Good Recap of the History: the US vs Russia

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Prof Jeffrey Sachs Delivers Unfiltered Geopolitical Lesson to Piers Morgan 

PM: “You seem very reliant on accepting Putin’s worldview, rather than perhaps the stark reality of the barbarism with which he’s executed this war?”

JS: “Yeah, maybe because I know too much about the US. Because the first war in Europe after WWII was the US bombing of Belgrade for 78 days to change borders of a European state.

The idea was to break Serbia, to create Kosovo as an enclave, and then to install Bondsteel, which is the largest NATO base in the Balkans, in the southwest Balkans.

So, the US started this under Clinton, that we will break the borders, we will illegally bomb another country. We didn’t have any UN authority.

This was a “NATO mission” to do that.”

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