Gaza War, A Setup: The End of Israel as We Know It

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by Claudiu Secara (republished)

Let’s say that Agenda 2030 is running behind schedule. And let’s say that that perception is predicated on the existence of a grand bargain among the Powers That Be (PTB) that all the major conflicts must be brought to a resolution, by 2030, so the world can start focusing on what comes next in implementing the much-delayed world management of our planet’s runaway dysfunctionality.

Ukraine is one such point of friction and the Palestinian question is another, as is Taiwan. Behind them there are major issues of tectonic consequences. The balance among the powers is shifting; the political continental plates are realigning on a geological scale of magnitude.

One hot spot that needs to be brought to rest is the Israel­­‒Palestinian conflict. But can that be done? Way over 50% of the Israelis are adamantly against making any concessions to the Palestinians, with the settler group militantly promoting the expulsion of the Palestinians from all the lands coveted by Israelis.

But the method to bring the Israelis to their senses and break their national resolve is the usual method, nothing new. It is what the French call “la politique du pire”, the “policy of the worst”. It works the same way as police entrapment. The poor target is set up to act recklessly and foolishly under the impression that it acts in full control and with the support of the shadow powers.

In this case, it is easy to recognize that the Hamas incursion on October 7 into heavily fortified Israel territory could not have been possible without the knowledge of the biggest spies of the world. It is even conceivable that Netanyahu himself was in the loop. But not, as Larry Johnson describes the conspiracy theories claims, in order to trigger the ethnic cleansing of Gaza. Au contraire. To tar with compromat the extremists in his own government, those reckless individuals such as Smotrich, Ben Gvir, etc.

Just think about it. Israel is killing untold scores of Palestinians and we all are seeing acts of utter massacre, where Palestinians, dead or alive, are literally run over by Israeli tanks, hospitals are bombed, schools and mosques desecrated, pregnant women run over on their way to the maternity ward, horrific acts of inhumanity, utter barbarism never seen by the global audience live on mass media, a killing spree unseen in the world’s memory.

Once you’ve established these facts of war, then you have the next set of events that run contrary to anything the world was led to believe in the last 70 or so years. A rag-tag army in sandals, who could not control even their own country – that is Yemen’s Houthis – brings world trade to a standstill by flying some home-made, or maybe Chinese-sold, drones above the busiest shipping thoroughfare, the Red Sea. And what do the superpowers decide to do? The US armada, the USS Gerald R. Ford aircraft carrier strike group, claims to have to up-anchor and leave the theater of war, in which it was meant to take an active interest, and return to home base in Norfolk, U.S.A. At the same time, the US Defense Secretary is in bed in an intensive care facility without anyone in the government knowing. And what does the Chinese commercial flotilla decide would be appropriate to do when its core business is under attack by the sandal-wearing Houthis? They announced the suspension of trade with Israel and the embargo of its ports.

It is nearly impossible to fathom how the Hamas people managed to build an army under the conditions of total surveillance. They seem to have access not only to unlimited amounts of materiel and know-how to build guns and ammunition but access to the most modern tools, such as drones and highly-professional video-making equipment. Under “total control” by the Israeli army, they can communicate freely, releasing daily streams of videos straight out of the so-called underground tunnels. One hint that we are given is that, supposedly, Hamas was indeed a proxy army organized and financed by, or with the knowledge, of the Israelis as a force to undermine the Palestinian Authority. Was that Israeli-Hamas partnership cut at some point, or how much do the Israelis know about their own creation today?

One way or another, some important players were involved in organizing, providing, equipping and facilitating this shadowy army right under the eyes of the powerful Israeli police state. Was the Israeli police state itself, and is it still, behind Hamas, as some have implied ?

Then you have Russia. Where is Russia in this war? Not one clear word from Moscow. Do they condemn Netanyahu for the atrocities committed in Gaza? Not really. Hamas? They held talks with Hamas in Moscow but not one word indicated any animosity between the two. At the same time, Russia is maintaining a very cordial line with Netanyahu himself.

While the mass media in the West keeps more or less quiet, the world is awash with scenes of the dastardly Israelis. A newly created cottage industry in the alternative media space is pulling together former stars like Tucker Carlson and Judge Napolitano, just to name a few, who are now broadcasting the same spokesmen from within the former media ranks, rewriting history under the eyes of a mesmerized populace. The same guys pop up on every alternative channel: Scott Ritter, Larry Johnson, Jeffrey Sachs, John Mearsheimer, etc.

A slow-boiling build-up of emotion is turning world opinion against the Israelis, and not only that – they are now seen as exemplary monsters far outstripping the Nazis in personifying inhumanity. This suddenly makes it possible to reverse the 70 years of the Holocaust industry’s mythology and possibly to replace it with the Jew as the villain, in the old tradition.

So we have Netanyahu squeezed from one side by the highly-advertised corruption charges and the popular movement in Israel to put him in jail. On the other hand we have the far-right settler criminal gang getting away with murder. What a good mix to foster a total manipulation and undermining of Israel’s society.

That reminds me of Yugoslavia, or more exactly of the Serbs. Post World War II, the Serbs had a reputation as one of the darlings of the West, as the best, most balanced model of the hybrid economic system as well as being a politically astute, unaligned, country. They were promoted as the little power who could withstand the aggression of Stalin’s takeover of Eastern Europe, they had a liberal, multiparty system, open to the West, and still maintained a socialist, workers’ economic system.

The West was fighting the communist enemy, the Soviet Union, but Serbia always dared to stand next to the West. And this stance was expected only to be reinforced once the Communists were finally defeated. But it turned out that little Serbia was not subservient to anyone. They claimed their independence from the Soviet Union, but they claimed the same independence and sovereignty from the West, just as much. So our best partner became our worst enemy, hellbent on standing up to the language of vassality from the East or from the West.

A few other small countries, such as North Korea, Cuba, Israel, and Hungary, managed to straddle the fence way past the expiration date, to play both sides and survive for a long time in a sort of limbo universe, where they maintained the illusion of National Sovereignty.

But there is very little room left within Agenda 2030 for such political acrobatics. The time has come to clear these thorns sticking out here and there, and to bring everyone under the system of total vassalage. You go to China, you go to Russia, and you go under the US umbrella. No more Israel or Serbia, or North Korea thumbing their noses at their masters.

The immediate impact of Israel’s intransigency on Israeli society is a shocking defeat. The terror inculcated by the death of their sons and husbands on a level of World War I, relative to their size, is having a sobering effect. The world’s reaction to their atrocities now makes them think about what they are doing to their own future, when even the subservient Germany dares to question their agenda. The settlers are getting their pound of flesh through the pagan demand for the sacrifice of Palestinian lives, and their rabid hatred and blood thirst are being slaked, but at the same time their indictment in the court of world justice is now moving from verbal curses to the actual Nuremberg trial stage.

That’s the story of the Gaza war in a nutshell. Israel will have to face the same fate as the rest of the world. Submit to the almighty; disarm; remove its nuclear weapons stocks; and allow the world to create a Palestinian State. Or, it will face an even greater threat as a unified state in which the Palestinians outnumber the Israeli Jews, in which case the situation in Israel will be even more destabilized. The majority of the Israelis, which rallied around the manifest destiny of Greater Israel, are now faced with a mighty barrage by the military siege mounted from all sides, economic impoverishment, even a de facto embargo, etc. They are slowly coming to their senses. The war against the Palestinian people turns into a civil war within Israel proper. Israel follows the same path to self-destruction that color revolutions have caused in country after country, as we’ve witnessed since the 1980s.

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9 months ago

interesting. bringing up Nuremberg made me suddenly wonder if tPTB needed a villain so evil it would take everyone’s mind off big pharma and the ‘vaccines.’

waving goodbye to peace, an old friend – Jim's Blog
9 months ago

[…] link2source – Gaza War, A Setup: The End of Israel as We Know It – APRIL 13, 2024 – “The balance among the powers is shifting; the political continental plates are realigning on a geological scale of magnitude.” […]