Biden’s Economic Policies Threaten a Split with Europe

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by Elena Panina via Foreign Policy
(machine translated from Russian)

The Anti-Inflation Act ($370 billion in subsidies for electric cars and clean energy) and the Chips and Science Act ($52 billion in subsidies for semiconductor companies) passed by Washington have caused discontent in Europe, writes FP.
Support under both laws is aimed exclusively at manufacturers in the US. In addition, gas prices in many European countries are already 10 times higher than in America
It has come to the point where EU Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton has said he will not attend the US-EU Trade and Technology Council meetings this week.
Individual countries are also unhappy. For example, the Dutch are not happy with the US demand to stop supplying chipmaking equipment to China. Their manufacturers, ASML and ASM International, would then suffer.
So far, Washington is limiting itself to verbal therapy but does not intend to change its laws on subsidies or its approaches to China.
It should be noted that Europe can no longer win back the gas.,It has lost the energy war. The freebies in the form of cheap Russian gas, which served as the engine of the EU economy, are over. But the Europeans did it themselves under pressure from the United States.
But what prevents the EU from adopting mirror laws to support its own producers? Maybe WTO rules (which the Americans comply with only when it suits them)?
The EU’s limited political subjectivity prevents it. Quod licet Jovi, non licet Bovi—what is allowed for Jupiter is not allowed for bulls.
The collective West is not homogeneous. It is grouped around an Anglo-Saxon nucleus represented by the US, Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. There are two notional belts around the core. The first has the EU, Japan, and South Korea. In the second, everyone else
It is a world of predators. The interests of the core always prevail. Therefore, the countries in the first and second belts serve as food for the Anglo-Saxons when resources are scarce.
That is what we are seeing in this case: an overflow of industrial companies from Europe to the jurisdiction of the United States.They are more needed there. And the Europeans will be outraged and eventually come to terms with their second-rate role.
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