✔️ Biden said: “It will be done,” and it was done. There is no doubt about that. People will say, “Oh my God! Russia did ,it” Who is saying this? The propaganda services. There is one country that has done it. And that’s the US, which has fulfilled the promise made by the American president.
✔️ It is clear here that this attack was carried out by the US. Just the day before, the streets of German cities were full of protesters who were speaking out against their government’s policy, the policy of strangling Germany. With industry shutting down, energy prices skyrocketing and a long and cold winter ahead. And the citizens of Germany said: “Stop this nonsense! Turn on Nord Stream 2.”
✔️ These rallies would go on and one of two things would happen. Either the German government would have turned on Nord Stream 2, or it would have been overthrown and replaced by people who would have turned on the pipeline. And from an American point of view, this is very dangerous. Germany is a key ally in exercising American hegemony. The US has chosen to abandon gas pipelines. And whatever the Germans want, it is no longer going to happen. That was the purpose of this operation.
✔️ That doesn’t punish Russia, it wasn’t supplying gas anyway. It just watched the Germans commit voluntary suicide.
✔️ What happened was the US committed an act of war against its European allies. There is no other way to look at it. This is so stupid! It is destroying Europe. We used to call Tony Blair America’s poodle, now I don’t know what to call Europe. It’s some kind of indecent word! It’s demeaning to Europe! I don’t know what the US will get out of it. Because whatever short-term gain Biden might get, this operation will have long-term consequences.
That the U.S. sabotaged the NS pipelines is the only logical conclusion. What other pipelines will be destroyed? Maybe some in the U.S.?
“…whatever short-term gain Biden might get.” Biden gets no benefit whatsoever. He knows nothing and just wants his jello and a quiet evening with The Teletubbies. What I want to know is who is controlling Biden. I think the answer might be fairly shocking were the truth known.
I think it was Kissinger that said “To be an enemy of the US is dangerous….but to be a friend of the US is fatal.