The Mysterious Death of PCR Test Inventor Kary Mullis – Fauci’s Most Notable Critic

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A new poll has found that over 40% of Americans have lost confidence in White House health advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci in the past year.

When asked whether their confidence in Dr. Fauci has gone up or down over the past year, 42% of respondents said their confidence had either “decreased significantly” or just “decreased.”

Among Republicans, 66% said their confidence in Fauci has waned. Only 20% of Democrats said they were less confident in the health expert, and 34% even said they now have more confidence in the man. 

A YouGov and Yahoo News poll released last week reflected similar party-line results, as nearly 80% of Democrat respondents said Fauci was doing an excellent or good job, while less than 20% of Republicans described his job performance as either good or excellent. Over half of Republican respondents (55%) believed Fauci was doing a poor job. 

In the same poll, over 60% of Republicans said Fauci had actually “hurt” the US during the pandemic. Overall, 46% of participants said the doctor has “helped.” 

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3 years ago

Dr. Frank Plummer as well…

Joan Taylor
Joan Taylor
3 years ago

Where is the article on the mysterious death of the inventor of PCR test?

3 years ago
Reply to  Joan Taylor

Good Question….maybe he hung himself.

3 years ago
Reply to  Carmine

Oh….he died from a respertory disease….interesting.

3 years ago
Reply to  Carmine

Yeah. PCP pneumonia. The rare strain that 17,000 AIDSvictims succumbed to , treatable by the commonly prescribed sulfa antibiotic, Bactrim. The off-label, inexpensive, safe and effective treatment denied them by … drumroll… Faustus. Coincidence? Doubtful.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gail

Its not a coincidence by any stretch of the imagination. He knew and they knew he was about to expose them and blow the lid off of the “ covid” plan and the “ vaccines” that followed…just think of the money they have made from the death and destruction. Smh. I wish more ppl would investigate this and learn the truth.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jbea

If that link is shut down try this one.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jbea


2 years ago
Reply to  Gail
stephen keefe
stephen keefe
3 years ago
Reply to  Joan Taylor

I just posted it on facebook

2 years ago
Reply to  Joan Taylor

Watch the video in this link!!! That is where it’s at!!!

Marianque den Draak
Marianque den Draak
3 years ago

@Joan Taylor, in de video you can hear about his death (the last 10 seconds).

Kim Cain
Kim Cain
3 years ago

Like the African leader who tested a guava and it was positive.
Then he died.

Joe charter
Joe charter
3 years ago

What a joke of an article visit and use the search feature “Kary Mullins

3 years ago

Hiv/Aids is a scam too

10 months ago
Reply to  Ryan VOROBIEV

it was and is a scam perpetrated by Fauci who used the same earmarked playbook to for the use of AZT and then Remdesivir both mimic the symptoms of each illness they are administered for AZT for HIV and Remdesivir for Covid but both drugs are deadly and killed many, many ppl.

Andrea Pederson
Andrea Pederson
3 years ago

I desperately wanted to watch this but I couldn’t make the video work. I will try again later on a different device to see if it will stop “spinning”.
I’m afraid more and more people will just start dying mysteriously or disappearing because evil has taken over! Obviously they will go to any length to keep the truth from being known and to take out anybody who can expose them with first-hand knowledge.

Barrett Haynes
Barrett Haynes
3 years ago

The PCR tests are all bogus. Those who wear masquerades & get Vaxxed are fools.

Deb Walker
Deb Walker
3 years ago

Why the hell is this psychopath Fauci still “advising” the Government? He is the devil incarnate, a murderous psychopath. He should be standing trial for mass genocide over the years. May he rot in Hell

Dr. Fry explains with scientific facts, official reports and information suppressed from public including how the AIDS hoax came into existence — Lorphic news
3 years ago

[…] The Mysterious Death of PCR Test Inventor Kary Mullis – Fauci’s Most Notable Critic.… […]

COVID-19 Pandemic Plandemic Scamdemic News Articles - Coming In The Clouds
2 years ago

[…] The Mysterious Death of PCR Test Inventor Kary Mullis – Fauci’s Most Notable Critic […]

COVID-19 Pandemic Virus And Vaccine Articles & Videos - Coming In The Clouds
2 years ago

[…] The Mysterious Death of PCR Test Inventor Kary Mullis – Fauci’s Most Notable Critic […]

10 months ago

Dr. Kary Mullis inventor of PCR. 
“ The PCR test allows you to take a tiny fragrant, a minuscule of anything and MAKE it measurable, then blow it out of logical perspective and misinterpret  because all PCR results are inferred. If you can amplify one single molecule in the body to cycle something that you can measure, which PCR can do, and there are very few ppl that don’t have one single molecule in their body that can not be made to be measurable and then claimed to be meaningful. PCR is used to make a whole lot of something into something, But it doesn’t tell you that you are sick. It can’t tell the difference between virus particles or active live viruses.”

10 months ago

The RT-PCR test also appears to have its problems. Its inventor, Kary Mullis, who received the Nobel Prize for inventing the PCR manufacturing technique, is reported to have said that it was for research purposes only and not for medical diagnosis. An 80% false positive rate was reported from China in March 2020 (4).
A manufacturer of the, ‘SARS-CoV-2 RNA, Qualitative Real-Time RT-PCR (Test Code 39433)’ states in the package insert, “The agent detected may not be the definite cause of disease”. ‘Limitations’ include: “Negative results do not preclude SARS-CoV-2 infection and should not be used as the sole basis for treatment or other patient management decisions”.(5) 
Indeed, a Swiss Institute of Microbiology reported that, antigen testing “methods based on real-time RT-PCR were recognised as reference protocols since mid-January, at the onset of the pandemic in China, and relayed – although not validated – by the World Health Organization”. They also found, ‘an incorrect degenerate base (S), that does not match with the SARS-CoV-2 RNA sequence’, and stated that other improvements to the RT-PCR test should be made in order to improve specificity.(6)
It is concerning that, at least in some cases, and maybe in all cases, neither antibody nor RT-PCR tests appear to be clinically validated nor sufficiently robust indicators on which to base recommendations for medical management or potentially major changes to individuals’ lives.