The Theater called the Cold War

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by Claudiu Secara

What is important about Rogozin’s revelations, BIG: The Fake Moon Landing – Top Russian Official, is not that the Moon landing was a hoax. Anybody that had an interest in finding out the truth knows that.

The serious implications of Rogozin’s post is that he provides the smoking gun to those who always suspected a collusion – beyond the superficial – between the two Cold War adversaries. At the peak of the Cold War rhetoric, both sides were lying. Wink, wink among them, nuclear war threat for the hoi polloi to get them in line, to get them to be submissive. Even as recent as ten years ago, all the top officials in the “Soviet Union”, now Russia, were still lying. So were all the Chinese leadership lying.

They could have deflated the American Superman balloon by just piercing one of their myths and laughing out loud. The emperor has no clothes. But they lied ! Why? Politics? Not enough of a reason. There must have been much deeper considerations. And more sinister.

Now, the consequences of that fact, of collusion, are tremendous. All the die-hard supporters of the Cold War theater throughout these many years, including the war in Ukraine  should be . . . speechless.

Yes, the war in Ukraine is fake, as fake as the Moon landing, as fake as 9/11 and as fake as the Corona virus. And not the least as fake as WWI and WWII. Which is no longer a surprise as we know that Germany, the villain, was propped up by Standard Oil and IBM and all the rest of the Anglo-Saxon real villains.

Now, we can all go to sleep in peace.

. . . Except for the dead and the wounded and those left homeless. It is good theater for us, but is is a real tragedy for them and their families.

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