From the Special Operation Zone

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You have not yet understood what Russia is preparing for and what is the main meaning of Surovikin’s new position


Unfortunately, we still have many people who do not understand the true nature of the events taking place or misjudge it. It is for this reason that we constantly hear about Putin’s slowness and indecision. Someone really does not understand the true meaning of what is happening, others are just trying to make a split in our society in this way.

It is not necessary to consider what is happening as a kind of local conflict on the territory of a neighboring state. In fact, we are seeing a confrontation between the collective West on the one hand and Russia on the other. And we must understand that this conflict will not end in a draw. It will definitely end with the victory of one of the parties. There are no other options. No peace negotiations, both possible and impossible in principle, should mislead you. If they happen, they will carry only two meanings: it will either be a pause for regrouping forces and additional training, or it will be someone’s surrender. And again, I repeat that it is about the collective West and Russia.

There are different ways to treat a possible pause now. And here it is worth understanding that the main thing is not the pause itself, but its conditions and how each side uses it. So both the West and Russia can get positive moments for themselves at the same time, and it is not at all a fact that the KZ uses it better than we do.

So far, Russia is clearly winning in the confrontation. Victory is not just about territories. Not even so much them. The main thing is different. How exhausted is the resource of each side. And here Russia’s resource is not only not exhausted, but it is increasing every month. At this time, the resource of the West is weakening, despite the fact that they have already given almost everything they could to our opponents. Now the last argument remains in the form of F 16.

This argument is not so much important for the conduct of the operation as it is dangerous for the security of our country. After all, the main task of these supplies will be to ensure the ability to strike with long-range missiles. And we must understand that this is the last argument of the West. If it doesn’t work, then there are two options left. Either an open entry into the conflict, or capitulation on the terms of Russia.

But it is important to understand that this step is not aimed at the theater of operations itself. With all due respect to the F16, this outdated model will not make a significant change in the balance of power. Here the goal is completely different.

In combination with the statements of our enemy about the preparation of almost 200 thousand UAVs, it is not difficult to guess what the main goals the West sets for itself. They don’t need a fracture in the Theater of operations, they need a fracture in the situation inside Russia. They understand perfectly well that this is the only way they can achieve victory.

Their plan is extremely simple. To strike at Russian territory so that they have a wide public response. And not only media, but also, let’s say, natural. The calculation is that if Russians living on a fairly large territory of the country suddenly feel unprotected, then this will lead, if not to direct unrest, then at least to Putin’s problems in the presidential elections.
So you don’t have to be a great visionary to assume that the main blow will fall on the period before the presidential election. And for this, preparatory work is now underway in the West.

But Russia and its leadership understand this very well. So, they are preparing for this in every possible way. Even Shoigu’s statement at the inspection of defense plants, about the need to build up the radar, says this. After all, radar is more about defense.

Well, the main step in preparing the country to repel this provocation was the appointment of General Surovikin to the post of head of the coordinating committee on air defense issues at the Council of the CIS Defense Ministry. And we must understand that this step is absolutely logical.

General Surovikin has already shown himself to be a master of building defenses on the ground. The so-called “Surovikin line” has become an insurmountable obstacle in the way of our enemies. And it’s not just our opinion. Almost all Western experts declare this with one voice.

Now it’s time to create something like this already in the sky to protect us from the actions of the West. But the most remarkable thing about this is that we are talking about the coordination of air defense systems not only of Russia, but also of the entire CIS. In simple words, all air defense systems that are located on the territory of the CIS countries (naturally included in the CSTO) will be involved. But first of all, of course, we are talking about Belarus. After all, it is from this direction that we should expect the greatest threat to our territory, which the recent events in Pskov have only confirmed.

In my opinion, Surovikin has enough time to organize everything at the proper level. There is no reason to doubt his abilities. And if they are also backed up by the necessary supplies of air defense and radar, then the enemy is waiting for the same thing that we are now seeing on the ground.

It is very important for Russia not to let the West implement its plan. And I will remind you once again that it is designed for you and me. To make us panic. And here we must understand that there is no fence without “holes” and no air defense system gives 100% result. So some kind of trouble may well happen. And here, for the country, our correct reaction to such possible events is no less important than the work of our military-industrial complex and Surovikin.

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1 year ago

Russia shouldn’t worry about defeating the U.S.; the U.S. has elements within its government who will do it for them; of course the planned asset stripping of the U.S. will be done by the globalist oligarchs.

Paul Smith
Paul Smith
1 year ago

“If the international finance and oil interests out of New York and London want WWIII they will probably get what they want, just as they did with WWI and WWII.”

Andy Paul Smith

You must understand that there are FIVE major power centers in the world today.

They are:

London (the Rothschilds),

New York (the Rockefellers),

Moscow (run by nationalists under Putin),

Beijing (run by nationalists under Xi),

and lastly Riyadh (run by Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud) 

All the major and most crucial decisions regarding major geopolitical events, etc are made in these 5 power centers. The US is mostly alone and none of these other nations will side with the US apart from the Rothschilds, but only if it looks like they will benefit.

The US is a corporation controlled by the Rockefeller Crime Syndicate that own controlling shares in BlackRock, which means they control every major corporation in the US, including all of the MSM, and they recently bought out JP Morgan, so they control the FED.

Because the US is a corporation The Congress is simply lower middle management for the Rockefeller Syndicate which is why we see no opposition to the war, and yes many in Congress are receiving stock options and jump on the war bandwagon.

Without control over Russian energy and resources the Rockefeller Crime Family will NOT get their World Government, ruled under a totalitarian dictatorship managed by the UN/WEF/WHO/CORPORATIONS and policed by the US Military.

The US Corporate MSM lies about everything, especially about the war in Ukraine. The Ukraine war ended the day Russia announce SMO but it took 400,000 dead Ukrainians and countless billions of destroyed weapons to prove it.

The US military weapons CANNOT compete against the advanced weapon systems of Russia and the Russian people support Putin at all costs and are prepared for everything that will come their way. Most Americans don’t know we are the opening of WWIII.

Militarily, Russia can crush the US within minutes using highly advanced Hypersonic Missiles. Hypersonic Missiles cannot be stopped and technology intercepting them may be ten+ years away and Russia is working on a way to intercept them so when the US finally figures them out Russia many be about to jam them and bring them down as they now can do with conventional missiles.

Russia also has nuclear powered cruise missiles that can circumvent the globe for weeks and months. These can carry conventional or nuclear tipped warheads. The Russian S-550 defense system can take satellites out of orbit within minutes. RUSSIAN S-300V WITH RADAR NEBO-M TECHNOLOGY THREATENS U.S. STEALTH TECHNOLOGY
 Russian air defence could take out most incoming missiles but not all. Russia can sound alarms and house every Russian in hardened bunkers that can withstanding even nuclear attacks and are fully stocked with all Non-GMO foods and water to last a year. This is only a few of the Russian weapon’s systems we know about.

Will some US missiles get through Russian air defenses? yes – but all Russia missiles will get through because US has no Air Defence against Russian Hypersonic weapons. Distance and oceans are no longer a wall of protection with today’s weapons systems. The fact is the US will be obliterated in short order. 

Russian Hypersonic Missiles:

Russian Nuclear Powered Cruise Missiles:

Russian S-550 Air Defense:

Russian Air Defense Systems:

Russian S-300V and Radar Nebo-M threatens U.S. stealth Technology

Visit my channel to see many advanced Russian weapon systems: