Is There a Secret Agreement Between Biden and Netanyahu to Prevent Trump’s Victory?

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by Germán Gorraiz Lopez

Despite all of America’s bloviating about democracy, in reality voters in the US have been pretty thoroughly sedated into a homogeneous, uniform and easily manipulated society. Their political system merely revolves around two parties alternating in power, and both have long since been swallowed up by the Jewish lobby.

Thus, in a speech given at the New York meeting of the World Jewish Congress in 2816, Obama’s then vice president, Joe Biden, stated: “I am a Zionist, but for this it is not necessary to be Jewish,” after which he was granted the “Theodor Herzl Prize” and became the new cover of AIPAC.

Do the US and Israel share the same geopolitical interests?

The Kennedy Assassination brought along as collateral damage the birth of a political system supervised by the “Shadow Power”, and since then all the successive elected Presidents of the United States have remained hostage, as the Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon confessed to the then Foreign Minister Shimon Peres in October 2001: “We, the Jewish people, control the United States and the Americans know it” (“The Israeli Lobby and American Foreign Policy” by John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, 07-04-2006). Jews accomplish this by using lobbies to pressure politicians; the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) stands out among these pressure groups.

AIPAC is the most influential pro-Israel pressure group in the US; it has more than 100,000 members (150 of them dedicated exclusively to pressuring Congress, the White House and all administrative bodies in making political decisions that may affect to the interests of the State of Israel). Although AIPAC has always been seen as a “virtual government” remotely directing US foreign policy based on Israeli interests, in fact it appears that the pro-Israel lobby has real weight in the spheres of power because the US and Israel have almost always shared identical geopolitical interests since the founding of the State of Israel in 1948.

In this sense, the US counts on Israel to keep the Arab states of the Middle East under constant threat of attack and to ensure the flow of necessary Arab oil to the West; and Israel could not continue to exist in its current form without the strong political and material support it receives from the US (about $3.8 billion annually in military aid) which has made the US into a continental aircraft carrier. However, Netanyahu’s geopolitical myopia prevented him from sensing that a new asymmetric punitive campaign on Gaza would put an end to the entente between the US, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, Morocco and Saudi Arabia, as it collided with Washington’s geopolitical objective to isolate Iran. These Arab countries signed the Abraham Accords under Trump’s Presidency, in which for the first time countries such as the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco recognized the existence of the State of Israel. Saudi Arabia was about to sign them, too, but the massacre committed by the Israeli Army in Gaza caused the aforementioned countries to reject the said agreements and break diplomatic relations with Israel, leaving it isolated once again in the Middle East.

Does Biden need a war in the Middle East?

Signs of Biden’s senility, the fentanyl crisis, the high cost of living and increasing insecurity among the citizens have sunk Biden’s popularity to historic lows, facilitating Donald Trump’s triumphant return in the November presidential elections now that the path to the White House has been cleared by the Supreme Court’s recent decisions.

However, Trumpian isolationism would torpedo the military-industrial complex and its plan to re-establish the US role as global policeman over the next five years, using an extraordinary increase in US military interventions abroad to recover the unipolar position on the global geopolitical board.

In this context, Israel’s invasion of Gaza could be just the tip of the iceberg of a secret plan agreed between Biden and Netanyahu in their effort to prevent Trump’s foreseeable victory. According to said Plan, Israel and the US might proceed to suddenly destabilize Lebanon and Iran, setting off a major regional conflict that will determine the future of the area in the coming years. This would be a lifeline for Biden who will try to postpone the November elections and come back in the polls. Netanyahu would benefit equally by managing to avoid the pending trials and possible criminal convictions.

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