New Evidence, Including a Sworn Affidavit from Prof. Luc A. Montagnier, has been Submitted to the International Criminal Court Alleging World Governments Are Complicit in Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity

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New evidence, including sworn affidavits from leading experts such as Professor Luc A. Montagnier, has been submitted to the International Criminal Court by lawyers in several countries alleging Government’s across the world and their advisors are complicit in genocide, crimes against humanity and breaches of the Nuremberg Code.

Attorney Melinda C. Mayne, and Kaira S. McCallum submitted a 27-page ‘Request for Investigation’ to the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague back in April 2021 alleging the UK Government and its advisors were complicit in crimes against humanity in the name of Covid-19.

On the 28th of April 2021, the pair received a formal acknowledgement from the ICC and were assigned a case number – ‘141/21’. Since then the pair have been gathering new evidence to use in their ICC claim and have established connections with lawyers and research scientists from around the world.

A new press release released on the 17th August, which can be viewed here, confirms that the pair have received sworn affidavits from leading experts including research scientist and nuclear cardiologist Dr Richard M. Fleming, the Nobel Laureate virologist Professor Luc A. Montagnier, and Dr Kevin W. McCairn, a neuroscientist and expert on neurological disease.

Professor Luc A Montagnier, who won a Nobel prize for his work on the HIV virus, claimed in April 2020 that he believed the novel coronavirus was created in a laboratory. Then in May 2021 the expert virologist stated that “Mass vaccinations are a scientific error as well as a medical error. It is an unacceptable mistake. The history books will show that, because it is the vaccination that is creating the variants”.

Professor Luc A Montagnier

A new claim has also been submitted to the ICC due to the vast amount of new evidence and information that has come to light in the past few months, and the lawyers say they now have compelling evidence that “the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ are deliberately engineered bioweapons that have been released in two phashes on unsuspecting peoples of the world”.

Attorney Melinda C. Mayne, and Kaira S. McCallum have also confirmed that they have now be joined by lawyers who have filed similar Requests for Investigation to the International Criminal Court, in France, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Because of this a letter was sent to the ICC on the 12th August 2021 requesting they all be allowed to submit a joint claim, whilst also submitting preliminary evidence for the allegations common to everyone across the world, and requesting the right to have claims specific to individual countries also investigated by the ICC.

One request specific to the United Kingdom is an examination of genocide of the elderly and vulnerable that took place in care homes and hospitals through the inappropriate use of midazolam and morphine. Another investigation specific to this issue has also now concluded and a private criminal prosecution will proceed against the UK Government, Matt Hancock, Chris Whitty and others if the team of lawyers and experts who have carried out the investigation do not receive satisfactory answers to the extensive questions that have been forwarded to the aforementioned in an open letter sent on the 17th August 2021.

Whilst in the joint claim between lawyers from several countries they have requested that there be an immediate suspension on the entire Covid-19 injection programme and an end to the testing of asymptomatic people.

The lawyers say that they now eagerly await the decision of the International Criminal Court as to whether they will allow a joint claim by several countries to be made and accept the Request for Investigation.

They have made it clear to the ICC that due to the escalating medical apartheid, the loss of basic freedoms and rights, and the ever-increasing, very high number of deaths and serious adverse events suffered by recipients of Covid-19 injections, that there is an urgent need for the Court to act swiftly and without further delay.

To that end the lawyers have requested a meeting at the Hague as soon as is practicable.

Whilst awaiting the response Attorney Melinda C. Mayne, and Kaira S. McCallum have confirmed they are in discussions with lawyers in other countries who have not yet filed their individual Requests to the ICC, but have indicated they wish to join them, and will issue an update as and when there is further news.

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3 years ago


William Rodgers
William Rodgers
3 years ago

Amen, Mr. Pike. I am so relieved that the ICC has finally listened. This is a global battle for Humanity. We must find a way to end the madness and insanity of the Davos Devils who created this Human extinction virus. If their inhumane planned pandemic is not stopped, all of the 1946 Nuremberg efforts to protect Humanity from experiments that were intended to destroy mankind will have been done in vain. All of humanity will become extinct.

Tony R.
Tony R.
2 years ago

William, the ICC is sponsored by the UN….how far do you think those submission will get? Don’t you think some sort of temporary action would have been taken by the ICC considering the thousands that are dying daily? Don’t hold your breath my friend, no one is coming to our rescue.

3 years ago

There is a desperate need for legal challenges to convid tyranny in New South Wales, Australia. You need a permit to travel more than 5 km from home and also proof of “vaccination”. Far worse than Orwell’s Oceania or the great dystopias of our age.

Matt Thompson
Matt Thompson
2 years ago
Reply to  Peter

Yes indeed I have friends in NSW, Sydney and it is very bad there, and they are isolated, almost as a test study. they are pushing here in the US and this information must go out rapidly.

3 years ago

These are not “vaccines” and there is no safety in them.
The shots are a death sentence for many.
Look at some real science video`s instead of listening to the murderous criminals at the CDC

3 years ago
Reply to  Peter

Thank you Peter, I watched the video. Scary what is happening.

Sue Watson
Sue Watson
3 years ago

May God arise His enemies be scattered

2 years ago
Reply to  Sue Watson

An Gott zu glauben ist nicht vernünftig…

3 years ago

What a POS
Trump Taking Hydroxychloroquine (NO JAB FOR THE FATHER OF JABS)

Who gave Gates and Fauci extraordinary medical tyrannical powers, billions in federal funding (our taxes) are going into Gates, Fauci and Trump’s own pockets and got our military turned against us? Trump supporters are naïve, useful idiots.

“… he (Trump) continues to tell his followers, his worshipers, to take the vaccine, take the injection. He’s the one that put it on the fast track. He wants you to know he put it on the fast track. He is the reason you have this deadly poison going throughout the world.”

“And to this day he’s not called them out for this.”

Min 17:00:

Remember Trump called COVID 19 a “Plague” ?!?! Why isn’t he addressing the empty hospitals, the crisis actors spreading false panic and the gross negligent MSM mis-reporting. THE PEOPLE DYING ARE THE VACCINATED.
Minute 1:15:

“And to this day he’s not called them out for this.”

Trump “heavily, heavily” invested his personal money in Bill Gates vaccines, he said he “knows the dangers” and he did it anyway.
Min 19:00

Conflict of interest?
Use of public office for private gain?
Influence a public servant by means of deceit, threat of violence, or economic reprisal?

“Trump pressured regulators to release the vaccine early…” Proper vaccine development protocol and testing be damned…. and Ignore the test subjects that got serious, permanent health side effects or died.

White House threatens to fire FDA chief unless Covid vaccine OKed …

MILITARY TOOK AN OATH? Who are they now loyal too? Shame on YOU! Our country and constitution are being pissed on and our military is focused on distributing death vaccines.
Min. 3:30:

Hey general, HEY Esper, where’s the ‘Therapeutics’? … forgot that Trump SAID “vaccines and therapeutics”. OOOPS? FORGOT THE ‘Therapeutics’?
(‘Therapeutics’ was just more Trump BULLSH!T, it was never about ‘Therapeutics’, only vaccines.)

But there is a bright side (but not for you)

Our taxes fund vaccine R&D, vaccine development, production, media coercion and military distribution, Trump, Fauci, Gates keep the profits (probably along with Soros, Rockefellers and Rothschilds, etc.)

Vaccines Are Paying Off Handsomely for Big Pharma…Profits Explode At Pfizer…profits-explode-at-pfiz.html

And Trump continues to sit on declass while he/Israel uses others to do their dirty work, piss on our constitution and Bill of Rights.

Trump supporters are naïve, useful idiots.

2 years ago
Reply to  gdw

I think we have all in some way been useful idiots to the global elitists and their new world order agenda even in our compliance to this plandemic. I agree, I believe you’re right about Trump being involved in this more than we previously thought possible. It was at the time this plandemic and everything you mentioned he did that made me start to stop and take notice. Trump did do a lot of good things while in office, but of course, American citizens are so used to horrific administration’s in office that anything would’ve been a celebrated achievement in progress towards a better country. It’s been especially, noticeable of Trumps true colors after he left office all the support of people taking deadly “vaccine” and refusing to speak out against obvious destruction of our constitution and individual liberties from forced mandates. I don’t agree, with however true it might be to call those who still might not have given up hope yet, on Trump being the savior leader our country so desperately needed. In order to put a stop to innocent people being used in this way to benefit the global cabal we need to become United together and insults aren’t going to the way to achieve it or get people to listen. I believe, the points you make a good and need to be apart of the serious discussions we should be having today only, more people will realize this reality presented with compassion and understanding.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dar


Kathy Viljoen
Kathy Viljoen
2 years ago

I am so relieved to see professionals standing up to this evil agenda. This just has to stop now!!

Matt Thompson
Matt Thompson
2 years ago

is there a way to fact check this article regarding the ICC? I will follow you and I want to be kept informed. Do you have American attorneys also involved with this case? It sounds as if time is of the urgnecy and this needs to be exposed throughout the globe.
Colorado USA

jenny sheldon
jenny sheldon
2 years ago
Reply to  Matt Thompson

That is exactly my response too. Don’t know what to believe anymore, on both sides of the fence.

Tony R.
Tony R.
2 years ago
Reply to  Matt Thompson
Tony R.
Tony R.
2 years ago
Reply to  Matt Thompson
Matt Thompson
Matt Thompson
2 years ago

I will share this article with as many as I know both in the US and abroad. If ever there were a reason for revolt, it would be this!

Christina Dookran
Christina Dookran
2 years ago

Overwhelmed with gratitude and praying for justice as the emergency treatment and vaccine digital pass is being foisted upon my person. I knew that this was a farce from day one based on my training as a librarian and being taught to think and think analytically and critically.

2 years ago

if a virus load in the nose can be subdued it is criminal to have equated this virus to an ebola or a small box. A temporary solution exists and here it is..
‘8 pH – almost pure water’

Dear City Business Manager,
Thank you for allowing me the few minutes of your time, and further to what I have written to you on email, I have prepared this pdf document that might clarify the concept of a two phase strategy to place citizens of ____ City into a safe position with regards to Covid.
In these days I am finding more and more material which points to the importance of the nose, when it comes to Covid infection, and this company in the USA has done some interesting development based on providing communities with their own vaccination laboratories, without the need to completely rely on foreign suppliers of vaccines.
I found this very interesting vaccine development from a company called CYANVAC, which could be a better vaccine solution via nasal application, rather than the traditional arm injected vaccine.
However, there is a two phase strategy which combines and integrates the use of pH 8 water, which I am suggesting and let me explain.
The local government authority needs to get its citizens protected as soon as possible and rolled-out rapidly with a low cost safe holding strategy, until a ‘locally administered vaccine’ system is in place. The problem is that in recent times we hear that arm-injected vaccines are calling for a third booster jab and possibly endless-more very expensive jabs.
So things are not so easy and here is an 8 pH water safe holding strategy, to protect people immediately to prevent them from getting sick in the ‘upper respiratory tract’.
I am actively testing now for 18 months a method to change the pH value of the rear soft portion of the nose which is called the nasopharynx, by inserting, each morning, two drops of elevated pH water (8 pH) placed inside the nasopharynx.
This regular top-up induces a pH change in the nasopharynx and the cells naturally work to return to the equilibrium pH 7.4 drawing-in local body fluids and releasing old mucus which detaches from the nasal area and flows backwards to mouth and then swallowed to the tummy.
I am aware that this slow mucus release process continues all day and right into the night as you go to bed, to then repeat the pH adjustment the next morning before shower.
I started experimenting with this pH water method from when the pandemic began here in Vietnam with all borders and airports strictly shut-down in Feb/Mar 2020. I wanted to see if it were possible to avoid a nose cold/infection and sore throat, so I began to spend time with friends and colleagues who had flu and cold symptoms including my wife to see if I could become infected.
I noted that my nose was always fresh and clean and I never get any build-up mucus, which I believe would be an ideal place for a virus to incubate for about 12 hours before infecting the lower throat larynx and then bronchitis and pneumonia. So even in the presence of sick people I never was able to develop their flu like symptoms and heavily smelly sick breath.
I believe that if there is some infection taking place in the nose, this method does not give it time to grow and the mucus backward flush to the tummy might be keeping the nascent nasal virus in check and so expose the body to small viral quantity and mass.
I am encouraged to see that several countries are developing nasal sprays, some to kill the virus and others to provide vaccine immunity. I think the idea to eliminate the virus in the nose is correct because this corona virus incubates in the nose, so best eliminate it early before further damage to the rest of the body.
Now the difference with this system is that, this mucus refreshing system does not kill the virus, it only reduces the viral mass in the nose and the solution would cost no more than US$ 2.00 per 30 ml spray bottle which would last the person 40 days and the person can also use the spray bottle, between transit at airports, where the risk of infection inside an aircraft is very high. The 8 pH water can also be used for babies for children and for old people and there are no side effects.
I also believe that if a small quantity of virus is remaining in the body, this also gives the body a safe way to feel the presence of the virus and perhaps a gentle way to build immunity to any variant that might be present in the location but because of the mucus flush, the nasopharynx contains a low viral load which might allow the body to cope on own with its natural immune system.
This 8 pH water method could be a precursor to the vaccine that you have and could be very effective for the Government to roll-out its own medical protocol based on the two combined methods. The 8 pH water method acting as a hold-and-wait-and-see regime which instantly protect the population, releases people from lock-down as they await the rollout of a vaccine method which could one of several methods and maybe even Cyanvac nasal mucosal immunity system to protect against infection and blocking pathogens at the site of entry at the mucosal lining of the respiratory tract.
Persons with injected vaccines will still present incubating viral mass in the nose which can still spread to other people.
So in summary the 8 pH water method could easily (and at low cost) be rushed through into the community and at a second phase, follow-up with your vaccine as a close-out strategy based on approved vaccine application.
It sounds good to me.
I would be happy to talk to you.
Kind regards

Luciano Pontiggia

m. +61 40 708 4508 (whatsapp)
m. +84 783 418 795 (vietnam mobile number) 

jenny sheldon
jenny sheldon
2 years ago

How do we know this article is real too. Don’t know what or who to believe these days. So many liars on all sides.

2 years ago

If this is true why not get a cease and dissist order immediately? ☹️

2 years ago

2 years ago
Reply to  Steven


Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-09-17. ARs: 16yo’s heart inflamed TWICE it’s normal size, is now dead; inflamed testicles; irregular periods | paulthepaperbear
2 years ago

[…] Sworn affidavit from Prof. Luc Montagnier has been submitted to the International Criminal Court accusing World Governments of being complicit in #Genocide and #CrimesAgainstHumanity (tweet, website). […]

Anders Grandson
Anders Grandson
2 years ago

a great man

2 years ago

Dr Luc M is right. It’s modern day Nazi Holocaust. Ppl are asleep at the wheel and it drives me crazy to see how stupid ppl are

2 years ago
Reply to  PriscaV

But remember the holocaust did not happen………tales of gas chambers disguised as showers is world war 2 atrocity fiction.

Tony R.
Tony R.
2 years ago
Reply to  Tom

Tom, they’re not ready for the truth yet, not until the media and education ownership is stripped away from the demonic viruses that are causing today’s state of affairs. Then they will hang twice!

Eric's mom
Eric's mom
2 years ago

luc montagnier was correct in saying covid19 was made in the wuhan lab we now know luc montagnier was right there is much proof of the at he’s recently saying the jabs are what’s causing the variations as we see now proof of that is slowly being exposed. I believe luc montagnier he’s right about all of this trust him.

nathan mckay
nathan mckay
2 years ago

has anything happened moving forward?

2 years ago

So many perpetrators, so many victims. They even overlap in their roles. So few that stand up for truth, so many that could and should but don’t. Even the Pope has sold out to the evil media narrative and intentional myopia. The anti-christ is above us and alongside of us and increasingly within us. Our lives are gone, the fight is now for our souls.

2 years ago

COORDINATED – DemocideDemocide is a concept proposed by American political scientist Rudolph Rummelto describe “the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command.”[1][2] According to Rummel, this definition covers a wide range of deaths, including forced labor and concentration campvictims, killings by mercenaries and unofficial private groups, extrajudicialsummary killings, and mass deaths due to governmental acts of criminal omission and neglect, such as in deliberate famines, as well as killings by de factogovernments, i.e. civil war killings.[1][2] This definition covers any murder of any number of persons by any government.[1][2]
Rummel created democide as an extended term to include forms of government murder not covered by genocide. According to Rummel, democide surpassed war as the leading cause of non-natural death in the 20th century.[3][4]

Judith Clark
Judith Clark
2 years ago

You may already have seen the movie, “Plandemic: Iindoctornation” but if not, here’s a link. It’s free.

Judith Clark
Judith Clark
2 years ago
Reply to  Judith Clark

The documentary mentioned above exposes Fauci.

Nobel prize winner insists that COVID vaccines are creating more contagious variants that will lead to deaths of millions from prion disease. Variants will probably be endless. – COVID Variant News
2 years ago

[…] The senior virologist recently testified in the International Criminal Court against planned genocide and those promoting medical fraud by a group of elite leaders with onerous motives. You can read his sworn affidavit that directly contradicts and incriminates Dr. Anthony Fauci that is embedded in this article:… […]

2 years ago

HIV was never isolated to prove it exists Nov 25, 2013

SARS CoV2 was never isolated to prove it exists. Dr. Thomas Cowan interviews Christine Massey

No record found anywhere os SARS CoV 2 therefore no infectious disease called covid19.

2 years ago

As a judicial institution, the ICC does not have its own police force nor enforcement body; thus, it relies on cooperation with countries worldwide for support, particularly for making arrests, transferring arrested persons to the ICC detention center in The Hague, freezing suspects’ assets, and enforcing sentences.

Without enforcement not much changes.

Terence Panczyk
Terence Panczyk
2 years ago

think its a waste of time the elites will drag this out and never be punished and thier familys will hide all the bribes

Janie Moses
Janie Moses
2 years ago

He blew the whistle, and they killed him. That is my thoughts.

2 years ago

This is outstanding. Thank you a quadrillion times!

1 year ago

[…] toxic ingredients weren’t harming humanity worldwide, then it wouldn’t be the global CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY that it IS. Profits are motive, vaccines are […]