Russia’s Major Offensive in April?

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Analysts of the German Ministry of Defense believe that Russia will launch a new offensive in Ukraine in April 2023.

According to the German defense ministry, there are two possible scenarios for the future campaign:

  1. In April, a massive offensive of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will begin with the aim of reaching the administrative borders of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics. At the same time, Belarus is concentrating about 10,000 troops on the border with Ukraine, forcing the Ukrainian command to transfer part of its forces to the north of the country.

Further, Russian troops are entrenched in the recaptured territories, in order to maximize the complexity of Kiev’s counter-offensive actions, in parallel, the Kremlin offers the West a new round of negotiations.

  1. Russian troops together with the Armed Forces of Belarus will launch an offensive on two fronts: the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Donbas, the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus in the Kiev direction. If the operation is successful, the next task will be to reach the western borders of Ukraine in order to block the supply channels of weapons and military equipment to Ukraine from the outside, as well as Russian troops will enter Transnistria.

It should be noted that for the Western think tank and military analysts of the Ministries of Defense, the date “April 2023” appears for the first time.

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2 years ago

I don’t understand this. Russia already has control of all of Donetsk and Lugnask. Russia has satellites watching every square mile of Ukraine and takes out countless weapons systems daily. Russia can see and hit any target of weapons coming across the Ukrainian border using any number of weapons. I seriously doubt anyone outside of Russian top brass knows Russian plans and strategy. Belarus sounds correct tho.