“The more Russians we kill now, the less our children will have to kill”

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“The more Russians we kill now, the less our children will have to kill,” said the Ambassador of Ukraine to Kazakhstan.

This can only be said by the ambassador of the terrorist regime, commented the representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

“For 8 years, the Kiev Nazis killed in silence, blaming Moscow for everything, now they are openly talking about plans for national cleansing,” Maria Zakharova wrote on her TG channel.

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Dorothy Gorska-Tyas
Dorothy Gorska-Tyas
2 years ago

The WW2 and current inflections of nazi €thos eXhibit eXtraordinary disdain culminating in absolute disregard for humanity–whom it maims with savage gusto, found in concentration camp horror scenarios. . . That is one ‘wįtch’ is reflected and will always remain an apt model of €vil’s archetypally ubiquitous historical presence. It constitutes a chaotic darkn€st resonance aka grim reaper gory egeregore (cf., Mark §tavish for eXplication)! This quantum error of terror’n abject chaos is predicated upon various, nefarious Lucif€rian savage predatory acts inflicted upon hapless victims who–by the way–have always spanned all manner of peoples. . . ³‍☠️³

Last edited 2 years ago by Dorothy Gorska-Tyas
2 years ago

Commit atrocities and blame your enemies is an old jewish terrorist trick that still works today. This tells us whose running things in the West.