W.H.O. and C.D.C. – The New Nuremberg Trials 2021 – Dr. Reiner Fullmich: Crimes Against Humanity

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The New Nuremberg Trials 2021

A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts lead by Dr. Reiner Fullmich have begun legal proceedings over the CDC, WHO, the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. Fullmich and his team present the faulty PCR test and the order for doctors to label any comorbidity death as a Covid death as fraud. The PCR test was never designed to detect pathogens and is 100% faulty at 35 cycles. All the PCR tests issued by the CDC are rated at 37 to 45 cycles. The CDC admits that any test over 28 cycles are not admissible for any positive reliable result. This alone invalidates over 90% of the alleged covid infections tracked by the use of this faulty test.

In addition to the flawed tests and fraudulent death certificates, the “experimental” vaccine itself is in violation of Article 32 of the Geneva Convention. Under Article 32 of the 1949 Geneva Convention IV, “mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not necessitated by the medical treatment of a protected person” are prohibited. According to Article 147, conducting biological experiments on protected persons is a grave breach of the Convention.

The “experimental” vaccine is in violation of all 10 of the Nuremburg Codes which carry the death penalty for those who seek to violate these International Laws.

The “vaccine” fails to meet the following five requirements to be considered a vaccine and is by definition a medical “experiment” and trial:

Provides immunity to the virus
This is a “leaky” gene-therapy that does not provide immunity to Covid and claims to reduce symptoms yet double-vaccinated are now 60% of the patients requiring ER or ICU with covid infections.

Protects recipients from getting the virus
This gene-therapy does not provide immunity and double-vaccinated can still catch and spread the virus.

Reduces deaths from the virus infection
This gene-therapy does not reduce deaths from the infection. Double-Vaccinated infected with Covid have also died.

Reduces circulation of the virus
This gene-therapy still permits the spread of the virus as it offers zero immunity to the virus.

Reduces transmission of the virus
This gene-therapy still permits the transmission of the virus as it offers zero immunity to the virus.

The following violations of the Nuremberg Code is as follows

Nuremburg Code #1: Voluntary Consent is Essential

No person should be forced to take a medical experiment without informed consent. Many media, political and non-medical persons are telling people to take the shot, it’s safe and offer no information as to the adverse effects or dangers of this gene-therapy. Countries are using lockdowns, duress and threats to force people to take this vaccine or be prohibited to participate in free society under the mandate of a Vaccine Passport or Green Pass. During the Nuremberg trail, even the media was prosecuted and members were put to death for lying to the public amongst many of the doctors and Nazis found guilty of Crimes Against Humanity.

Nuremburg Code #2: Yield Fruitful Results Unprocurable By Other Means

As listed above, the gene-therapy does not meet the criteria of a vaccine and does not offer immunity to the virus. There are other medical treatments that yield fruitful results against Covid such as Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc and boosted immune systems for flu and colds.

Nuremburg Code #3: Base Experiments on Results of Animal Experimentation and Natural History of Disease

This gene-therapy skipped Animal testing and went straight to human trials. In mRNA research that Phizer used a candidate study on mRNA with rhesus macaques monkeys using BNT162b2 mRNA and in that study all the monkeys developed pulmonary inflammation but the researchers considered the risk low as these were young healthy monkeys from the age of 2-4. Israel has used Phizer and the International Court of Law has accepted a claim for 80% of the recipients having pulmonary inflammation from being injected with this gene-therapy. Despite this alarming development Phizer proceeded to develop their mRNA for Covid without animal testing.

Nuremburg Code #4: Avoid All Unnecessary Suffering and Injury

Since the rollout of the experiment and listed under the CDC VAERS reporting system over 4,000 deaths and 50,000 vaccine injuries have been reported in America. In the EU over 7,000 deaths and 365,000 vaccine injuries have been reported. This is a grievous violation of this code.

Nuremburg Code #5: No Experiment to be Conducted if There’s Reason to Think Injury or Death Will Occur

See #4, based on fact-based medical data this gene-therapy is causing death and injury. Past research on mRNA also shows several risks that have been ignored for this current trial gene-experiment. A 2002 study on Sars-Cov spike proteins showed they cause inflammation, immunopathology, blood clots and impede Angiotensin 2 expression. This experiment forces the body to produce this spike-protein inheriting all these risks.

Nuremburg Code #6: Risk Should Never Exceed the Benefit

Covid-19 has a 98-99% recover rate. The vaccine injuries, deaths and adverse side-effects of mRNA gene-therapy far exceed this risk. The use of “leaky” vaccines were banned for agriculture use by the US and EU due to the Marek Chicken study that shows ‘hot-viruses’ and variants emerge making the disease even more deadly. Yet, this has been ignored for human use by the CDC knowing fully the risk of new deadlier variants emerge from leaky vaccinations.

Nuremburg Code #7: Preparation Must Be Made Against Even Remote Possibility of Injury, Disability or Death

There were no preparations made. This gene-therapy was approved under an Emergency Use only act, skipped animal and human trials and forced on a misinformed public.

Nuremburg Code #8: Experiment Must Be Conducted by Scientifically Qualified Persons

Politicians, media and actors claiming that this is a safe and effective vaccine are not qualified. Propaganda is not medical science. Many retail outlets such as Walmart, drive-through vaccine centers are not qualified to administer experimental medical gene-therapies to the uninformed public.

Nuremburg Code #9: Anyone Must Have the Freedom to Bring the Experiment to an End At Any Time

Despite the outcry of over 85,000 doctors, nurses, virologists, epidemiologist the experiment is not being ended. In fact, more attempts to change laws to force vaccine compliance, mandatory and forced vaccinations are being pushed through, and experimental ‘update’ shots are planned for every 6 months without any recourse to the surmountable amount of deaths and injuries already caused by this experiment. Hopefully this new Nuremberg Trial will put an end to this crime against humanity.

Nuremburg Code #10: The Scientist Must Bring the Experiment to an End At Any Time if There’s Probable Cause of it Resulting in Injury or Death

It is clear in the statistical reporting data that this experiment is resulting in death and injury yet all the politicians, drug companies and so called experts are not making any attempt to stop this gene-therapy experiment from inflicting harm on a misinformed public.

What can you do to help put an end to this crime against humanity? Share this information. Make your politicians, media, doctors, nurses informed that if they are complicit in this crime against humanity they too are subject to the laws set forth in the Geneva Convention and Nuremburg code and can be tried, found guilty and put to death. Legal proceedings are moving forward, evidence has been collected and a large growing body of experts are sounding the alarm.

Visit the Covid Committee website at: [link to corona-ausschuss.de and if you have been affected by this crime, report the event, persons involved, and as much detail to the following website: [link to www.securewhistleblower.com

Crimes against humanity affect us all. They are a crime against you, your children, your parents, your grandparents, your community and your country and your future.

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3 years ago

What is being perpetrated not only in America but around the world needs to be let out and people need to be held accountable for what they have done.

3 years ago

I support this case against the Davos, CDC, and WHO criminals, and wish to see them dealt with the same way they did with the Nazi Doctors who conducted inhumane experiments on their victims. This is no different other than the fact they have now made the entire global populations are the victims

Debbie Bigger
Debbie Bigger
3 years ago
Reply to  willrodgers

Dont forget Rockafellas to

Carolyn Pfile
Carolyn Pfile
3 years ago
Reply to  willrodgers

Benjamin Berell Ferencz is still alive. This global crisis being mandated by Biden must be stopped.

George soros
George soros
2 years ago
Reply to  willrodgers

This entire covis scam is nothing but a domestic abuse campaign perpetuated by the politicians against the citizens..they politicians and media have met each criteria that is used to determine when domestic abuse happens to an individual….the sheep have been abused and they don’t even know if.

Dr David M Wood
Dr David M Wood
3 years ago

At last; positive action against those who have – in my opinion – perpetrated a pre-meditated crime against Humanity of the most shameful and awesome proportions. Let us pray that this action succeeds.

3 years ago
Reply to  Keith Beaudoin

THanks. Lots of revelations that will be bad news for the Davos Devils Each of us must continue this attempt by a hand full of wealthy wacko elites to control us and to eliminate billions of innocent fellow global citizens b. Together we can bring these monsters to justice and remove them from ever harming people again.

George soros
George soros
2 years ago
Reply to  Keith Beaudoin

I’d like to be the one to pull the trigger on anyone of these tryants firing the vaccine. Personally , Soros would be my fav…but Fauci will do as well.

Phil Thompson
Phil Thompson
3 years ago

Those who have willingly advocated and supported the lies should also be held to account. These include the millions of people that have accused those who are aware of the breaches of being “conspiracy theorists” and other derogatory and defamatory terms. My only concern is that there will be no-one in any justice system beyond the reach of the protagonists wallet, and the “judiciary’ that should be sentencing these people will be bought, if they haven’t been already!

3 years ago
Reply to  Phil Thompson

As a stated in my original comment. Soros and Schwabe already evaded justice in 1946. Soros used the money he stole from the Jews he had executed, and Schwabe used the LAMO excuse that he was A Swiss neutral. Theough there was proof he helped the Nazi’s try to develope Heavy Water for a nuclear bomb. Let’s hope hs latest effort to work on Bill Gates goal of removing 47% of the global population also fails and this time he gets caught and tried for his crimes against Humanity

3 years ago
Reply to  will

LOL dude, are you that dumb? Soros was born in 1930, making him only 16 years old in 1946, and Schwab was born in 1938 making him only 8 years old in 1946, how could they have committed crimes against humanity when they were just children at that time? lol your whole comment is just completely ignorant

3 years ago
Reply to  Cody

Soros born as Schwartz he was 14 yrs. old when gave over his own nationality to German and stole their belongings and sold it. You can read about it on WIKIPEDIA.

Igby MacDavitt
Igby MacDavitt
3 years ago
Reply to  Mariska


William Rodgers
William Rodgers
3 years ago
Reply to  Mariska

Why don’t you just listen to the interview below and hear it right from Satan’s own lying mouth.Wiki is not always the best source.

William Rodgers
William Rodgers
3 years ago
Reply to  Cody

Yes, he admitted that on 60 minutes in the 1970,s with Steve Croft. as to Schwab, his entire family ran a business helping the NAZI regime in building an A bomb. Thank God the US got there first. Hitler Youth trained them from cradle to grave. The US helped put a lot of them in the latter. They just missed these two guys. Soros tells of how his job was to finger the wealthy Jews and then liquidate all their holdings as they were sent to the ovens. As the war was winding down he could not sent the cash to Berlin, so little georgie being a trained evil money laundering machine, put a lot of that dirty money in his pocket and bought his way out o Germany going to London where he had a nice stash to start his evil empire. He has been ruining people and nations all over the globe ever since his evil teen years. Steve Croft asked him if he had any regrets, NONE was his reply. So some some snow flake like you with zero knowledge of actual history is going to tell me how nicehe is? Schwab is a part of that family and carried on the legacy and concept of regenerating the 4th Reich.. He and Soros are not innocent of anything especially since they re part of the NWO in Davos who is now using the China virus to wipe out the middle class and according to their favorite VAX crazed |philanthropist|, Gates they want to kill off 47% of the planet. If they want to significantly reduce the population, they should volunteer to be the first to go.

Debbie Bigger
Debbie Bigger
3 years ago
Reply to  Phil Thompson

Military tribunals have started look up real raw news

Dr Grace Goodheart
Dr Grace Goodheart
3 years ago

Reiner, you are a hero in my book. So are you, “Jerm”! I’ve been on the receiving end of narrative shut down in the past regarding a different issue and your work will hopefully put an end to all of it. I’ve been one of the 20% morally awake people for a long time and it was a very lonely walk. You’ve revived my spirit that was almost broken. Well, well done!!! You’re the voices I’ve been praying for. Yay!!!!!!

Alan Murray
Alan Murray
3 years ago

I have received info which suggests Freemasonary has infiltrated the whole world and their members, level 33 and above, are the perpetrators of these crimes. This makes sense and they are supposed to have begun world domination plans in or about 1771 when Fed Reserve was privatised, and as an organised group involving most country leaders now. Freemasons above level 33 are the ones.

Leanne Bailor
Leanne Bailor
3 years ago
Reply to  Alan Murray

i agree fully and global takeover pure media propaganda lies and killing of many using pcr to push agenda ppl push back now blood on many hands

jesuits and zionist takeover is now

Leanne Bailor
Leanne Bailor
3 years ago
Reply to  Alan Murray

zionist global takeover

3 years ago

Please include the american FDA in this lawsuit for blocking viable therapies. They are now attacking NAC and other natural things that can help

Bengt Lindstedt
Bengt Lindstedt
3 years ago

Det är en väldigt lång process men samtliga som är ansvariga för detta borde få sitt straff.
Det arbete som dr.Fuellmich gör är overderligt och borde ha stöd i hela världen man kan bara önska lycka till.

Aaron Campbell
Aaron Campbell
3 years ago

I hope this case does not drag on the longer it does the more innocent lives are lost . Our governments are coming for us if we refuse
Keep up the tremendous work a real hero
From Australia

3 years ago

The #1 strategy should be to take off those idiotic and dangerous muzzles! Dogs sometimes need to wear a muzzle – Humans should never wear a mask, unless they are working with toxic paint/chemicals!
None of this insanity is about people’s safety. It’s all about controlling the global population.

3 years ago

Thank Dr R Fullmich and others for stopping this madness.
Of those that took the jab or had direct contact with those.
Please consider detoxification with a Zeolite and IP-6, Thuja.
Eat correctly. If you eat and you feel exhausted you ate the wrong foods.! Do increase Glutathione by taking N acetyl cysteine (NAC), Dimethylglycine or trimethylglycine, and MSM. Look at homeopathic medication such as Plumbum, Boron,, Manganese. If you have jab symptoms figure out which metals toxicology is closet to your symptoms.
I’m not a Doctor. Please do your own research. Jab makes RBC misshapen. Tract therapeutic response by looking at your blood under a microscope, available to attach to a phone.. After 7 days and more so at 14 days RBCs should have some improvement. If they don’t try something else.
We are all in this together. Love one another, pray sleeple awaken, leaders and its military are strong enough to with stand $ and the gates of hell. Thank you for reading my post. Share hope and real science.

Det medicinska etablissemangets fiasko
3 years ago

[…] dagarna har den världskände advokaten Dr Reiner Fullmich startat en process mot samma etablissemang för brott mot mänskligheten. På detta sätt fullbordar nu det medicinska etablissemanget med alla sina av Big Pharma ägda […]

Hates typos
Hates typos
3 years ago

Change the word “trail” to trial. You’ll find it after the word Nuremberg.

Hates typos
Hates typos
3 years ago

When is the first date of the trials of those being charged for crimes against humanity?
Where are these hearings being held?
What authority within the government body beginning this process has the power to announce these hearings to the mainstream media and make the MSM relay this information to the people all over the worldwide news networks?
The AEI declared the pandemic over on May 13, 2021, via the Washington Examiner. How many victims of the jab have even heard of such publication? The tyrannical governors and their obedient media and commission and board members should get notified of their crimes and be compelled to explain their actions, without a mask on, so even the deaf or hard of hearing can read their lips and know what their confessions pertain to.

3 years ago

A lot like me knew from day 1 this is not about a virus. But seems no matter what crimes committed. Nobody gets held accountable. When accountability takes place I’ll believe in WE THE PEOPLE OWN THIS COUNTRY

Margaret Connell
Margaret Connell
3 years ago

Interesting that this is not reported on mainstream media. So pleased that this legal suits are in tthe works. Thank you all for trying to reveal the truth.

3 years ago

I honestly don’t know what to do. I may be forced to get the jab to keep my job. I am in Ontario Canada any guidance would be very much appreciated.

3 years ago
Reply to  Michelle

Don’t take the jab. Your health and future is more important than the job. Once all the vaxxed people start dropping (faster than they already are) employers will be begging for unvaxxed workers.

3 years ago
Reply to  Snowman

I can’t believe it has come down to this, I need a job to pay my bills. I don’t want to go to work because I will again be questioned. The way the government is presenting everything it is making it seem like all of the new delta cases are the unvaccinated. I believe it’s reversed. Not sure how much longer we can hold out. Canada is at least 80% vaccinated and our government is spewing venom against the unvaccinated so they will go after them.

Craig Martin
Craig Martin
3 years ago

And the first went and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men who had the mark of the beast and upon them that worshiped his image. GRAPHENE OXIDE IS VERY HIGH CONDUCIVE AN IS CAPABLE OF PAIRING YOU UP TO A ELECTRONIC DEVICE THROUGH A ANDROID OR BLUETOOTH ! ITS THE BUILDING BLOCKS FOR THE MARK OF THE BEAST IT COMES IN A LIQUID FORM A VACCINE ! OR A SOLID FORM A MICRO CHIP ! IT WILL DESTROY YOU OVER TIME BECAUSE OF GRAPHENE OXIDE IN THE BLOOD AN HIT WITH 5G MICROWAVE ! ITS PART OF THE SMART GRID ;SMARTPHONES ;SMART METTER ;SMART CAR ;SMART CITY AND NOW SMART HUMANS ! IT IS A STUPID IDEA IF ANYONE TAKES THE GRAPHENE IN THERE BLOOD THROUGH THE COVID 19 VACCINES OR MICO CHIP YOU HAVE NEW OWNERS ((THE ROTHSCHILD BANKERS CARTEL))BECAUSE COVID 19 PATTENS ARE OWNED BY THE ROTHSCHILD BANKERS ! Revelation 14:9-10 King James Version 9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
Because general Patton knew the central private bank was creating money on all sides of the wars in the world wars it’s a market place for the Rothschilds to enrich themselves and depopulate! REVELATION 13:4 And they worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?” THAT MEANS TO MAKE WAR WITH BANKERS AND NOT THE NATIONS! An when it was the wrong way done the bank is the beast destroying nations so the beast was enriching themselves driving nations to poverty and war torn! That is why the Muslim nations are war torn because thy refuse the central bank the Jewish banking cartel Jews and Muslims were always in a conflict for thousands of years an thy wouldn’t allow the Rothschild bankers run there nations!
An every war has a pattern one year after the troops move in that nation a year later a central private bank is established an Abraham Lincoln printed out green backs from United States treasury to pay for civil war the Rothschild bankers shot Abraham Lincoln JFK shut down the federal reserve an had the United States treasury print out debt free money JFK got shot an Johnson thrown out the executive order that shut down the federal reserve the next day the Rothschild bankers are Hell bent over centralizing banks in every nation this should be illegal for ever an EVER!

Last edited 3 years ago by Craig Martin
3 years ago

In NSW Australia you get fined $500 for not wearing a mask.

Veronica Anne
Veronica Anne
3 years ago

An amazing piece of mastery.
Have watched it

Veronica Anne
Veronica Anne
3 years ago


Steven Davis
Steven Davis
3 years ago

This is the biggest attempt at industrial murder since 1940’s Germany.. these politicians need to watch these programmes about people still hunting Nazi war criminals, My point being that these people guilty of conspiracy to commit bio terrorist attacks/genocide are going to be hunted for the rest of their miserable lives..

Carolyn Pfile
Carolyn Pfile
3 years ago

Will Benjamin Berell Ferencz be speaking on our behalf? Still alive, and may help us . Bidon must be stopped. Please help . God be with us.

3 years ago

where are these trials being held

Louise Catt
Louise Catt
3 years ago

OMG. I am a nurse and have been made to have the first and second jab, i have s yet to be forced to have the booster. I am very reluctant to have the booster. As are many of my team.

Grace Johnson
Grace Johnson
3 years ago

The Best article that I have found. Thank you for the real truth. We have to fight the cabal, stand against the government and terany. I am with you 100%

3 years ago

This is grest info thanks.

W.H.O. and C.D.C. – The New Nuremberg Trials 2021 – Dr. Reiner Fullmich: Crimes Against Humanity | Seeking The Truth
3 years ago

[…] Crimes against humanity affect us all. They are a crime against you, your children, your parents, your grandparents, your community and your country and your future.Source: W.H.O. and C.D.C. – The New Nuremberg Trials 2021 – Dr. Reiner Fullmich: Crimes Against Humanity… […]

Billy Kennedy
Billy Kennedy
3 years ago

Thank you

Michael Davies
Michael Davies
3 years ago


Our whole being, psyche and hearts have been totally broken with this, as indeed has all trust, our hopes and dreams for the future have all been deliberately crushed, relationships, friendships, even the hope of an end to the absolutely profound loneliness and the sheer brutality of it all, the plethora of scaremongering tactics, many of which are almost inconceivable and many times truly unbelievable. Changing measures from day-to-day, week-to-week, month-to-month which are absolutely and totally relentless; from Police Overreach to what are blatant lies based on no scientific evidence whatsoever, and indeed quite deliberate manipulation of PCR Tests, data and advice and ’emergency laws’. Place three masks on your face for better protection indeed! That comes from Dr Susan Hopkins.

“You have blood on your hands if you do not wear a mask.” That from Prof Hugh Montgomery, who omitted to inform people that he is a Co-Founder, of a Company named Turbinate Technologies LTD , a producer of PPE equipment including masks. Also, Director of a Company named, Panthair LTD who manufacture and supply medical PPE including masks. No conflict of interest there then? 

Source: UK Companies House.

With regards to mandatory masks; Dr James Meehan has this to say: “I’m seeing patients that have facial rashes, fungal infections, bacterial infections. … In February and March we were told not to wear masks. What changed? The science didn’t change. The politics did. This is about compliance. It’s not about science…” (Dr. James Meehan) 

I could go on, but who would listen to someone who has been abused for so long that one just wants to give up living? You have brutally and indeed deliberately, broken families, friendships, hearts, minds, bodies, freedoms, livelihoods, businesses, hopes, dreams, creativity, peace of mind, the very heart and soul of our countries and indeed all we held dear. 

At one point it made me suicidal, because I thought I was alone, being under ‘House Arrest’ and for not committing any crime other than for being a healthy un-vaxed person, despite the constant negative rhetoric and single narrative propaganda…we do exist! All I can say is that I cannot express just how much I hate you greedy, evil, vile, inhuman and indeed inhumane protagonists of propaganda who came up with these absolutely hideous ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ and they are criminal acts, and for what you have already done to us all (let alone what you still have planned) and furthermore, I, with a very heavy heart, have to say that I truly believe that what you have, so seemingly glibly undertaken, will take generations to overcome and in many cases it is just too late, the magnitude of the damage caused having already been done and this I believe is totally irreparable now.

You have, through your greed and evil narcissism created a world of division, hurt, regret, fear, relentless scaremongering, sadness, pain and profound sorrow. It is a Dystopian world devoid of common humanity, love and human compassion, a world that I would never want to live in and you created this ‘Life of Fear’ in such a short space of time. This could only have been undertaken and orchestrated in a planned manner, one presumes, over many years, as it is all encompassing and constantly eats away at the very soul of our common humanity. True narcissism indeed; furthermore in so doing, you have brought out the worst in authority and instigated mistrust and hate between individuals, Governments and indeed the larger communities and pitted people against each other. In fact you openly encouraged it; I read that you planned for the old adage of: “Divide and Conquer”. You have broken so many of us and that is simply unforgivable. 

What you are facing now your ‘House Of Cards’ is beginning to crumble before you, is going to be truly monumental in human history, You cannot buy yourselves out of Justice, the Power and the ‘Money God’ that you worship so much, seemingly over everything else, will not save you this time, your unforgivable intentional brutal acts against Humanity are coming to haunt you forever. You cannot keep up this level of fear and you are making mistakes and indeed underestimated the intelligence, the exploring minds of the populace and censoring very eminent professionals in their fields who challenged your one sided narrative. That was a BIG MISTAKE.. If you actually believed in your own narrative, so strongly, you should have had the foresight and the courage to engage in debate and initiate a genuine workable relationship with others and developed a democratic consensus with the support of the world populace, the very people you purport to want to ‘save’ . Let me remind you that you do not own the world despite your obscene wealth. You do not run the world. You do not have carte-blanche to hold any power over us, as you are an unelected clique with grandiose, unworkable visions of a dystopian future. Let me tell you loud and clear, with millions of unheard voices behind me…you do not now and never will own our future. Why? Because our future does not included your brutal narcissistic totalitarian endeavours…your House of Cards are beginning to fall as the truth will always come out. 



2 years ago

Where can I sue the Government of Canada or Government of BC for forcing two vaccinations on myself for conditions to continue to work on the L.N.G.C. site with my Employer Scarlet Security Services in Kitimat. I want to join the Class ActionLawsuit in Canada. This was a gross violation against my body and a severe violation against my Civil rights I want to sue for damaging my health and causing mercury poisoning in my body!! Causing my perfectly good teeth to rot away! This is totally flagragrant Crime against humanity! Someone has to pay for this damage caused by these Experimental Jabs that are fundamentally detrimental to a person’s normal health!