Danish Study Raises Questions on Efficacy of Mask Use Against Covid-19

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by Igor Kuznetsov

While the study by Denmark’s leading hospital failed to see any significant protection against coronavirus transmission, the doctors admitted that the results are inconclusive due to a number of factors.

A comprehensive Danish study has found that face masks provide no clear protection from Covid-19 infection to the wearer.

The study of more than 6,000 Danes published by the Copenhagen-based hospital Rigshospitalet saw no significant protection against coronavirus transmission.

Researchers expected to see a halving of the risk of transmission in cases where subjects were wearing masks, but were surprised to see a far more modest rate of protection of up to 20 percent.

The study compared how well a “protected” group of face mask wearers fared against a second group who did not use them. In the non-mask group, 2.1 percent of participants ended up infected with the novel coronavirus, compared with 1.8 percent of participants in the mask-wearing group. The margin was deemed not substantial enough to conclude the protective benefits of using face masks with certainty.

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