War in Ukraine is About the Dollar

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by Algora

All the major events in the last 20 years revolve around the Dollar. As long as the US can use its own domestic currency as the currency of the world, it practically never can go bankrupt. It can print more and more dollars, just simple paper, and continue to pay anything in the world with toilet paper.

Do they want to pay for the jihadists in Iraq, or Syria, etc. they go to the printing press. Do they want to buy a company in France, or Germany they print more dollars, etc.

That makes it very unpleasant for the US if someone declares that they will not accept dollars. Furthermore, using their gunboat diplomacy, they forced all countries of the would to trade among themselves only using dollars. If India wants to buy shoes from Brazil, they are forced to pay in US dollars for the shoes. They were/are not allowed to use Indian rupees, but American dollars. Otherwise: sanctions!!! – Same about the petrodollars. All the oil in the world can only be paid for in dollars!

So, when Saddam Hussein dared to defy the US and declared that Iraq would sell its oil for Euros or gold — we know what happened. When Libya’s Gaddafi said the same, to the shock of everyone, he was blown to pieces. These were lessons for the little guys. Kill a chicken to scare a monkey.

Now, the Russians were concerned for a long time that in this environment they cannot compete with an endless source of military financing by the U.S. They concluded that, in order to level the playing field, they need to dethrone the mighty dollar. They were working with the Chinese for the last 4-5 years on how to move their trade outside of the dollar. And that’s when the trouble started.

Smelling the consequences, the US moved to preempt that from becoming real. They moved against China, then Russia, then China, back and forth to intimidate one or the other. But no success.

Then, in utter despair, they (mis)calculated that they could trap Russia in an un-winnable quagmire in Ukraine. But their old tricks are not working.

So, when the US, in an unprecedented act of international piracy, seized Russia’s central bank accounts and Russian citizens’ private property in the West, that illegal act alone, finally, gave Russia the pretext to nullify all the financial obligations to the West and bring their own big gunboat diplomacy to the dispute. You want our oil? Pay in Rubles! You want our grain? Pay in Rubles!

Now, the Americans are dead in the water.

At this point the best outcome for the US would be a military takeover.

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2 years ago

Fantastic article! I actually understand world affairs a little better now. Clear, short and simple. Thankyou!

2 years ago
Reply to  Mittens

Feel the same way!!

2 years ago

everything you write about is excellent! and trutful.

2 years ago

Nobody running the show for the US is so shortsighted. The true powers running the Biden administration look forward to the devaluing of the USD. They are desperate to destroy it and replace it with a digital dollar under the control of the WEF global governance body ASAP. The USA will cease to exist as anything under the control of its inhabitants.The USA will become nothing more than an idea with the military run by the NWO for it’s purposes. No borders and no Constitution. Nothing but a bunch of people occupying a land mass under the control of a global governing system with the US digital dollar as the manner of control for folks the region.