Canada s population forecast which will be significantly lower than 26M given their enthusiastic adoption of the Covid vaccines and boosters. Cities will be hit the worst!!.

Frances Putnam
Frances Putnam
2 years ago

I firmly, unequivocally, believe Gates is working in conjunction with others, like Fauci to kill 2/3rds of the world’s population

The Globalist & Deep State plans for the destruction of America have been in the works for a long time – Glendale Burbank/Crescenta Valley Republican Assembly
2 years ago

[…] tip to Vox Day who links to an April 20, 2020 article on the Algora Blog which refers back to a May 2, 2018 article at All News Pipeline which is commenting on predictions […]

1 year ago

Hello I’d like a refund of all school work waisted and debt cleared, thank you.

The best laid plans of the Deep State, the CCP and the Globalists – Glendale, Burbank, Crescenta Valley, Sunland and Tujunga Republican Assembly
1 year ago

[…] tip to Vox Day who links to an April 20, 2020 article on the Algora Blog which refers back to a May 2, 2018 article at All News Pipeline which is commenting on predictions […]

DEAGEL Forecasts Massive Depopulation by 2025 – TruthParadigm.TV | truparnet
1 year ago