To Defeat Zionism is to Destroy Christianity

Spread the Word

by Yukon Jack

Whites had their own tribal myths, but they were mostly erased with the forced conversion to Christianity, after Rome itself, was swallowed up by it. You might be interested in how it happened, and the story begins when Rome under Titus Flavian sacked Jerusalem in 70 A.D. During the war against the Jewish Zealots, Josephus was captured early on. The Romans were putting the rebels all to death, but Josephus was a general and got his life spared first by tricking his comrades:

Flavius Josephus was a famous historian of the first century. During the Jewish-Roman war, he was among a band of 41 Jewish rebels trapped in a cave by the Romans. Preferring suicide to capture, the rebels decided to form a circle and to kill every third remaining person until no one was left. But Josephus, along with an unindicted conspirator, wanted none of this suicide nonsense and therefore quickly calculated where he and his friend should stand in the circle so that they can survive.

Josephus, now the sole survivor, is going to be put to the sword upon capture but tells Vespasian, he will become Emperor, and since the Romans are really into prophecy, they hear him out. Vespasian soon does become emperor, and Josephus is brought back to Rome and given the Flavian name.

Titus Flavius Josephus was a 1st-century Romano-Jewish historian and hagiographer who was born in Jerusalem – then part of Roman Judea – to a father of priestly descent and a mother who claimed royal ancestry.

He initially fought against the Romans during the First Jewish–Roman War as the head of Jewish forces in Galilee, until surrendering in 67 to Roman forces led by Vespasian after the six-week siege of Jotapata. Josephus claims the Jewish Messianic prophecies that initiated the First Roman-Jewish War made reference to Vespasian becoming Emperor of Rome. In response Vespasian decided to keep Josephus as a hostage and interpreter. After Vespasian did become Emperor in 69, he granted Josephus his freedom, at which time Josephus assumed the emperor’s family name of Flavius.

Flavius Josephus then writes the Gospels, and casts himself as the savior of the Jews.
In the Gospels teenager Jesus in the temple amazing the scribes is also in Josephus autobiography as himself in the temple amazing the scribes. This is how we know for sure, Jesus is a fictional character made in the image of the primary Gospel writer Josephus, and he even used his own name:

Jo S E p h U S becomes J E S U S in the New Testament

The reason for the Gospels is explained in detail in Caesar’s Messiah, and you can read it free online of just watch the movie:

CAESAR’S MESSIAH: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus – OFFICIAL VERSION

But the Jews were not converted in great numbers, what happens is the greatest of tragedies for the white race Nico, the Roman slave class loved the new myth, and in the next 2 centuries the myth swallows the empire while Rome collapses – and Rome morphs into the Catholic Church. Joseph Atwill explains this crystal clear, the official title of Caesar, Pontiff Maximus now becomes the Pope’s official title. The rest is history, Christianity sweeps the lands north of Rome, all of Ireland, Scotland, Britain, Spain, France, Germany, etc. get swallowed up by the new myth, the the western world then goes to sleep, a deep sleep caused by rigid beliefs, called the Dark Ages.

Then when the white people wake up, you have the Protestant revolt and reformation – which leads to much persecution and death as the Church tries to hold onto their monopoly of faith, which results in thousands of new Christian denominations, especially in the New Worlds of the Americas, which then is also forcibly converted along with mass deaths. Eventually Rothschilds subvert these new Christian protestors with the Scofield Bible which leads us directly to today, the Evangelicals and their support for Israel.

Zionist Jews can not exist in a vacuum, they must have some political support, and the only reason Israel gets away with their crimes is because 100 million Christians in Amerika feverously support Israel because of their own beliefs, and this power centers around Christians United for Israel. So if you want to save white people, and Amerika, and even the Jews themselves, you must first defeat Christianity.

The only thing about your below comments is that Judiasm and Christianity are JOINED AT THE HIP SEAMLESSLY ALL THE WAY UP TO THE TOPS OF THEIR HEADS in an inoperable Siamese twin condition. The only way you can destroy Jews and Judiasm is to destroy Christianity. You cannot put the cart before the horse.

The Christian cannot divest himself of the influence of the Jew without throwing out the dogma of the Bible. If you rally around Christianity you circle the wagons around the Jew.

And to destroy Christianity in order to destroy Jews, you have to attack the foundations of the myth. And that is easy to do, since it is only myth. Abraham never existed, neither did Saul, Solomon, King David or even Jesus. Israeli archeology and ancient historiography has proved that already, and that makes the entire Holy Bible story sitting on a foundation of quicksand. You can not take it literal, yet millions of fundamentalists do, in fact they make a point of it, the center of their faith.

Typical Christian saying in modern Amerika:

God said it, I believe it, that settles it.

The fundamentalist Christian movement throws out science and surrenders the mind to blind belief, which has been manipulated in support of Israel and Jews over all others, including themselves. The modern Evangelist does not exist in the “now”, they are fully consumed by getting to heaven, getting Raptured to be with the Jew man Jesus, while the rest of us burn in Apocalyptic hell – and this belief is manifesting in real time in Gaza. Thus a self fulfilling loop, the worse it gets, the more they believe.

There is no such thing as sin, that gets on your soul, and prevents you from going to heaven – that is all horrible fear mongering religious literature meant to control you in this life. The afterlife is an oxymoron. No one can prove it. There’s life, all you know is that you are alive right now, and that’s it. Everything else is just speculation. No one knows what happens when you die, and the default position is nothing, you are just dead. So it is the overcoming the fear of death as the key to your salvation from religion, and all he insane wars that stem from belief.

Prove sin, hell, heaven, god, judgment. None of those things can be proved, so why believe any of it? Sin is a theological construct. It is taught to you to control you, right now, not in some fanciful “after” life. It is a mind trick. The priest uses sin to control the plebs, plain and simple. The way to defeat Zionism is simply stop believing in any of it. It is all horrible fiction. All anyone needs to do is overcome their own fear of death, stop believing unproved things, take a deep breath, and realize most of humanity is batshit insane, Jews especially. There is no god, no god chose them, the holy land ideas all came out of India and have nothing to do with Palestine.

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1 year ago

This is utter nonsense.

1 year ago
Reply to  TruthMatters

You must be a Christian.

1 year ago
Reply to  TruthMatters

It’s not total nonsense, but it’s not as simple as Josephus singlehandedly reforming the entire Jewish religion. Many very intelligent thinkers have contributed to the formation of Christianity.

1 year ago

Excellent. Now we are getting somewhere. Also it should be noted that the deep sleep of Christianity has also divided the whites by gender as males were encouraged to destroy the lives of their females. Of course no male writer will ever mention that Judeochristianity is responsible for misogyny that destroys OUR lives. So that is the only addendum is taht no female is free under JudeoChristianity.

1 year ago
Reply to  Olivia

Misogyny and misandry are both part of human nature. Men and women will always take advantage of each other. The big mistake is assuming it’s only one-sided or unequal. Women are notorious abusers of men. What goes around comes around.

1 year ago

This is a very shallow analysis. For example, it’s silly to claim that Josephus = Jesus.

You left out St. Paul who is generally credited with spreading Christianity to the Gentiles. There are some who claim that Josephus and St. Paul were the same person. Others claim Josephus and Paul were co-conspirators in a Jewish black op to foist Christianity onto the Romans. Others like Hyam Maccoby (The Mythmaker, Paul and the Invention of Christianity) claim that Paul was a Greek gentile convert to Judaism who desperately wanted to transform Judaism into a universal, primarily Gentile religion. Hence Paul’s famous claim that he was not under Jewish Law. and that anyone who justified themself by the Jewish Law had fallen from grace.

The bottom line is that Christianity has always been a deadly competitor for Judaism. For 2000 years Jews have railed against Christianity. It’s only recently that Jewish influence became powerful enough to twist core Christian values. Christianity can still serve as a bulwark against Jewish (and Islamic) religion, if it is willing to deny a Jewish heritage for Jesus. The Nazis theologians were working on that very project. It’s called the Aryan Jesus. The Bible can provide a very strong set of verses to support an Aryan Jesus.