Republicans for Lord Trump

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We talked to people who were personally at the Republican Party convention. Everyone says that it was a very unusual congress. Trump was declared not a presidential candidate. Trump was hailed as The Leader. Moreover, he was proclaimed the messenger of the Lord God to save America. This is not an exaggeration. Republicans are very religious people and they now perceive Trump as a messenger of God. And that’s exactly what they say from the podium.
Speeches at the convention of politicians were not a discussion of policy, but a personal oath to Chief Trump. And unlike 2020, absolutely everyone took the oath in 2024.

If Deep State and Biden, again, like in 2020, rig the elections, the Republics will not reconcile as in 2020, they will start a general uprising. This is the atmosphere at the congress.

There were also almost no people of color at the Republican National Convention. There were almost no African Americans, Latinos, or Asians. All are white. White real America sees the threat of America’s degradation and rejects the extremes of liberalism and all inclusiveness.

Serghey Markov

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5 months ago

Wow, when did Algora begin allowing propagandist/ fictional contributions to the blog?

The Algora Home page says the site publishes Non-fiction material. I understand free speech, free to express opinions so on and so forth.

However, the site is misrepresenting itself when material such as the article above is an opinion and not non fiction.