Streets of French Rage: You love to see it

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by Edward Slavsquat via Twitter

Good luck, Macron

Smarmy GILF-hunter president Emmanuel Macron is likely begging Klaus Schwab for a new strain of coronavirus (the “please don’t guillotine me” variant) after cities and towns across France rose up on Saturday against his openly degenerate regime. There was much exciting action reported in all corners of the country.

It appears the Resistance has taken over at least one government office. They reportedly even defaced a portrait of their beloved leader:

There was also singing and merrymaking, very important when dismantling Dictatorship:

In Paris, the police fled for their lives upon realizing they were vastly outnumbered:

The humiliated cops retaliated by carpet bombing the city’s main boulevard with tear gas and trotting out the water cannons:

More videos of the rebellion-in-progress below. We expect much more of this. The French will not quietly submit to Macron’s attempt to turn them into QR-coded chattel:

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