One of our readers pointed out to us, below, this very telling piece of information from the trenches of the “Covid death”grounds. This is not about statistics or abstract numbers.
Listen to a UK funeral director speaking of his experiences over the last 20 months and what he sees as the coming future. He takes major personal risks in order to expose the government’s COVID-19 death fraud since 2019.
The man is spot on.
514610cookie-checkUK Funeral Director Calls Out the Covid Crime Policy
This brave man should be listened to and should provoke intelligent discussion in all our communities. It is just 80 years ago when unspeakable and unthinkable things were done to law-abiding, tax paying citizens in Germany. Who could believe that people could come to hate their neighbours on the basis of political propaganda allow the private agenda of Hitler to be enacted? But it happened and World War II happened as a result.
You are absolutely right on the money about this being just like WWII … The Deep State has done so many things that are reflections of that era … But like the old saying “If you forget your history you will be condemned to repeat it”
[…] At the same time, 2020’s total number of human deaths worldwide due to Covid-19 turns out to be little different than any of the preceding pre-Covid years, anecdotally backed up by honest, brave whistleblowing morticians like UK’s John O’Looney. […]
[…] At the same time, 2020’s total number of human deaths worldwide due to Covid-19 turns out to be little different than any of the preceding pre-Covid years, anecdotally backed up by honest, brave whistleblowing morticians like UK’s John O’Looney. […]