CENSORED: Dr. Peter McCullough, MD testifies How Successful Home Treatments for COVID Make Experimental Vaccines Unnecessary

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by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Dr. Peter McCullough is a consultant cardiologist and Vice Chief of Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, TX. He is a Principal Faculty in internal medicine for the Texas A & M University Health Sciences Center.

Dr. McCullough is an internationally recognized authority on the role of chronic kidney disease as a cardiovascular risk state with over 1000 publications and over 500 citations in the National Library of Medicine.

He is the most published scientist in the history of his field.

When the COVID crisis hit, Dr. McCullough began studying the medical literature to find treatments, and began to treat his patients with current drugs “off label,” because his patients who were testing positive for COVID were sent home from the hospitals and told to wait two weeks, with no treatment options.

Dr. McCullough was then the lead author in a study published in the American Journal of Medicine that summarized existing drugs already approved and in the market that had success in treating COVID-19 patients.

At that time, according to Dr. McCullough, there were over 50,000 papers on COVID in the peer-reviewed literature, and none of them dealt with how doctors are supposed to treat COVID.

After publication, it became the most cited study dealing with COVID, and people were contacting Dr. McCullough from all over the world seeking help in treating COVID patients.

He took a few slides from his presentation and decided to publish a YouTube video on it, to help spread the word that there were effective treatments for COVID.

It soon went viral, as could be expected when one of the most respected doctors in the world was presenting effective treatments of COVID, and within about a week YouTube took it down, stating that it violated the terms of their community.

Senator Johnson from Wisconsin then got involved, and arranged for Dr. McCullough and others to give expert testimony in Senate hearings in November of 2020, explaining that people did not have to die from COVID because effective treatments existed.

This life-saving information was being censored in the corporate media, and was being removed by Big Tech in social media.

Dr. McCullough himself is a COVID survivor, and used these treatments personally, and for his family members.

All of this information was explained by Dr. McCullough recently in a Texas Health and Human Services Senate hearing (video below).

Obviously choking back tears and trying to keep his composure, Dr. McCullough explained:

You get handed a diagnostic test. It says, here, you’re COVID positive, go home.

Is there any treatment?


Is there any resources I can call?


Any referral lines, hotlines?


Any research hotlines?


That’s the standard of care in the United States. And if we go to any one of our testing centers today in Texas, I bet that’s the standard of care.

No wonder we have had 45,000 deaths in Texas. The average person in Texas thinks there’s no treatment!

Dr. McCullough goes on to urge HHS in Texas to start listing treatments and treatment centers in Texas where patients can get help, and focus on those sick right now, rather than spend so much time on the vaccines.

I have to tell you, what has gone on has been beyond belief!

How many of you have turned on a local news station, or a national cable news station, and ever gotten an update on treatment at home?

How many of you have ever gotten a single word about what to do when you get handed the diagnosis of COVID-19?

That is a complete and total failure AT EVERY LEVEL!

Let’s take the White House.

How come we didn’t have a panel of doctors assigned to put all their efforts to stop these hospitalizations?

Why don’t we have doctors who actually treated patients get together in a group and every week give us an update?

Why didn’t we have that?

Why didn’t we have that at the state level? ZERO!

Why don’t we have any reports about how many patients were treated, and spared hospitalizations?

We have a complete and total blank spot on treatment. It is a blanking phenomenon.

This is a complete and total travesty to have a fatal disease, and not treat it.

Dr. McCullough then tells legislators in Texas what can be done RIGHT NOW to reverse this (but will they do it??).

So what can be done right here, right now?

There’s going to be more people that die in Texas, and it’s an absolute tragedy.

How about tomorrow, let’s have a law that says there’s not a single result given out without a treatment guide, and without a hotline of how to get into research.

Let’s put a staffer on this and find out all the research available in Texas, and let’s not have a single person go home with a test result with their fatal diagnosis, sitting at home going into two weeks of despair before the succumb to hospitalization and death.

It is UNIMAGINABLE in America that we can have such a complete and total blind spot.

Dr. McCullough then has some tough words for medical doctors.

I blame the doctors for not stepping up. Where was the medical society stepping up and effort on this?

How about from the federal and state agencies? There never was a single bit of group collaborative effort to stop the hospitalizations.

Nobody even kind of thought about it!

There’s only one doctor whose face is on TV now. One. Not a panel.

Doctors, we always work in groups. We always have different opinions.


Not a single one!

There’s not a single person in the White House Task Force who has ever treated a patient.

Why don’t we do something bold. Why don’t we put together a panel of doctors that have actually treated outpatients of COVID-19, and get them together for a meeting. And why don’t we exchange ideas, and why don’t we say how we can finish the pandemic strongly.

Isn’t it amazing! Think about this. Think about the complete and total blind spot (regarding home treatments).

A lot of doctors have checked out, and when patients call them, they say “I don’t treat COVID.”

And when I asked those doctors, I said “You don’t treat them, how come?”

They say “Well, there’s no treatment.”

I said, “But do you call them two days later to see how they’re doing?”

No. So what’s that?

That’s not “I don’t treat COVID.”

That’s “I don’t care anymore.”

That’s a loss of compassion. So we have a crisis of compassion in our country in the medical field.

That’s in our house right now.

For every doctor that’s ever told a patient that they don’t treat COVID, okay, but then did they call them two days later and help them get oxygen or see how they’re doing?

If the answer is “no,” that’s the Hippocratic Oath going out. And that’s on us. And I’m telling you we have a real self-check to do in the house of medicine.

Dr. McMcCullough then goes on to explain to this Texas Senate committee why this has happened, which readers of Health Impact News will know all too well already, and perhaps know even better than Dr. McCullough, since we can trace the “Plandemic” all the way back to 2019 and Event 201, and even earlier than that as the U.S. Government has had patents on Coronaviruses since the late 1990s.

I can tell you what happened.

What happened at around May, it became known that the virus was going to be amenable to a vaccine.

All efforts on treatment were dropped.

The National Institutes of Health actually had a multi-drug program.

They dropped it after 20 patients. They said “we can’t find the patients.”

The most disingenuous announcement of all time!

And then Warp Speed went full tilt for vaccine development, and there was a silencing of any information on treatment.

Any. Silencing. Scrubbed from Twitter, YouTube.

You can’t get papers published on this. We can’t even get information out in our own medical literature on this!

There’s been a complete scrubbing.

Watch the full testimony of Dr. Peter McCullough. What he covers in less than 20 minutes is truly amazing, and horrifying. We have it on our Bitchute channel, as well as on our Rumble channel.

And while the pharma-funded corporate media and medical bureaucrats who have a conflict of interest on this topic due to their financial investments in the new experimental “vaccines” will vilify and call Dr. McCullough a “quack,” be assured that he represents thousands and probably tens of thousands of medical doctors worldwide who have also been censored.

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Edel Mohr
Edel Mohr
3 years ago

Very good information. Thank you!

Article 82-Dr. Peter McCullough: ‘whistleblowers’ inside CDC - Your Rights And Freedom
3 years ago

[…] CENSORED: Dr. Peter McCullough, MD testifies How Successful Home Treatments for COVID Make Experimen… […]