History repeats itself
Outside of Kiev, there is a ravine named Babyn Yar. For most of it’s existence, it was nothing more than an unremarkable hole in the ground. That all changed on September 29, 1941 when Ukrainian collaborators working alongside the Nazi Einsatzgruppe C under the command of Otto Rasch carried out one of the most savage massacres of the war.

Ukrainian collaborators went door to door hunting down their former neighbors to be loaded into trucks, driven to Babyn Yar, stripped naked, forced to kneel at the edge of the ravine and shot. Their bodies were kicked into the pit, and the next group was brought in. So many people were executed that later prisoners were forced to kneel on the half-dead bodies of those who came before.
Working in small groups, the Einsatzkommandos operated with an almost mechanical efficiency. By now, they were seasoned killers and had already “cleansed” dozens of cities and towns of “undesirables.” In this way, over 100,000 people, including Jews, Romani, Red Army POWs, Communists and anyone else who fit into one of the many groups the Nazis considered “useless eaters” were murdered over the next 48 hours.

After they were exterminated, SS soldiers rummaged through the belongings of the dead, looking both for trophies and for valuables to be sent back to the capitalists in Berlin who sought to profit from Generalplan Ost. Everything of value was to be ruthlessly exploited to build up the Greater German Reich at the expense of the people of the Soviet Union.
This was so widespread that Treblinka’s commandant, Franz Stangl wrote about stepping “knee-deep into money” and “wading in notes, currency, precious stones, jewelry, clothes” in his diary. Despite this admission, Stangl escaped justice for his crimes, he was smuggled out of Germany by the Vatican and the CIA’s proxy Reinhard Gehlen, the future head of West German intelligence. Stangl died before he could be tried.

It is important to remember that despite the focus on sites like Babyn Yar, this was not an isolated incident. Rather, this sort of operation was the very reason why groups like the Einsatzgruppen existed. Babyn Yar was nothing more than the culimnation of an intentional policy, exhaustively planned and documented down to the last penny and the last bullet. The depopulation and economic exploitation of the Soviet Union was always the point of the invasion. While the concentration and extermination camps operated by the Nazis are well known, they were never the main method of extermination.
Everywhere the fascists went, you will find massacres similar to this. The land of Poland, Ukraine, Belarus and Russia is riddled with the sites of atrocities differing only in size and scale to Babyn Yar. It was through this, the “Holocaust of bullets” that the Nazis and their collaborators exterminated the majority of Soviet Jews.

There are no ravines outside Beit Lahia in Gaza. Zionist forces had to dig their own ravine using heavy machinery. The IOF maintains a force of hundreds of armored American bulldozers which they use to physically destroy Palestinians and their settlements all throughout the occupied land. They have already destroyed so many Palestinians with these machines that their drivers simply stop counting, viewing them simply as more work to do, a refrain eerily similar to that of their ancestors in the 1940s.

Now with a Babyn Yar of their own, the Zionist forces needed some prisoners to fill it. The solution to this problem was simple. Much like their ancestors in the 1940s, the fascists went door to door arresting anyone who dared to oppose their regime, even if their only crime was being born a Palestinian. The IOF initially claimed the victims were “terrorists” captured near Khan Younis, much as their ideological ancestors had. The Nazis used the euphemism Bandenbekämpfung, meaning “security warfare” or “anti-partisan operations” to justify their arrest and execution of millions in the USSR.
Sadly, the IOF does not even need that thanks to their total support from the US, NATO, and their collaborators in the western media.
By the end of the day, their own allies in Turkey had already debunked the IOF’s statements. Before long, the IOF dropped the charade, openly admitting that they were arresting civilians en masse in Beit Lahia. Much like Franz Stangl before them, the perpetrators of this massacre are systematically protected by US and NATO intelligence and operate with complete impunity.
Most worryingly, Zionist forces arrested the staff of the UN World Refugee Administration who was operating from a school in nearby Jabala. The UN confirmed the arrest of it’s employees four days ago, and their current whereabouts are unknown. Given what happened next, it is not difficult to connect the dots.
Much like the first time, the fascists exhaustively planned and documented their crimes. Much like the first time, they are proud of what they have done, and spend a great deal of time and effort bragging about their massacres for the benefit of an audience baying for more blood. It is therefore quite easy to ascertain what happened using their own photos and statements.

The IOF still maintains some aspects of damage control. Their propagandists claim that the “military age males” of Gaza are being arrested to check if they are Hamas members, an interesting thing to do in the middle of a freshly dug pit as opposed to a prison or processing center. In all probability, the “checks” are carried out with the same rigor as they were in the 1940s. The victims were declared guilty by the fascist state the moment they were born and they will pay for the accident of their birth with their lives.
While the Zionist propagandists carry out their damage control, the IOF thugs handle the situation with the same aplomb as their ancestors did in the 1940s. Social media is rife with videos of IOF bandits rummaging through the shattered remains of Palestinian homes and businesses, laughing and joking as they crush, steal, and mock what remains of the human beings they have just exterminated. The marauders even destroy Palestinian homes as birthday presents for their children and brag about it on Youtube.
This is, once again, nothing new. All the photos and footage from Babyn Yar and all the thousands of other places like it were taken by Nazi officers who were proud of what they had done and wanted to prove that they had participated in the long planned extermination of “undesirables.” Their ideological descendants in “Israel” carry on a proud tradition.
Just as before, the systematic extermination of the people is done for economic reasons. Zionism, much like Generalplan Ost, is explicitly colonial in nature. The Zionists are not exterminating the Palestinian people for their personal gratification, or even in revenge for any attacks, but rather because it is enormously profitable to do so. The depopulation of Gaza will open new land for Zionist settlement, a policy so lucrative that from 2000 to 2020, settlements contributed $628 billion to the budget of the Zionist entity.
Of course, it is not just the Zionist entity which benefits from endless war and extermination of the Palestinian people. Their patrons in the west have also made out like the bandits that they are. Lockheed-Martin reversed a month long stock dip only days after Operation Al-Aqsa Flood commenced on October 7th. In fact, most of the Zionist entity’s weapons come from America. Most notably, their entire air force is US made. Every bomb dropped on Gaza is an American bomb, dropped from an American airplane and targeted by an American satellite.

Now, as the Zionist colonial war enters the phase of outright extermination, we cannot forget who pulls the strings. The rabid dog in the White House has proposed an unprescedented aid package of 14 billion to the Zionist entity, on top of their already unlimited access to American arms stocks, to aid them in a campaign which is as much his creation as their own.
Once again, we can use his own words to find the truth. In a famous speech given in 1986, then senator Joe Biden told us outright why Gaza bleeds and why the media remains silent in the face of Israel’s crimes.
Even with the blood of over 4 million innocent people in the Middle East already drained into the coffers of his paymasters, the rabid dog in the White House demands more. The ravenous appetites of this capitalist system, be it American, Israeli or Nazi German, can only be sated with death. The Zionist entity is nothing more than the triggerman of America’s foreign policy, an elaborate system of alchemy which turns the blood of the poor and downtrodden into gold for the arms dealers and their lackeys in Washington.