Cameron: “We Must Go After Everything Russian”

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Cameron spoke at a press conference in London as British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s government announced new sanctions against Russia. His remarks were published on Friday, by the Italian daily Corriere della Sera.

“We will show [Russian President Vladimir] Putin that we are completely behind Ukraine: we will chase the money and the oil, we will stop the gas, we will stop the ships, we will do everything we can to stop the Russian war machine and show Putin the folly of his actions,” Cameron told the Italian outlet.

The UK is “hunting” companies that do business with Russia “all over the world,”he said. “We will sanction companies in China, in Türkiye, in Kyrgyzstan, even in Israel, that we believe are supplying dual-use material” to Russia, he added.

Of special concern to Cameron was the so-called shadow fleet of tankers delivering Russian oil in defiance of the G7 “price cap” and the Western embargo. The UK has used its dominance in the global shipping insurance industry to blacklist all Russian vessels, hindering the deliveries of everything from oil to food – but blaming Moscow for it.

Faced with Ukrainian setbacks on the battlefield, the US and the UK launched another wave of sanctions against Russia this week, expanding their definition of Moscow’s war effort to target individuals and companies around the world allegedly helping it.

The US Treasury Department openly stated that its objective was to raise “the risk of secondary sanctions for foreign financial institutions” that deal with Russia, threatening to deprive them of access to Western finance.

Don’t miss this: Why do Brits Hate Russians

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Ant I
Ant I
6 months ago

I am a brit I do not hate Russians. Along with a lot of others. Cam is a kunt always has been. Loved Russians when he was PM and they were spending Fortunes in LOndon. He is not even an elected person. Just the mouth piece for the falling west … Churchill complex. Thinks he has a safe place to shelter when the nukes fall he is a cosmic failure. As the west falls they think their only salvation is a war.

Richard Lu
Richard Lu
6 months ago

There is a simple Chines way of testing if an outcome is right or wrong e.g. Ukraine conflict or even the Gaza way. The Chines asks 2 simple question:

a. Why or what are the reasons for the for the outcome / conflict / decision etc. ?
b. Are the outcomes right or wrong ?

Example: Ukraine conflict. The reason why Russia went to war is because by joining NATO, Russia’s territorial integrity would be compromised. Russia gave Ukraine / US / EU / NATO many warnings but the latter party still went ahead to try to screw Russia. Unreasonable on the latter’s part right? Should have negotiated right ?

Was the outcome right ? From Russia’s point of view it was right. Even from Ukraine’s point of view it is wrong for trying to screw Russia. Zelensky is a US stooge.

So the Ukraine conflict was wrong on the part of Ukraine / US / EU / NATO.

Look at Gaza – nothing is right for Israel / US / UK / G7. David Cameron is just a US stooge. He looks demonstrably bad as the UK Foreign Minister.

Stooges are the cause of most of the world’s problems. If only responsible people think straight and clearly, the world would be a better place.