“The CDC is not an independent agency. It is a vaccine company. CDC owns over twenty vaccine patents. It sells about $4.6 billion vaccines every year.” -Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Operation Warp Speed that went into effect back in the early part of 2020, after COVID-19 was officially recognized as a pandemic by the WHO, was essentially a militaristic biowarfare exercise operation to manufacture vaccines very quickly and could call upon the DOD for distribution of the vaccines to hospitals and health clinics if need be. From the vantage of hindsight, this is ball of wax that has been molded by the likes of DARPA, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and associated GAVI, the CDC, the NIH, and its Big Pharma mouthpiece for the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Dr. Anthony Fauci as a way to not only lock down the entire global economy in preparation for a World Economic Forum (WEF) drawn up plan for a Global Reset but also to get billions of people worldwide to take a jab of an experimental and highly dangerous vaccines. Even though it’s clearly pro vaccination, Bloomberg revealed just how stunningly profitable six major pharmaceutical companies that were awarded money from the government coffers to develop SARS-CoV-2 vaccines have been in opaquely awarded contracts from Operation Warp Speed (OWS) here:
Over the next six weeks, OWS handed contracts worth more than $8 billion to back five additional vaccines—those from Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, Novavax, Pfizer, and Sanofi jointly with Glaxo. The government reluctantly released some of the contracts—heavily redacted—over the summer in response to Freedom of Information Act requests. Slaoui says the fuss is unnecessary: “They are plain-vanilla contracts. There’s nothing special about them apart from the amount of money, which relates to the cost of developing the vaccines.” In mid-October, the advocacy group Public Citizen filed a lawsuit demanding the release of coronavirus vaccine contracts. In late October, HHS released a Moderna contract, heavily redacted.
OWS deals have led to a huge payday for many pharma executives. Moderna executives netted a profit of $115.5 million from selling shares in their company from May 15 to Aug. 31, according to Accountable Pharma, a nonpartisan watchdog group. A Moderna spokesman said the share sales were done through previously scheduled programs and in accordance with insider-trading regulations. Emergent executives netted $5 million selling shares during the same period, and in September the company’s executive chairman, Fuad El-Hibri, sold an additional 80,000 shares for a net profit of $8.1 million. Emergent said in a statement that executives regularly sell stock, following all laws governing financial transactions. Emergent’s shares were up 78% this year through Oct. 23.
“It’s a perfect business,” says Eli Zupnick, a spokesman for Accountable Pharma, of the OWS companies. “Their downside is covered by taxpayers, and their upside is already in their pockets.”
Now, that millions of Americans and many millions more globally have taken these gene-therapy “vaccines” from Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Astro-Zeneca, and Johnson & Johnson, we’ve already seen more severe adverse reactions as well as deaths from just the last year that they’ve been administered to people than we’ve seen from all the 70 vaccines combined from the previous 10 years according to the CDC’s VAERS own numbers. And, given that it is extremely time consuming to file all the paperwork necessary to report these adverse effects and the fact that they’re almost never filed after 48 hours along with the inherent bias of the allopathic system of medical care with regards to vaccines, you can be sure that the numbers of severe adverse effects and deaths are far higher than what’s being reported (by at least an order of magnitude of ten times but likely closer to a hundred times). However, as crazy as that obviously is, it should be remembered that the US government has a long and torturous history of performing biological experiments on its own citizens with various pathogens and agents usually without informing the citizenry beforehand. The following is a brief chronology though far from exhaustive of a handful of such biological experiments that we know of and have been documented as you can read all about in the hyperlinks I’ve included.
- 1763: In one of the first recorded instances of bio-war on American soil, Captain Ecuyer met with two Indian Chiefs under the pretense of friendship. He then gave them blankets taken from a fort hospital where the patients were infected with smallpox. During the ensuing months, smallpox decimated the Indian tribes of the Ohio region.
- 1918: The influenza, also known as the “Spanish Flu,” pandemic was a huge tragedy of epic proportions killing some 50,000,000 people globally. This may well have been set loose on the world as a vaccine-induced bacterial pneumonia pandemic rather than a naturally occurring pandemic by the Rockefeller Institute with their injecting WWI soldier guinea pigs with bacterial meningitis vaccines derived from a horse serum. It was made all the worse through the cramped quarters of trench warfare and when you consider that this was also around the time that peoples’ immune systems were being severely compromised by electromagnetic radiation radio frequencies as documented in the excellent book The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life by Arthur Firstenberg.
- 1942: The Japanese Imperial Army established a research camp in New Guinea during WWII. Just as they had done previously at the infamous Camp 731 in Manchuria, the Japanese soldier-scientists experimented on the Fore Indian tribe there. The tribe was injected with the minced-up version of the brains of diseased sheep containing visna virus prions, which caused Creutzfelt-Jacob disease or the human equivalent of “Mad Cow” disease. After five or six years, the Fore tribe developed what they called “kuru” where they literally wasted away as their brains turned to mush. After WWII ended, Dr. Ishii Shiro (the General Doctor in charge of Japan’s Biological Warfare Development, Testing, and Deployment) was captured by the US. He was given something of a no-brainer of his own. Either be put to death as a war criminal or come work for the US Army. Unsurprisingly, he chose the latter, and in the subsequent years he helped the US biological germ warfare specialists develop their own weapons-grade CJD/BSE kuru prion disease agent.

- 1946: Dr. George Merck, while still the director of US biological warfare research, admits that the US learned how to crystallize bacterial toxins. Note that this is the same Merck of Merck Pharmaceuticals that would go on to develop many vaccines like the one for polio, which was tainted with SV40 (Simian Virus 40) a known human carcinogen.
- 1949-1969: The US Army sprays at least 239 populated areas with biowarfare agents and so-called “biological simulants” to include Aspergillus fumigatus, a fungus known to cause death, Zinc Cadmium Sulfide, Bacillus Subtilis (a bacterium that shares characteristics with Anthrax), and Serratia Marcescens (which is known to cause meningitis).
- 1955: The CIA spays large amounts of Haemophilus Pertussis (Whooping Cough bacterium) in “field trials” along Florida’s gulf coast. Medical records from that time looked into by the Church of Scientology (of all people) into CIA biological experiments conducted on US citizens in the Tampa Bay region of Florida, as reported by the Washington Post, show that the incidence of whooping cough tripled compared to the year before. (Also, see the book Clouds of Secrecy: The Army’s Germ Warfare Tests Over Populated Areas by Leonard Cole)

- 1957: One of the first outbreaks of chronic fatigue syndrome in Punta Gorda, Florida is unleashed by mosquitoes infected with brucella bacterium by Dr. Guilford B. Reed at Queen’s University in Canada. The mosquitoes were bred in Belleville, Ontario and released in Punta Gorda, where at least 450 people became ill with the disease for the first time.
- 1962: Acting on a directive issued back in January 1961, the Kennedy Administration authorized the DOD to launch Project 112 along with its spin-off Project SHAD (Shipboard Hazard and Defense) that experimented on US soldiers and citizens alike with chemical and bacteriological weapons euphemistically called “stimulants.” At least 13 US naval ships were exposed under Project SHAD alone to simulated chemical and biological attacks, which was all denied until May 2000 when CBS News finally exposed the story publically.
- 1969: President Richard Nixon theoretically ends biological germ warfare research and testing on US citizens with the passage of an executive order. However, the evidence that follows will clearly demonstrate that testing and experimentation continues.
- 1969: Dr. Donald MacArthur, in a closed secret meeting dealing with the budgetary approval for the Pentagon’s 1970 Black Budget with a Congressional Subcommittee, stated: “It is possible that, with the proper funding, we could develop within the next 5 to 10 years a synthetic virus for which there is no known natural immunity.” This is precisely what the AIDS virus ended up being, which was created out of a Brucella bacterium mutated with a visna virus and the toxin removed as a DNA particle called a mycoplasma.
- 1971: The US Public Health Service releases a report detailing what is called “The Special Virus Cancer Program” created by the CIA and NIH to develop a deadly pathogen for which humanity has no natural immunity (i.e. Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome, AIDS), which was disguised as a war on cancer but was really part of MKNAOMI. (For example see: “The Special Virus Cancer Program: Progress Report No. 8” as well as the book Dr. Mary’s Monkey by Edward T. Haslam)
- 1974: National Security Study Memorandum 200 dubbed “The Kissinger Report” states that in order to reduce population growth: “A number of major actions in the area of creating conditions for fertility decline can be funded from resources available to the sectors in question (e.g., education, agriculture). Other actions, including family planning services, research and experimental activities on factors effecting [sic] fertility, come under population funds…”

- 1974-1979: The Smallpox vaccine is administered in Central Africaand the Hepatitis B vaccine is administered to the homosexual population in New York City and San Francisco, and we witness the first cases of AIDS that explodes full blown in the 1980s.
- 1994: The Riegle Report details how the US sent biological and chemical weapons to Iraqi agencies throughout the 1980s. These biological and chemical agents included Anthrax, West Nile Virus, Nerve Gas, etc. (See “US Was Key Supplier to Saddam” Seattle Post Intelligencer, Sept. 24, 2002)
- 1997: US Public Law 95-79, Title 50, Chapter 32, Section 1520 is finally modified. Prior to its modification, it read: “The use of human subjects will be allowed for the testing of chemical and biological agents by the US Department of Defense.”
- 1999: An infection of West Nile Virus unlike any seen occurring naturally broke out in New York City. About half the crows and many other bird species died, and it ostensibly spread to humans through mosquitoes. By October 8th, 2002, the CDC had reported a cumulative total of 2,768 infections of WNV with 146 deaths registered. It wasn’t until the mid-90s that WNV started causing large numbers of bird deaths, and the closest viral strain to the NY99 virus was the one that circulated in Israel from 1997-2000. One of the key figures during this time heading up the Office of Emergency Management was former 9/11 security intelligence-connected Kroll Associates man, Jerome Hauer. After he directed the massive and no doubt very dangerous spraying of pesticides for a few years that looked to be targeting not only mosquitoes but people as well, who were unfortunate enough to breathe it, he tried to mandate other biological experiments like the Smallpox vaccine under the “Emergency Health Powers Act” until the California Association of Nurses refused to take it, and they were forced to back off. He later became a Vice President of SAIC, one the heavy-weights in the Military-Industrial-Complex Deep State. A couple good candidates for the source of the genetically-manipulated strain of WNV are the major US biological and germ development laboratories of Ft. Detrick and Plum Island, the latter of which is suspiciously located near Long Island. In retrospect, it seems likely that the WNV was deliberately deployed for at least two main reasons: 1) As a function of a “Bioterrorism Preparedness Drill” using a live virus instead of a “stimulant,” and 2) To create “a multi-million dollar market” for OraVax’s Japanese Encephalitis (JE) WNV vaccine along with other major drugs to follow like Bayer’s Cipro used for Anthrax. Interestingly, George W. Bush and members of his cabinet were already taking Cipro before the suspicious letters containing Anthrax were mailed out to NBC and key political opponents like Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle. (See book Death in the Air by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz)

- 2014: In early December of 2014, the Brazilian Ministry of Health’s Center for Epidemiological Surveillance (CVE) announced the mandatory vaccination of pregnant women between the 27th and 36th weeks of pregnancy with the diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DTaP) vaccine. By May of 2015, a great number of babies were being born with microcephaly where they have malformed shrunken heads and other severe birth defects. The majority of cases occurred in the Northeast Region of Pernambuco, Brazil where most of the DTaP vaccines were distributed. In December 2015, the Brazilian government declared a national emergency after 2,400 babies were born with microcephaly. The WHO then blamed the microcephaly epidemic on the Zika virus, which was discovered in Uganda in 1947 and spread by mosquitoes. However, there is no evidence that the Zika virus causes microcephaly, whereas vaccines sometimes do. The vaccines that were used in 2014 that are the primary suspects for the epidemic of babies born with malformed heads due to microcephaly were GlaxoSmithKline’s Refortrix (known in Brazil as Boostrix) and Sanofi Pasteur’s Adacel produced in France.
In summation, allow me to quote Catherine O’Driscoll from an article entitled “Vaccines, Biowarfare, and Betrayal” published in Nexus Magazine, Vol. 24, No. 3, May-June 2017:
“Government agencies, including the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Department of Defense, the US Public Health Service as well as the Pasteur Institute and the International Agency for Research on Cancer in France, Porton Down in England, the Ivanovsky Institute in Russia, and others- scientists around the world in government departments and pharmaceutical companies- were (and still are) messing around with viruses in labs, splicing together different viruses from different species and creating super viruses under the guise of preventive health care while also delivering powerful biological weapons- and sharing them with one another!”

What an interesting article and as a sufferer for over 14 years from chronic fatigue syndrome I can attest to the misery these bio weapons create,I have known for many years that CFS was “given” to me and it is closure for me that people like Dr Judy Mikovits and others have spoken out and finally lifted the lid on these sick practices,thank god not everybody is motivated by money.
I would add that Lyme disease is another bioweapon that was either released purposely by the globalist population control elites/military industrial complex et al, to reduce population or it accidentally escaped from Plum Island biological warfare center. From their track record, I would believe it was another bioweapon purposely released. Also, we had reached herd immunity from polio before the polio vax was released but they did the fear thing like they did with covid because they wanted all the parents to line up their kiddies for the vax when they finally developed it. Children in iron lungs were constantly shown on TV to scare parents. They made it look like polio was still spreading. It was not. After the polio vax the only people that got polio were the vaxxed. I know several who came down with polio after being vaxxed. Sabin and Salk knew that polio was on out but wanted to push their precious vax and be heralded as heroes. Sabin and Salk knew that the cancer virus SV-40 was in their shot and they did not care and did not work to clean the vax from the cancer virus. Salk and Sabin were NOT heroes as they are made out to be to this day. They were the Fauci’s and Gates of the fifties. One more thing… the introduction of the chickenpox vax caused an uptick in shingles. The drug companies were developing the shingles vax at the same time they developed the chickenpox vax because they knew that if kids did not get chickenpox the adults would not be exposed to the disease and their immunity would wane and they would get shingles. A doctor told me this would happen back in 1998 when they were adding the chickenpox vax to the Colorado schoolkids vax requirement list. He said, “Mark my words, Patti, in the future you will see an uptick in shingles and the drug companies will swoop in with their shingles vaccine as if they are the saviors when in actuality they are the cause.
I was forced to get the anthrax vaccine in the US army. The telltale sign that you got it was quarter size spots of missing hair. Usually only noticed on the head since we were required to shave.
When the hair finally did grow in (after a few years) it was withered and not normal. My spots are solid grey hair, unlike my natural hair. The hair is not as robust as natural hair either.