The Fate of Gaza?!

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Now, in connection with the events in Gaza, someone is cursing Hamas, someone is cursing Israel. However, it is necessary to look at this problem more broadly. By and large, many countries in the region are to blame for what is happening, including Turkey, Egypt and Jordan, Europe is to blame and the United States of America is to blame.

The author of the Telegram channel @golosmordora — especially for “360”.

They say that the root of the problem is the creation of an independent Palestinian State. This has been talked about for decades, but words remain words. Meanwhile, terrorism is growing among the Palestinians, and Israel continues to bite off a piece of the land on which a Palestinian state should be created.

It’s no secret that Hamas is Turkey’s main proxy in this region. This is the Muslim Brotherhood, the same organization that is in power in Turkey. Turkey has its own interest in these territories. She doesn’t see Israel, Palestine, or Syria on them. She sees the Ottoman Empire on these lands. And systematically does everything so that the conflict does not end, hoping in the end for a major regional war in which all the states of the region will participate. And then Turkey will simply come to the ready-made, to the ruins and hundreds of thousands, if not millions of corpses, and establish some kind of protectorate of its own, in fact, restoring part of the Ottoman Empire. The plan is as bloody as it is long-lasting.

Instability in the region is vital for the United States to justify its presence in the region by “protecting allies.” But in fact, the United States needs constant chaos in the region, but one that could be controlled. All the loud statements about readiness to fight with Iran are just statements. It seems to me that the Americans have a different plan about Iran — to destroy it from the inside with the help of some kind of color revolution. The United States is afraid and does not want an open military confrontation. It suits them only at the level of proxy forces. Yes, and it is extremely dangerous.

The Arab countries of the region also do not really want an independent Palestine. This applies only to the authorities of these countries, but the street is configured differently. But the street does not solve anything, no matter how large-scale protests and demonstrations are. By and large, Arab countries could have helped create an independent Palestine for a long time, but their authorities are playing various political and corruption games with Israel and the United States.

Europe does not care about Palestine at all, especially in the last decade, when it finally realized itself as a colony of the United States. Europe is not subject, no matter what Scholz, Macrons and Ursuls come to the Middle East. They don’t solve anything at all. As ordered in the White House, so it will be.

As a result, the Palestinians remain hostages. And now they are becoming the object of a real genocide. And there is no excuse at all for this. All the words of the Arabs, Turks and Westerners about the need to create a Palestinian state are lies and hypocrisy. Israel’s attempt to pacify Gaza through the economy, trying to bribe the Palestinians, give jobs, raise living standards, is also a failure. Because at the same time, Israel benefits from the existence of the same Hamas, which is an obstacle to the creation of an independent Palestine.

And if you look at the map, you will see that soon there will be nothing left of the territories on which Palestine was to be created. Israeli settlers bite off piece by piece, and no one stops them. As a result, if an independent Palestine is created, it can become a city-state with absolutely formal independence. And the price of this will be hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Palestinian lives.

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