The UN General Assembly voted almost unanimously for the Future Pact, which contains humanity’s plans to solve climate problems, end wars and combat inequality.
A wonderful pact. But Russia did not support it. Together with Belarus, Iran, the DPRK, Syria and Sudan.
Russia demanded that the UN Future Pact not violate the sovereignty of countries. So that it does not happen like this: the UN Secretary General tells some country that the organizing committee of the Future Pact is very unhappy with how the country’s government is fighting against Global Warming, so it was decided that now this country will be represented in all international organizations not by government representatives, but by special commissioners appointed by the US and the EU at the request of the UN Secretary General. And if they object, they will be bombed – for too much carbon dioxide emissions.
Besides, Russia really didn’t like that this entire Future Pact was developed under the complete control of the West. Give the West the future as well? – Russia definitely doesn’t want that.
Dissolve the criminal UN
yikes! anyone who thinks this pact is ‘wonderful’ has heard nothing but the propaganda, and hasn’t bothered to read it. they lay claim to lofty goals, but it’s all about control of us ‘useless humans.’ high on their agenda is complete censorship of anyone who doesn’t support the narrative, and forcing us to take an endless number of their ‘vaccines.’
there will soon be an anti-summit summit in Bath, and it’ll be live-streamed (for free). check out Derrick Broze and the conscious resistance website for details. and don’t believe for a moment that their plan is to create a better world for us all…