Excerpts from Brian Shilhavy of Health Impact News
[ . . .] Dr. Jane Ruby’s interview with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is spread out over 3 videos on her Rumble channel. I have combined them into one video and abridged them down to under 25 minutes.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is not new to this topic, and so I highly recommend watching this video as they summarize where we are today with the COVID-19 shots, and what is likely coming in the future as we head into 2023. These two doctors are not looking to score political points or win popularity contests, as far as I can see, and are far more concerned with providing truth to educate the public.
This is on our Bitchute channel, and will also be on our Odysee and Telegram channels.
863591cookie-checkWill 2023 be a “Tsunami of Regret”?