Are Russia and China in on the Great Reset? My Response to James Corbett

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by  via The Duran

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Yesterday, I was invited by my friend Hrvoje Morik onto his new show on TNT Radio to discuss a short response to a new viral video that has been produced by James Corbett earlier this week.

Corbett’s video advances the thesis that Russia and China are both controlled opposition to the western unipolar Great Reset Agenda and are actually in cahoots as part of a grand game to enslave the world. The principal device used by Corbett in this video are two February 4th Joint Statements (one on US-Canadian Relations and another on Sino-Russian Relations) which use identical language. Although Corbett may have used this device as a piece of sarcasm to push the thesis of Russia-China complicity in the Great Reset, the fact is that based upon countless comments from viewers who have watched his video on many online platforms, including dozens of subscribers who wrote into me after having watched Corbett, these documents were both treated as factual.

Just to be clear with the many people who were confused about this: the Canadian-US Joint Declaration does not exist.

Despite this, I share interview because the willingness to believe that every nation is controlled by a sociopathic oligarchy out to kill us is tied to a deep cultural sickness of nihilism, pessimism and the belief that humanity is intrinsically corrupt and doomed. That level of cynicism is attractive partially because it alleviates each of us from having to take responsibility for righting injustices or risking our personal security in order to intervene upon an evil self-destructive system (for how could we make something Good which is evil by its very nature?)

This cynical way of thinking also appeals to our own tendency to wish to remain voyeurs watching and commenting upon reality as if each of us were not also integrated into the system which we were voyeuristically trying to watch as if it were reality TV.

My preliminary written remarks (which I feature here below) were shared by our mutual friend Joaquin Flores on his excellent Telegram Channel (, and the discussion with Hrvoje are also featured below.

Listen on Soundcloud

Or watch on Bitchute here

Preliminary Thoughts Upon Watching Corbett’s new Viral Video ‘Shocking Document Reveals Trudeau (Putin and Xi’s) Real Plan’

My preliminary reaction after watching this argument is a bewilderment that Corbett is completely incapable of ever looking at what Russia or China are actually doing in terms of actions which undermine the depopulation agenda. There are currently the largest development projects now underway pulling over 1 billion out of poverty led by China’s Belt and Road Initiative which is in total opposition to the depopulation program yet it’s like none of that exists.

Another paradox that Corbett seems to be happy ignoring: if all sides are all controlled and have been so long, then why didn’t the oligarchy get their technocratic feudalism a LONG time ago. I mean George Soros had his own agent (Zhao Ziyang) in thee highest position of power in China ready to privatize everything under the fourth industrial revolution (in 1983!!) So why was that agent arrested with his allies (a few who evaded arrest by sneaking off to the USA and Canada) and Soros given a lifetime ban from China?

All of Russia was brought under total control during the privatization 1990s of Yeltsin with NATO and Soros taking control of the entire post Soviet space. Today Soros is banned and many of the leading Russian oligarchs created during that time are in sanctuary in London and Florida. Why? Why didn’t that level of influence continue? Why did oligarchs get sent to prison and see their privatized state assets re-nationalized? Why did Russia not let the Syrians get the Iraq treatment or let Venezuela get a regime change in favor of WEF agent Juan Guaido? Why not let Kazakhstan get a Soros regime change treatment a couple of months ago? Why promote National banking when the oligarchy wants all central banks private?

Yes AI and digital currency will be used by Eurasia, but what is their function?

How is the system functioning differently in which such things would be used? Are digital currencies or AI intrinsically evils or is there a principle of function, design and intent that determines whether tools will be used to enslave or support human life?

I get really annoyed with pattern-formation thinking advocated by alt media black pilled libertarian commentators who appear to have giddy-fetishes for dissecting evil to such an extreme degree that when evidence of the Good is right in front of their face, their polarized intellectual lenses cannot see it.

Im going to write something on this with the title “so you’re too smart to hope” or “an ode to the black pilled”

Supplementary Reading Material for those Hungry for More Context:

The Collision of Two Opposing Green Destinies

The Multipolar Alliance as the Last Line of Defense of the UN Charter

How China’s Gorbachev Was Flushed in 1989

Who is Creating a New Chinese Boogey Man? (An Examination of Modern Psychological Warfare)

Beijing, Five Eyes or Something Else: Who’s to Blame for the Covid Pandemic

Today’s Emergencies Act, and Anti-Russian False Flags Echo the Gouzenko Hoax That Unleashed the Cold War

Do Xi Jinping’s Davos Remarks Prove He is a Globalist Shill? “By their fruits ye shall know them”

Debunking Anti-Chinese Psy Ops Part 1: Social Credit as Distasteful Necessity in an Age of Asymmetric Warfare

Debunking Anti-Chinese Psy Ops Part 2: Opium, Synthetic Cults and the Haunting of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

Debunking Anti-Chinese Psy Ops Part 3: Jesuits, Tavistock and the Battle for the Soul of China

Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review , and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and Clash of the Two Americas. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation .

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2 years ago

Corbett is seen as an oracle of all things by his followers. He makes very valid points in his multitude of videos but is not infallible. I felt he also dismissed population predictions without much to back his ideas up .
Back to this article I eieve drom.present ans past circumstances that both Russia and China are a thorn in the side of the NWO and others seeking to enave the planet.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

I personally think that both Colbert and Ehret are controlled opposition. Colbert is selling to his cultish followers the idea of this omnipotent bio-socio-engineering trans-humanist agenda. His mantra is “get used to it. It is inescapable.”

Ehret is saying Trump win in 2016 was due to some opposition within the establishment.

In fact, the real opposition is fomenting at the very grassroots level while both of the two are sort of soothing the masses into waiting for some resolution from the elites. None of them is calling for the cataclysmic collapse of the empire from within and from without. For both we are watching some high politics and power game as outsiders.

Ehret made a name for himself copying from Lyndon LaRouche his take on the nineteenth century American vs British history.

Besides, Colbert is an unctuous, sleazy, creepy reptile.

Hans Auht
Hans Auht
1 year ago
Reply to  Dacian

If Ehret is not a jew, then he has been missing one heck of opportunity to get in on the shekel shuffle. Regarding Corbett, he has always been a littlea squirrelly acting, much like a goofy jerkoff might behave. Who knows, Corbett may have gotten bitten by the ole jew bugger booter. So, yes, these two goofs are without a doubt controlled opposition.

2 years ago

Kay Griggs on Bitchute spoke about the cherry marines and how China’s current president was ‘groomed’ as a 7 year old and put into power. Orchestrated by whom? Also the Belt and Road initiative will only benefit Israel, China, Russia and Iran (pulling billions out of poverty is typical ‘switch brain off’ propaganda). NWO is the name of the game while you guys argue on the sidelines.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mittens

Baloney, lies, gross misinformation. Do you need to know more about Xi Jinping real biography? Make an effort and read, not YouTube’ing fabrications. Here is one such very informative article: What Kind of Leader is Xi Jinping?

2 years ago
Reply to  Dacian

I believe Kay Griggs, she had no reason to lie. Have you even bothered to listen to her? I presume you already know it all.

Hans Auht
Hans Auht
1 year ago
Reply to  Mittens

Oh no, Mitten Man, oh no, oh no Mitts, NWO is not the name of the game, oh lordy, lordy, and it shall never be. Mitten mammy, take them mittens off as your hands must be sweating profusely. Hee-flee.