Ed. Note: Whether in the name of Christian believers or in the name of secular moral values, the spectacle of militant promotion of sexual depravity and sexual promiscuity in our culture is just as repugnant. It promotes the basic instincts of procreation to the level of life’s central instinct in the absence of procreation. The instinct’s side effect, gratification, becomes an addiction to the exclusion of any other aspects of human life and human creative powers.
̀ Calls Macron’s Wife “Transvestite” and Labels Michelle Obama as: “Muscular Man in a Wig” – while Condemning the “Satanic Olympics”
“It is no coincidence that the sponsoring revolting carnival is an emissary of the World Economic Forum, Emanuel Macron, who passes off a transvestite as his own wife with impunity, just as Barack Obama is accompanied by a muscular man in a wig.”
Viganò – a firebrand conservative who once served as the Vatican’s ambassador to the US – was excommunicated this month, after becoming one of Pope Francis’ most ardent critics.
“It is no coincidence that the sponsoring revolting carnival is an emissary of the World Economic Forum, Emanuel Macron, who passes off a transvestite as his own wife with impunity, just as Barack Obama is accompanied by a muscular man in a wig.”
Viganò – a firebrand conservative who once served as the Vatican’s ambassador to the US – was excommunicated this month, after becoming one of Pope Francis’ most ardent critics.
1433160cookie-checkSatanic Olympics
The reign of terror to which France submitted, has been more justly termed “the reign of cowardice”. One knows not which most to execrate, the nation that could submit to suffer such atrocities or that low and bloodthirsty demagogue that could inflict them. France, in succumbing to such a wretch as Robespierre, exhibited not her patience, but her pusillanimity…….Charles Caleb Colton.