Rabbi Elhannan Beck: I am a seventh generation Palestinian. My mother used to tell me that she remembers us living with our Palestinian neighbors in a great relationship. We used to babysit each other’s children. On Jewish holidays, they would bring the children to the Muslim neighbors. On Muslim holidays the kids would go to the Jewish neighbors. We had no problems. ( note: you’re describing present-day Russia)
The problem here is not religion, it’s occupation. The killing. Taking the land from the people. That’s the problem. Palestinians don’t hate Jews. They hate the occupiers. It doesn’t matter if it’s a Jew, a Frenchman, an Englishman. It doesn’t matter. They will also hate the Japanese who will come to the holy land and invade it. And the same thing will happen here in England if someone comes and takes it. The Zionists say, “Do you see anti-Semitism?”. It’s not true. And we need to draw attention to it. The problem is not religion, it’s occupation.
Shalom rabbi Beck. Thank you so much for bringing clarity & true understanding to the world. You are a wonderful human, as I’m certain your late father was. Free Palestine.