S-500 Deployed by Russia. What Does it Mean?

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via Hal Turner Radio

Yesterday, this website and radio show reported that Russia had suddenly commenced nuclear launch exercises with their naval group off the coast of Florida. What I chose to not report was that at the same time, Russia expanded its ongoing “Tactical nuclear weapons exercises” from the Southern Military District to also include the Leningrad Military District near St. Petersburg.

The unannounced missile drills off the coast of Florida was nerve-racking enough; but the added information about the expansion of tactical nuke drills to the area around St. Petersburg was just emotionally over the top.

TODAY things got exponentially worse.

Overnight, Russia deployed the second generation of its S-500 air defense systems . . . around Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Russia’s strategic nuclear missile silos.

This second generation system – the undisputed pinnacle of air defense systems in the world – was not expected to be ready for deployment for at least another six months.

The fact that Russia deployed them last night, and did so in very significant numbers for which mass-production wasn’t even known to be ready, never mind active, around Moscow, St. Petersburg AND their strategic nuclear missile silos, has now changed the balance of power completely.

There’s no gentle way to say this, so I’m just going to say it: This posture is one that would be expected if Russia was planning a nuclear first-strike upon the West, and was readying to defend itself from the counter-strike.

Looking at the timing of all of this, underscores the harsh reality:

Russia announced Tactical nuclear weapons exercises about three weeks ago, and began them two weeks ago in their Southern Military District.

Russia then sortied eleven nuclear missile submarines into the Atlantic Ocean, about ten days ago.

About three days later, Russia then sortied twenty-seven (27) additional nuclear missile submarines into the Pacific Ocean.

Russia then waited about a week (for the subs to get into position????) and EXPANDED the Tactical nuclear exercises to also include the Leningrad Military District around St. Petersburg. This means the ENTIRE Russian border with the West, is presently seeing the movement of actual, Tactical nuclear weapons, brought to within striking distance of NATO forces and NATO member countries!

Last night, Russia made a surprise deployment of their newest S-500 “Prometheus” air defense system around Moscow, St. Petersburg, and their strategic ICBM silos.

Added together, E V E R Y indication is that Russia is fully prepared now to launch a severe nuclear first-strike, and successfully defend itself from a counter-strike.

The only things the Russians have not yet done are declare a General War Mobilization of the entire population, and begin moving people into Bomb shelters.

Everything else is already done.

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6 months ago

Algora, why you published this article on your website, I will never know; perhaps your lack of analytical wisdom. One thing I can say for sure, it’s blatantly obvious this Mr Turner has never served in the military. If he had done so, he would have been terrified to print such an article, for obvious reasons. The dangerous implications of the above statement by Mr Turner are far greater than your ordinary civilian can grasp or imagine. He is scaremongering. A nuclear strike means the end of humanity, there are no half measures, there are no survivors regardless of what shelters you choose to hide in….it is the absolute end of humanity…WE know this, so do the Russians and so does every other nation on the planet. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS WHOEVER STRIKES FIRST WILL SURVIVE! Even if the opposition has no time to counterstrike, there are counter measures for such a scenario. Just with the number of nukes needed by one side to annihilate the other, THAT would be enough to end humanity. So why would you do it???? People must understand that the last person who wants a war is a soldier and the ‘one’ that does want one, is obviously a psychopath; fortunately, we have safeguards against those kind of people. I don’t care WHO Turner is, but it’s obvious he has been commissioned by one of those “psychopaths’ as I mentioned, to write such an article. There is only one entity on this planet who has said that ‘they would rather blow up the world than give up their hegemony over us all’……and we know who that is! We once avoided WW3 because we had leaders such as JFK and Khrushchev, who, with cool heads, knew better than to listen to their ‘psychotic’ advisors. Today, I’m not so sure about our leaders, Putin is definitely a cool head but when it comes to western leaders, we are doomed. THAT is where first strike will come from!