Russian Army: Are Shoigu and Gherasimov Being Discharged?

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There are some very significant developments within the Russian Army taking place these days. And that is: a mutiny within the volunteer army, which is Wagner, against the incompetent, corrupt 5th column represented by the big wigs Defense Minister Shoigu and Army Chief of Staff Gherasimov.

On the public channels, the complaint is about ammunition or, rather the lack of it, that was/is allocated to the Wagner group. But it might be rather about the direction of the overall strategy of Russia and a possible change of guard at the top.

Here is Prigozhin giving the ultimatum, not to  the Ukrainian army but to the Russian army. “We will leave the theater of operation in Bakhmut on May 10.” :

And here is the same Prigozhin explaining why: 

To speak out against Wagner today is political suicide. Because of the popularity of Wagner and because of the irritation of society against the military and political bureaucracy, because of the mistakes and inactivity of the NWO. Because, as it seems to society, the bureaucracy is afraid to defeat the West in Ukraine, afraid to fight for real.
For example, the very popular TG channel “Ridovka explains” today called Prigozhin’s actions blackmail, so after that he was told such a thing that after half an hour “Ridovka explains” apologized.
Many are afraid to criticize the Ministry of Defense. But no one has yet dared to seriously criticize Wagner. The Ministry of Defense is also silent.It thinks. (Markov)

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