Yale Public Health Professor Suggests 60% of New COVID-19 Patients Have Received Vaccine

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NEW HAVEN, Connecticut, April 21, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — An American Professor of Epidemiology at Yale University revealed that the majority of people now coming down with COVID-19 have been vaccinated against the virus.

“Clinicians have been telling me that more than half of the new COVID cases that they’re treating are people who have been vaccinated,” said Dr. Harvey Risch.

A professor at the Yale School of Public Health, Risch appeared on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” program and contrasted the public’s perception of the vaccines’ efficacy with that of the medical establishment.

“I think the American public has been sold on the vaccine by the research that shows that they reduce the infection of mild to moderate symptomatic infection by somewhere between 60-90% depending upon age and vaccine and so on and that is pretty good performance for an individual who wants to take a vaccine to protect himself,” Risch said.

“However, that is not the measure that public health infrastructure, administration, and Dr. Fauci are using to look at the efficacy of the vaccine.”

What the medical establishment is most interested in, Risch believes, is whether or not the vaccines prevent the spread of the infection. As Big Pharma has not provided this information, Risch recommends looking at the data from places where the vaccine has been used.

“For that the best place so far has been the mass rollout in Israel where the Pfizer vaccine was given to more than half the population now,” the epidemiologist said.

“And in Israel, the studies there show that it reduces the spread of the infection by somewhere around 50-60% so that contributes to herd immunity,” he continued.

“But it is not an overnight shutting down of the spread. It is a slow and continuing benefit for society to do that. But it is totally different than each individual’s protection of, say, 90%.”

This should be a wake-up call to people who think the vaccine will “free them up from all restrictions,” he said. This cannot happen because, although they might not get symptoms, the vaccine cuts the actual transmission of the virus only by a half. Risch said clinicians have told him that over half of new coronavirus cases have already had a vaccine.

“They’ve estimated that more than 60% of the new cases that they are treating – COVID cases – have been people who have been vaccinated,” Risch said.

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Alan Mass
Alan Mass
3 years ago

That happens because the recombinant NON- vaccine administered is not a vaccine, does not transport a deactivated copy of the virus in it, as happens for serological vaccines, but simply – and that is true only if the recipient is lucky sort of speak – reduces by inhibition the ‘feeling’ of the symptoms – which are and always have been nothing more than those of a cold or influenza, nothing more – so the recipient patient is not ‘aware’, sort of speak, of the infection, does not activate its native and quite capable defenses, and therefore does not develop any more an immunity. He has become the perfect carrier.