Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad Speaks the Unspoken

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Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad said that the Jews “who came to Palestine” are pagan converts from Khazars, and not the People of Israel, in a December 18, 2023, speech posted on Syrian Arab News Agency on YouTube. He said that there is no evidence that six million Jews died in the Holocaust and that the Nazis did not employ a special method of torture or killing for the Jews, who were killed just like other victims of World War II. Al-Assad continued to say that the Holocaust was “politicized” and used as a false pretext to transfer the Jews from Europe to Palestine. He also claimed that America was the one who supported the rise of the Nazi in Germany between the world wars.

To view the clip of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, click here or below:

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1 year ago

Thank you for this. So concise, clear. I hope that anyone that sees/hears this will be prompted to look further into these situations President Al-Assad talked of, if they haven’t already. As is said, truth is out there.