⚡️ Russia’s Defense Minister Shoigu: Russia is at War with the Collective West

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Touching upon the issue of the military costs of the armed conflict in Ukraine, Sergei Shoigu estimated that Kiev has lost half of its army, which originally had about 200,000 troops at the initial stage of Moscow’s special operation.

▪️ Over 2,000 foreign mercenaries were eliminated in Ukraine in the past months by Russians, the minister said, adding that 1,000 remain at the combat zone.

▪️ Russian losses, Shoigu noted, amount to 5,937, noting that the servicemen were “courageously fulfilling their duties.”

Highlights from Russia’s Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu during today’s address on Donbass:
▪️ Ukraine using West-supplied weapons against civilian population more and more often;
▪️ Over 150 western military experts are operating in Kiev;
▪️ Over 2,000 mercenaries killed in Ukraine, more than 1,000 remain.
▪️ Ukraine lost half of its military; casualty count amounts to more than 100,000 people: 61,207 dead and 49,368 wounded;
▪️ The loss of the Russian Armed Forces totals 5,937 dead;
▪️ Partial mobilization is primarily needed to control the contact line of 1,000 km and the liberated territories.
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