Is This Jewish America?

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Besides circumcision, there are numerous other signs, small and big, of Jewish cultural influence in the West and especially in the US.

For most cultures, it’s a joy to eat without inhibition from the cornucopia of nature. But Jewish rules regarding food are the opposite.  Prescriptions regarding how to eat and how not to eat meats, fruits, or cheese, etc. are an important part of the practicing ideology for Jews. Don’t eat this or don’t eat that. Or, it has to be prepared only “this way” or “that way”.

Fruits are to be eaten as compôt, for example, that is a widespread belief among a certain category of Jews. What is a delicious treat for most of humanity, a crispy fresh-picked apple, or a juicy mango, a bowl of plump cherries – for some is unhealthy unless it is processed fruit.

And here, below, is a hilariously horrifying, absurd, self-confessed example of an American young woman.  It is a sign of lack of common sense, but at the same time it’s a sign of how the Jewish rules-based eating religion is creeping into the American mindset.

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1 year ago

Wow… Reminds me of when I was teaching Geology 101 at a community college, and a student got very agitated when I taught about how electricity is actually generated – he literally thought it just came from the wall… I’m not joking. I WISH I were joking. This trend is extremely scary.