One useful result of Russia’s imminent victory might be renewed attention to UN Charter Article 41. As the G-192 has been saying for years, imposition of sanctions falls under the authority of the Security Council. A blockade is well-known as an act of war. And FINCEN’s more comprehensive blockades are just as facially illegal under the non-intervention principle, which the ICJ considers a sanctified absolute rule of law. Russian use of force is therefore provably legal, necessary and proportional.
Russia might also do what it did in Syria and reinvigorate the Military Staff Committee provided for in Article 47. Simply by treating the Security Council with less contempt than the US does, Russia’s use of force will have full legal justification.
CIA’s braced to lose. CIA prepared for the coming depression with a brilliant choice of puppet ruler. Biden’s the most disposable president in history. He can’t even pass that dementia test that asks who the president is, so no hard feelings when he takes the fall for CIA’s lost war and gets shat out.
CIA can then install a Republican to keep the war fever going, with associated kleptocratic criminal enterprise.
What’s quite interesting is Putin’s evident confidence that NATO is going to roll over and whimper like a little bitch.
In an interesting self-licking ice cream cone, war propaganda justifies war, and instantly losing the war justifies intensified war propaganda and associated ICCPR-illegal states of emergency. So any CIA geopolitical objective is gone down the shitter. All that remains is justification for increased domestic repressive capacity. That’s what they really need. Because by now we all know we got to put their heads on sticks.
More useless propaganda!!
[…] law. Russian use of force is therefore provably legal, necessary and proportional. ” – SOURCE – “UN Charter Article 41. As the G-192 has been saying for years, imposition of […]