The Theater of Trump’s Assassination Soap Opera

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So now we’ve had a second fake attempt at the assassination of Trump. It doesn’t matter if you’re pro-Democrats or pro-Republicans. Just look at the facts.


The presumed first assassin shows up on top of the adjacent building within eyesight of the podium. And nobody notices him. OK, the security personnel were corrupt, working for the democrats, for Biden. So, our poor Trump is out there by himself, nobody cared about his safety. Not even Netanyahu, his friend, and his Mossad apparatus. It was just Trump by himself heroically taking his stand against the Establishment as a people’s candidate. 

Now the “assassin” pulls the trigger and just as he does that, Trump turns his head… Wait a minute – he turned to his left, exposing his head in full view of the crosshairs, in other words perpendicular to the direction from which the assassin was shooting.

No matter. He, Trump, ducks right after the shooting, apparently in full control of himself, and spends a few long seconds under the rostrum, out of everybody’s view, surrounded by his aides… And then he emerges with his face smeared by a red-colored substance on his cheek and ear. No flowing blood. No shredded ear. Nothing. We could barely see some kind of darker point in the middle of his ear. Smaller than a BB-gun pellet. But most importantly, his ear was fully intact.

Now let’s compare the size of the smallest BB to a sharp-shooter’s bullet. I admit I am not an arms expert, it just that I’ve seen a real gun bullet and it is one of these


By comparison, here are some BB gun bullets:

But what we’ve seen in the video following Trump’s reappearance was a dark spot half the size of a BB gun pellet.

Imagine what a real gunshot would have done to his ear. Completely blown it away. Yes, completely blown it away.

So, the most likely explanation of the attempted assassination is that the guy, the “assassin”, was set up with the full knowledge of Trump’s security personnel and had some blanks in his gun. He pulled the trigger, it made a ‘pop,’ Trump ducked and he had some red substance smeared on his face.

… As for the second shooter, don’t waste your time. It’s even more a fabrication.

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Oleo Ranch
Oleo Ranch
5 months ago

What idiot wrote this? I’d love to debate him/her/it live on video.

Oleo Ranch
Oleo Ranch
5 months ago

Angora Blog, I don’t know what imbecile wrote that article, but your reputation is shot with me. I will never trust an article from you. No wonder his/her name isn’t on it. The writer obviously knows little to nothing about guns. Feel free to respond for the author to learn the points that are bogus in the article.