The WEF, Israel and Its Role as the Mercenary

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by Claudiu Secara

What we are seeing is that the WEF is losing ground. Unless they pull a rabbit out of the hat, the West is all done already. 

Russia is winning, even Hamas is winning in Gaza. Some still fear WWIII, but is it really possible? The West is finished economically, financially, militarily, culturally; and morally compromised as the world’s perpetrator of war terrorism, besides everything else, which is even worse.

And what does a government do when is isolated from its own people and is faced with the day of reckoning? What does the oligarchy, hated by its people, do as a last resort defense strategy? — It hires a mercenary force  to protect it against the revolt of the masses. Is that what the American elites are doing right now? Are they giving the keys to their bunker to the last complicit group of people willing to risk all and to resort to the total commitment up to the Samson solution as the last act to protect the empire to which it is itself tied in crime?

That even raises the idea that the Gaza massacre and genocide is a form of Satanic ritual by which Israel is now compromised in the eyes of the world and has no alternative but to commit more crimes in the service of the US elites. It guarantees its total subservience to and dependence on the US and it precludes any double play and switch of allegiance in the worldwide clash that is now inevitable.

As Whitney Webb presents in stunning detail, the US elites are giving the Israelis full access to the American infrastructure, to the  American cyber defenses, to America’s critical defenses. That is possible on the basis of Israel’s total commitment as a mercenary force subservient to the American masters.

This brings us to a number of conclusion, of which the most important is the understanding by the Western elites of the upcoming apocalyptic defeat in their confrontation with the emerging powers and the fear of the economic consequences at home which means a high probability of losing control and power at home. It is the fear of being overrun by the revolt of the masses and the need to prepare for the upcoming feared civil war.

Unable to rely on its own military and secret services, the elites appeal to the only willing foreign forces that is both capable and completely subservient to the fate of its masters, and that is Israel. By provoking the agony of Gaza, the US has trapped Israel into a deadly embrace and it sealed its loyalty by the blood of their own victims.

That would explain how the October 7 Hamas attack against Israel was possible. It is thus quite credible to think that the surprise and successful October 7 incursion by Hamas into Israel was possible due to the role of the American secret services in a dual capacity, enabler of the attack and disinformer of the Israeli government of what was coming.

Soaked in the blood of its own crimes, this way, Israel is now a trusted mercenary to the very end.

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1 year ago

Come on. If anything the usa is the mercenaries of isreal. The usa did not tell isreal to dehumanize the Palestinians to the point of martyrdom. Isreali loyalist control the usa.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mcghee

If the Jews are so mighty that they took control of the all-powerful US, the British Empire, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, the colective West, etc, why did they not succeed in taking over the much weaker Russia ? Despite over 200 years of sustained attacks against Russia, these atacks only reenforced a stronger Russia which is now the largest economy in Europe – only a dream in the past.

The only reasonable explanation of this long lasting confrontation is the attempt of the Anglozionists/Anglo Saxons to conquer Russia by using their proxies, i.e. the Jews who uniquely could infiltrate the territories where the Anglo Saxon armies could not.

Of course, as the perfidious Albion is known, they rarely show their hand, but let their proxies take the fall and the blame for any lack of success, starting with Napoleon, then the Germans, and now the Jews.